Welcome back to the second part of our 'catch-up' New Releases column this week. This installment looks at the New Releases that should be hitting games stores this week! Board games, card games, RPGs, Wargames, Miniatures and collectible games... hopefully something for everyone! In addition to the games hitting your local store we also look at a selection of RPG PDF releases from last week that we hope may be of interest. For more information about any of the physical products please contact your local games store.
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Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
Dungeons & Dragons Supplement
By Wizards of the Coast
Explore a wealth of new rules options for both players and Dungeon Masters in this supplement for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
The beholder Xanathar – Waterdeep’s most infamous crime lord – is known to hoard information on friend and foe alike. The beholder catalogs lore about adventurers and ponders methods to thwart them. Its twisted mind imagines that it can eventually record everything!
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything is the first major expansion for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, offering new rules and story options:
· Over twenty-five new subclasses for the character classes in the Player’s Handbook, including the Cavalier for the fighter, the Circle of Dreams for the druid, the Horizon Walker for the ranger, the Inquisitive for the rogue, and many more.
· Dozens of new spells, a collection of racial feats, and a system to give your character a randomized backstory.
· A variety of tools that provide Dungeon Masters fresh ways to use traps, magic items, downtime activities, and more – all designed to enhance a D&D campaign and push it in new directions.
Amid all this expansion material, Xanathar offers bizarre observations about whatever its eyestalks happen to glimpse. Pray they don’t come to rest on you.
Beauty and guile are in the eyes of the beholder!
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Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Limited Edition Alternate Cover
Dungeons & Dragons Supplement
By Wizards of the Coast
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything also comes in a limited edition format, exclusive to core hobby stores, featuring an alternative-art cover, beautifully illustrated by Hydro74.
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Ultimate Wilderness
Pathfinder Supplement
By Paizo
Answer the Call
Wild, untamed lands hold a wealth of mystery and danger, providing the perfect backdrop for heroic adventure. Whether adventurers are climbing mountains in search of a dragon's lair, carving their way through the jungle, or seeking a long-lost holy city covered by desert sands, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness gives them the tools to survive the wilds. A new 20-level base class, the shifter, puts animalistic powers into the hands—or claws—of player characters and villains alike, with new class features derived from animalistic attributes. Overviews of druidic sects and rituals, as well as new archetypes, character options, spells, and more, round out the latest contribution to the Pathfinder RPG rules!
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness is an invaluable hardcover companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an open playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.
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The Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection
Pathfinder Accessory
By Paizo
Key monsters and NPCs from the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path come alive on your tabletop with the Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection, featuring more than 100 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn presents a beautiful full-color image of a monster or NPC from the Ironfang Invasion campaign, including fey, hobgoblins, minions, and dozens of unique creatures. The Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection, together with the creatures and characters from the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box and NPC Codex Box collections, provides pawns for nearly every Ironfang Invasion encounter. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Bestiary Box collections, making the pawns easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With tons of distinct images, the Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection brings to life the enemies and allies from all six adventures of the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path.
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Sunken City
Pathfinder Flip-Mat
By Paizo
Find Sunken Treasure!
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Sunken City features environments perfectly suited for deadly encounters deep beneath the waves! One side shows the broken fragments of a wrecked ship resting among the crumbling remains of a flooded town, while the other displays the coral-choked towers of a long-lost drowned ruin. This portable, affordable map measures 24" × 30" unfolded and 8" × 10" folded. Designed for experienced GMs and novices alike, and usable with both dry erase and wet erase markers, Pathfinder Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal!
Get to the game faster with Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Sunken City, and be ready next time your players take the plunge!
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City in the Deep (Ruins of Azlant 4 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #124
By Paizo
Death in the Depths
On the trail of an ancient enemy, the heroes seek more information in a merfolk city teeming with intrigue just beneath the waves. They arrive to find a group of deep merfolk claiming that the city is in the path of a destructive sea monster. But this warning is nothing more than a ruse for the campaign's villain to uncover the location to a secret Azlanti military laboratory. The adventurers must carefully maneuver the social currents of the underwater city and unravel dangerous intrigue to get to the bottom of the merfolk's plot and discover where the ancient enemy is headed so they can stop it.
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path and includes:
· "City in the Deep," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 10th-level characters, by Amber E. Scott.
· A gazetteer of Talasantri, an underwater city populated by aquatic elves, merfolk, and other aquatic humanoids on the floor of the Arcadian Ocean, by Amber E. Scott.
· An ecology of the graceful and mysterious merfolk, by Amber E. Scott.
· An investigation into the reclusive elves of the Mordant Spire and a look at some of the tools they use when patrolling lost Azlant, by Mikko Kallio.
· A collection of dangerous monsters, by Alex Greenshields, Mark Moreland, Tim Nightengale, and Amber E. Scott.
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People of The Wastes
Pathfinder Player Companion
By Paizo
Dead Trees Give No Shelter
Life might be scarce in the barren corners of Golarion, but Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Wastes provides all the tools you need to become a master of wasteland domains. Whether your character is roaming the magic-singed lands of the Mana Wastes, the flooded fields of the Sodden Lands, the blighted depths of the Fangwood, or the demonic wilds of the Worldwound, this book offers advice, class options, and gear that allow her to survive and thrive where no hero ever should. Find the perfect trait for your wasteland-born character, or just the right archetype, feats, or spells to reflect her training in a harsh locale.
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Alien Archive Pawn Box
Starfinder Accessory
By Paizo
The extraterrestrial menaces of Starfinder Alien Archive come alive on your tabletop with this box-busting collection of more than 300 creature pawns for use with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop science fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn features a beautiful, full-color image of an alien from the Starfinder RPG's first collection of interplanetary threats and unique player-character races. These cardboard pawns slot into size-appropriate plastic bases, making it easy to mix them with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly encountered creatures and a handful of new foes to fight in starship combat, the Starfinder Alien Archive Pawn Box is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect characters to bring your Starfinder campaign to life!
Hundreds of aliens invade your tabletop! While creature pawns are broken out by base size, all starship pawns use medium bases.
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Denver 3: Ripping Reality
Shadowrun Adventure
By Catalyst Game Labs
The Denver sprawl has always been a battleground, but lately it seems to be at war with reality. People are disappearing from the streets, never to be seen again. Strange creatures are materializing out of nowhere, and sometimes they bring entire landscapes with them. Something has gone desperately wrong, and the stakes are so high that two enemies who had been locked in combat are setting aside their fight to find out what is happening and why.
If investigations into bizarre occurrences need to happen, then there are shadowruns to be done. The right team will have the chance to bring in an impressive payday, but they’ll have to navigate their way past old grudges, tainted magic, and creatures of pure destructive power waiting to be turned loose on the sprawl.
Building on plot strands from the previous Denver adventures, Serrated Edge and False Flag, Ripping Reality sends players on a wild ride through a sprawl that seems to be tearing itself apart, giving them a chance to try to keep it together.
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Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
Core Set
By Steve Jackson Games
Storm Dungeons, Slay Monsters, Seize Treasure
A fun hack 'n' slash campaign challenges unique heroes with clever dungeons. To get the most out of your fantasy adventures, you need a game that lets you customize and perfect characters, monsters, treasures, and traps.
That's where the ready-to-play Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game comes in. It harnesses the customizing power of the award-winning Generic Universal RolePlaying System (GURPS), and streamlines it so you have exactly what you need to take fully-realized characters on fantastic adventures.
Choose from 11 classic professions and nine races. Tailor your hero using quick-start templates and the time-tested GURPS point-build system. Gear up with a massive list of customizable armor and weapons. Pick from over 400 spells. Then battle foes chosen from more than 80 monsters.
All this power guarantees epic games in no time . . . starting with the new adventure that comes in the box!
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I’m A Guide
No Thank You Evil Supplement
By Monte Cook Games
I’m a Guide! is a hands-on, step-by-step kit for kids who are ready to take on the role of a Guide. Easy-to-follow instructions help kids run a simple adventure, learning along the way so they can go on to run more advanced stories, or even make up their own—and achieve a wild success at being a Guide! And that’s not all: You also get a bunch of great stuff for helping Guides explore Storia.
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Adventure Anthology
Atlantis, The Second Age Adventures
By Khepera Publishing
Four pulse-pounding adventures set in the time of savage swords and sorcery! A unique anthology that brings to life vivid tales of brutality, treachery, and brutal mayhem by several elite writers in the roleplaying industry.
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A9 – Beneath the Helm of Night
5th Edition Adventures
By Troll Lord Games
Hard roads bring the stout of heart to the Tower’s iron-bound gate. Whether brought here by the Vessel of Souls or by pure happenstance, the Tower, perched upon the edge of no-where, beckons, promising wealth and glory.
Flight brings your fall.
A mid-to-high-level adventure for a party of 3-6 characters. Play as stand-alone or part of a larger series.
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Shadows Under Devil’s Reef
Dungeon Crawl Classics 2017 Halloween Module
By Goodman Games
A raging storm has made the waters around Devil’s Reef impossible to navigate safely. The noble galleon, The Royal Dawn, has run aground and Princess Kaeko from faraway Fu-Lamia is now missing! Untold riches and glory await those who successfully find the princess and safely deliver her to Black Sand Port. As the greedy and ambitious adventurers set out to find the princess, their thoughts linger on the few Royal Dawn survivors that washed up on the beach with bodies that were corrupted by strange frog-like mutations. What kind of evil awaits the adventurers on that forbidden island?
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Grakk’s Rad Dice
Mutant Crawl Classics Accessory
By Goodman Games
Seasoned veteran of many a melee, Grakk knows how to bring the maximum pain to any hand-to-hand battle. This set of radioactive green dice has been blessed by the War AIs themselves to ensure maximum damage when rolled in any combat on Terra A.D.
Contained within this tube you will find these dice, ready for rolling on your table: D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D%10, D12, D14, D16, D20, D24, and D30.
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Kilra’s Glow Dice
Mutant Crawl Classics Accessory
By Goodman Games
Savage raider of the wastelands, Kilra knows when to push her luck and when to burn it. This set of glow-in-the-dark dice has already been exposed to the radiation and luck-enhancing quantum fields of Terra A.D.
Contained within this tube you will find these dice, ready for rolling on your table: D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D%10, D12, D14, D16, D20, D24, and D30.
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Conan RPG: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of
Core Rulebook
By Modiphius
Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of takes you into the world of Conan the Barbarian, where heroes raise blood-spattered swords against dire sorcery, exotic lands beckon to the daring, danger and treasure lurks in forgotten ruins, and where loathsome creatures haunt the spaces beneath the earth… as well as in the throne-rooms of mighty kingdoms!
Seek your fortune in forbidden tombs or upon blood-soaked battlefields. Cast dark and terrible spells of unimaginable power, at the price of your soul. Sail upon untamed seas to lands where no human in living memory has walked. Fight for the fate of civilization — or barbarism — on a savage frontier!
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Conan Player’s Guide
Conan RPG: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of Supplement
By Modiphius
The Player’s Guide to Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of takes you into the world of Conan the Barbarian, a place where astonishing heroes battle loathsome monsters, raise swords against dire sorcery, and travel to exotic and unknown lands!
Within these covers you’ll find all the information you need to create a wide range of characters, whether heroic barbarians, bold rogues, seasoned mercenaries, wise priests, stealthy archers, hardy nomads, or more!
The Conan Player's Guide is aimed at firmly at players of the game and contains content drawn entirely from the Conan Roleplaying game core book. If you own the core book, you don't need to purchase this book. GMs may wish to let their players and RPG groups know it is available though!
Create your own legend in the time before history!
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Player’s Dice Set
Conan RPG: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of Accessory
By Modiphius
The essential player's dice set for the Conan Adventures in an Age Undreamed of Roleplaying game. Roll the bones for your life by Crom! with this attractive set of dice which consists of:
2x Conan D20 Phoenix Dice
1x Conan Hit location dice
4x Combat Dice
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Star Trek Adventures RPG
Core Rulebook
By Modiphius
Star Trek Adventures takes you to the Final Frontier of the Galaxy, where new discoveries await keen explorers of Starfleet. Your duties may take you to the edges of known space, or to Federation colonies in need, to the borders of neighbouring galactic powers or into the eye of interstellar phenomena. Your ship and your crew epitomise the best Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets has to offer, and you are needed more than ever.
A new threat looms from across the Gamma Quadrant, as it is confirmed by Commander Sisko and his crew that the Dominion, led by the Founders, represent a significant threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Tension is already high in the region of Bajor and Deep Space 9, as the Maquis continue to act against the Cardassian-Federation peace treaty, with Captain Janeway and the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager preparing for their mission in the Badlands. It is a volatile time for the Federation and new crews have never been in higher demand.
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Star Trek Adventures RPG Collector’s Edition
Core Rulebook
By Modiphius
The Collectors Edition also comes with a folded map of the Alpha & Beta Quadrants.
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Command Red Custom Dice
Operations Gold Custom Dice
Sciences Blue Custom Dice
Star Trek Adventures Accessories
By Modiphius
These sets of Star Trek Adventures custom dice, from Q-Workshop, compliment any Star Trek roleplaying session. Each set contains:
• 3 twenty-sided dice in command division red with the Starfleet insignia on the ‘1’ face
• 4 six-sided dice for use as Combat Dice with the 2d20 system, featuring damage symbols on the 1 and 2 faces, and the Starfleet insignia on the 5 and 6 faces, representing Effects.
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Runequest Classic
Core Rulebook
By Chaosium
In July of 1978, the Origins Game Fair was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Over 3500 people attended what was the largest gaming convention in the US at that time. In the main hall gamers could pick up the latest games from all the major publishers: Cross of Iron by Avalon Hill, Atlantic Wall by SPI, and The Hall of the Fire Giant King module by TSR. In one small booth near a corner you could also purchase RuneQuest, the first Roleplaying game published by The Chaosium, a quirky 3 person company from the Bay Area. It sold out over the weekend, and every print run continued to do so for the next several years.
This is the second edition of the RuneQuest rules in its final form, with all errata incorporated into the text. Additional material has been added to the appendices at the end.
RuneQuest took the young world of roleplaying games by storm; it cast aside many of the approaches most other games took. It had no character classes, no experience points, no levels, and far fewer restrictions on how weapons, armor, and spells could be used. Instead of a D20 it uses a percentile 01-100 system. It also has the built-in fantasy world of Glorantha.
During what many consider to be the golden age of roleplaying, RuneQuest enjoyed its greatest popularity, second only to AD&D in sales. It won numerous awards, starting in 1978 with the Strategist’s Club Award for “Outstanding Miniatures Rules”, which may sound quirky, but that was because the industry had yet to create award categories specifically for roleplaying games.
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Torchbearer Setting
By Burning Wheel
There is a center to all things, and so it is with worlds. Between Hel and the Dry Lands, Aether and the Endless Ice, the Shining Realm, fair Alfheim and other worlds sits the world of mortal men and women. And the crossroads of all is the Middarmark: a harsh land of stark beauty concealing the crumbling bones of countless civilizations that have sought to tame it and failed.
The Middarmark is a setting supplement for Torchbearer inspired by Scandinavian myth and folktales. It's chock full of adventure ideas to give you a jumping off point for your campaigns, along with new settlements, legends of infamous lairs and harrowing places, details on the more popular Hero Cults of the Young Lords, and, of course, new spells, magic items, monsters and more!
Contend with the slave-taking pirates of the Skera Strait and the Kraken that preys upon those waters. Explore the Trollfjells for signs of the chaos cultists of the Jotunn Hrym and the terrifying Temple of Black Skulls dedicated to him. Follow the legends of Sigrun, Lady of Battles, to the fog-shrouded barrow downs in hope of winning her war-magic. Aid the elves who quest ceaselessly for the Tower of Seven Dreams where the Erlking holds the key to ending their long exile. Seek the fate of the fabled dwarven kingdom Nidavellir, near the gates of Hel. Adventure awaits!
The Middarmark opens new vistas of possibility for Torchbearer. Within you'll find nature descriptors and questions for six human tribes, a new class in the form of the human skald, rules for steadings (a new form of town), rules for how various weather conditions affect your adventurers and much more.
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Red Markets
Core Rulebook
By Hebanon Games
Red Markets is a tabletop RPG about economic horror.
In Red Markets, characters risk their lives trading between the massive quarantine zones containing a zombie outbreak and the remains of civilization. They are Takers: mercenary entrepreneurs unwilling to accept their abandonment. Bound together into competing crews, each seeks to profit from mankind’s near-extinction before it claims them. They must hustle, scheme, and scam as hard as they fight if they hope to survive the competing factions and undead hordes the GM throws at them.
Takers that are quick, clever, or brutal enough might live to see retirement in a safe zone, but many discover too late that the cycle of poverty proves harder to escape than the hordes of undead. Red Markets uses the traditional zombie genre to tell a story about surviving on the wrong end of the economy. It’s cut-throat capitalism with its knife on your neck.
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Orbis Mundi 2
Systemless Sourcebook
By Phalanx Games Design
Most fantasy role playing games use elements if the Middle Ages in their background ... but they provide little or nothing in the way of real background ... and what they do provide is generally anachronistic, misleading or downright wrong.
Orbis Mundi2 is a massive expansion of the information presented in the first edition and is intended to provide Game Masters and Players with a better understanding of key aspects of Medieval life – with more accurate and more up-to-date information based on deeper research than most RPG designers carry out.
The material inside includes chapters on –
* City & Country, covering the organisation and likely contents of Towns and Villages, Medieval Agriculture, the nature and contents of the Medieval countryside outside of settled areas and more.
* Kingdoms & Crowns, which deals with the Feudal System … not just the usual pastiche of the Anglo-Norman version but also including a detailed look at it and the French variant as well as some idea of how it worked in other areas of (mainly Western) Europe. Law & Justice is also covered – again, not just the Anglo-French ‘norm’, but some information about the rest of Europe, as is the complex issue of Money … and its regional variations.
* De Civitate Dei (‘The City of God’) looks at the main Medieval religions (and heresies) – Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam, how they were organised, what they believed, how they viewed each other and so forth.
* De Re Militari (‘On Military Matters’) covers military organisation, by region and ethnicity, the cost of warfare and logistical matters, Weapons and Armour, Castles and Sieges.
* Ars Mechanica (‘Mechanical Arts’) looks at the technological and business side of the medieval period (they didn’t really differentiate).
* Ars Scholastica (‘Scholastic Arts’) looks at the educational side of things – and what passed for the ‘scientific’ side as well, looking at everything from Reading & Writing through to University Education as well as Alchemy (Chemistry) and Medicine.
* Daily Life covers all those things that don’t fit elsewhere – how they thought and what they believed, Hygiene, Leisure activities, Names, Calendars and timekeeping, Weights and Measures and Heraldry
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Shaintar Anthology #4: Magic & Mysteries
Savage Worlds Supplement
By Savage Mojo
The first part of the anthology contains the 7 Black Lantern Reports. Here you'll find out all about the Black Lantern Society, how they're structured, what it takes to become a Brother and a number of secrets are revealed. Following are several reports filed by Brothers detailing places such as magical schools and guilds, mercenary companies, Red Store, the cult of the Dragon and so much more. Each report contains new informatin along with stats for gear, edges, hindrances, trappings and other interesting tidbits.
The rest of the anthology is devoted to Magic and Cosmology, Sean Patrick Fannon's definitive guide to magic in the realm of Starfall, where Shaintar is located. In it, you'll find all kinds of magical history and learn about the Starfather, what happened to his empire and the plan that was put in play to create the covenants and save Shaintar when the spire was shattered. You'll also learn about the Paths, the Ascended tied to each path along with new trappings, blessings and how certain gifts work.
This book provides a great deal of background information, items, magic, trapings and much more. For Lantern Brothers, this book is a must read, giving them some choices: which spoke to belong to, rank structures, how reports are made and the history in Magic and Cosmology hints at where the Lanterns are headed.
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Swamp of Secrets
Swords & Wizardry/OSR Mini Dungeon
By Creations’ Edge Games
For 4-6 Adventurers of Levels 5-7.
It's easy to lose your way in Evermoor Swamp. Luckily one can always stop into Boggy Pete's Outfitters for a map. Problem is, those that do have about as much chance of making it out of the swamp as those who don’t...
Swamp of Secrets is part of a series of mini-dungeons designed to drop into existing adventures or campaigns. Use them as side quests or a way of getting in a quick adventure when you’re short on time.
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Small Book of Sci-Fi Weapons
Multi-system Sourcebook
By FeralGamersInc
A Selection of 30 Sci-Fi Weapons that can be used with many of todays more popular game systems.
Each weapon has stats for:
Savage Worlds
The Zombie Squad
And many can be adapted for most D20 and D6 systems available.
So if you are lacking weapons in your game world or just want to add something fresh to your vendors stock, then the Small Book of Sci-Fi Weapons has you covered.
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The Player’s Guide
Mindjammer Supplement
By Modiphius
Citizens of the Commonality
It’s a time of adventure, a time of opportunity! A time for humankind itself to change! Join us, in the hyperadvanced worlds of the Core or the chaos and conflict of the Fringe, and reach for the stars! No one knows what the future will bring—but in the pages of this book every agent of the Commonality will find what they need to survive and thrive in the Rediscovery of Humankind.
The Mindjammer Player’s Guide is a rules book for Mindjammer—The Roleplaying Game, intended exclusively for the use of players.
It contains:
-All the rules you need to create and play characters in the Mindjammer universe. You can even play a sentient starship!
-Descriptions and histories of the New Commonality of Humankind.
-New starmaps, homeworlds, and genotypes of Commonality Space.
-Rules for the Mindscape and virtual worlds.
Charge your blaster, thoughtcast your orders to the starship sentience, and fire up the planing engines. Come and defend the light of humanity’s greatest civilisation as it spreads to the stars. The universe awaits!
Note that while it does contain some new content, the Mindjammer Player's Guide reiterates much of the material of the Mindjammer - The Roleplaying Game Core book. You don't need the Player's Guide if you already have that book - although your players may love a copy!
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Systemless Setting
By As If Productions
Imagine the World in 100 Years.
Nine authors collaborated to envision a “Smart City” of the first world 100 years in the future, exploring trends like ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, biotech, anti-aging and green technologies - alongside corporate governance and social upheaval. "UbiquiCity" is a work of interwoven fiction that might turn out to be very real.
Enter the Augmented Future.
It is the dawn of the 22nd century, and in the sprawling metropolis known as “UbiquiCity,” the most wealthy and powerful districts possess all the latest in smart technology, with every building, device and control system connected via the Internet Of Things.
The world is augmented and identity is fluid. Satellite-guided cars drive themselves. Busy drones fill the skies. Cloud-assisted bots perform once-human jobs. Appliances, vehicles, buildings, media devices, products, streetlights, roadsigns and even toilets communicate electronically, all under the watchful eye of the AI CitySystem. For the inhabitants of the UbiComp zones, life is sweet.
But not everyone in the city is so blessed.
Where is technology taking us? Who will we be when we get there? Short stories by Niko Carcosa, Antony Copeland, Tod Davies, Tod Foley, DeAnna Knippling, SL Koch, Shariann Lewitt, Adrian McCauley, and T Reynolds paint a picture of a realistic future city where ubiquitous computing is the source of world-changing innovation, renovation and social disruption.
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Arms of the Chosen
Exalted Supplement
By Onyx Path Publishing
Take up the panoply of legendary heroes and lost ages, and awaken the world-shaking might of their Evocations. Before the dawn of time, the Exalted wielded god-metal blades to cast down the makers of the universe. In an ancient epoch of forgotten glories, Creationís greatest artificers forged unimaginable wonders and miracle-machines.
Now, in the Age of Sorrows, kingdoms go to war over potent artifacts, scavenger princes risk everything to uncover relics of the past, and the Exalted forge great arms and armor on the anvil of legend. These treasures are yours to master.
Discover the mystical power of the five magical materials and the secrets of creating your own Evocations. Wield weapons of fabled might and don the armor of mythic heroes, making their puissance your own. Claim Creationís wonders: the miraculous tools of the Chosen, living automatons, flying machines, hearthstones, and more. And unleash the mighty warstriders, titanic god-engines of conquest and devastation, to once more shake Creation with their footfalls.
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Close Encounters: Onyx Station
Starfinder Supplement
By Fat Goblin Games
We’re going to die here… and no one will hear us scream.
A derelict space station that disappeared fifty years ago has reappeared. Only a few of the original inhabitants remain, with the rest being mutated into hideous aberrations, transformed into undead beasts, or forcibly evolved into sentient plants. What’s more is that a few of the monsters now roaming the halls of Onyx Station weren't here, to begin with...
Close Encounters: Onyx Station introduces brand new rules for 12 of these creatures, from the soul-draining shadowsludge to the monstrous columns of flesh! Also included are 9 traps and hazards that can be found aboard the station, as well as 2 brand new ships! These rules are meant as a campaign toolkit for GMs handling players from levels 1 to 10.
Close Encounters is a line of Starfinder Roleplaying Game compatible books from Fat Goblin Games filled with a ready-made encounter and numerous plot hooks and adventure seeds for Gamemasters to quickly adapt for their own tables. Each book includes fully statted monsters and NPCs for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, sometimes all new, sometimes adapted from other game systems, sometimes both.
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GURPS Basic Set: Characters
Core Rulebook
By Steve Jackson Games
SJG have started uploaded a host of GURPS rulebooks and supplements on to DriveThruRPG.
GURPS is the most flexible roleplaying system ever created. With just this book, you can adventure in any world you can imagine. Use all types of weapons from clubs to lasers . . . magic and martial arts . . . psionics and superpowers.
Create exactly the character you want to play . . . your favorite fictional hero, or your own invention. Choose from over 400 advantages and disadvantages, over 350 skills, spells, and techniques. Customize your character with individual perks and quirks, and you're ready to go.
No more switching game systems when you change campaigns! GURPS gives you one set of clear, comprehensive rules to cover any background. This new Fourth Edition is based on 16 years of gamer feedback from the Third Edition, and is faster and easier to play than ever before.
GURPS makes the Game Master's job easy and fun. All rules are carefully organized, indexed, and cross-referenced. Charts and tables are clear and legible. And to help you introduce new players to the system, there's a "Quick Start" section which covers the basics in a few pages.
This is Book 1 of the two-volume Basic Set. Only this book is necessary to play. Game Masters, and players wanting more detail, will find Book 2 valuable.
GURPS Characters is the companion book to GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns. The two provide everything you need to play or run a GURPS campaign.
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Khan of Khans
2-5 players, ages 9+, 15-25+ minutes
By Chaosium
Fast-paced family game by Reiner Knizia, set in Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha. Players are khans of different fantastical tribes on the Plains of Prax, each riding a unique animal that confers special abilities. Everyone attempts to amass the biggest herd, meanwhile fighting off enemy magic, stampedes and attempts by other players to steal their cows.
Each player chooses a Khan to play, and receives a set number of corral tiles (depending on the number of players in the game). Each Khan has a different special ability. For example, the Morokanth player gets one extra Corral tile, and the High Llama player can sneak one cow card into each of their corrals after the gate has been closed.
Players take turns to raid different locations, drawing cards from 10 different stacks. Each stack contains the cards, in random order: 1 x 100, 2 x 50 and 1 x 20 Cows, a Stampede card (discard highest value cow card), an Enemy Magic card (discard all cow cards), a Tribal Champion card (protects against Enemy Magic), and a Waha's Blessing card worth 20 cows, which a player can swap for another player's Cow card.
Each players' cow cards are placed face-up in front them as their herd. Instead of drawing, on their turn a player can corral their cows. Corralled cows are safe, but each corral can only be opened once in a game. Uncorraled cows count towards the final score at the end of the game, but remain at risk of Stampedes, Enemy Magic and Waha's Blessings. Because each player has a limited number of corrals, a key element of the game is deciding when to corral them. The player with the most cows—including those in corrals and in their herd—at the end of the game is the winner and acclaimed "Khan of Khans".
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The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31
4-8 players, ages 17+, 60-120+ minutes
By Mondo
It is the start of the bleak, desolate Antarctic winter when a group of NSF researchers manning the claustrophobic, isolated U.S. Outpost 31 comes into contact with a hostile extraterrestrial lifeform. Bent on assimilating Earth's native species, this being infiltrates the facility — creating a perfect imitation of one of the Outpost 31 crew. The staff frantically begin a sweep of the base, desperate to purge this alien infection before escaping to warn McMurdo Station that somewhere, out there in the frigid darkness, something horrible is waiting.
In the hidden identity game The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31, you will relive John Carpenter's sci-fi cult classic in a race to discover who among the team has been infected by this heinous lifeform. Play as one of twelve characters as you lead a series of investigations through the facility using supplies and equipment to clear the building. The tension mounts and paranoia ensues as you question who you can trust in the ultimate race to save humanity!
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Pulsar 2849
2-4 players, ages 14+, 60-90+ minutes
By Czech Games Edition
It is the year 2849, one millennium after the Gold Rush, and the mining of raw materials has reached a whole new level. Humankind has successfully tested the first Stellar Mirror and harnessed enough power from a Pulsar to open the first space gate.
A New Era has just begun...
Draft dice to explore the universe in Pulsar 2849. Each round, roll dice based on the number of players, sort them based on their values, then draft dice to take actions, such as adding another spaceship to your fleet or visiting (or flying through) an unexplored star system or tagging a pulsar with one of your identity rings or advancing on your personal tech track, which differs from those of other players. At the end of the round, the turn marker advances based on the dice rolled that turn, and when the marker reaches the end of the track, the game ends.
Players score points each round based on what they've discovered and explored, and everyone has hidden goals that they want to achieve, while also trying to claim the right to public goals that supply additional endgame scoring.
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2-4 players, ages 14+, 60+ minutes
By Libellud
Mid-22nd century, after 300 years of unconsciousness, the water rising engulfs the last emerged lands. Fighting for their lives, the survivor’s settlements must remain above the sea level. You live in the Otys colony and you must retrieve the past civilizations debris in the depths to build the future of humanity.
Your diver’s team is trained to bring up the most useful materials remaining in the depths. You need to use them wisely to fulfill the contracts offered by the Colony and thus obtain more notoriety than your contenders. Your divers lay at different depths; it is up to you to best match their special abilities with the bonuses offered by the Colony. But beware! Your diver’s oxygen is limited, and as soon as they have accomplished their mission, they must go up to the surface. Try to manage all the parameters of your team in a profitable way, so the Colony will reward you more than it will the others!
Otys is an optimization and development game co-published by Pearl Games and Libellud. Optimize your game in order to match the depth of your divers, their special abilities and the Colony bonuses. That is how you will supply the best contracts and win.
The future is built from the past...
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Estrella Drive
T.I.M.E. Stories Expansion
By Space Cowboys
In Hollywood, the ghosts of the past never sleep! Embark on your next adventure into the past with Estrella Drive, the sixth expansion for T.I.M.E Stories. Like all T.I.M.E Stories adventures, you and your fellow players are members of the T.I.M.E. Agency, sent to investigate a disruption to the Time Stream. This time, you and your fellow agents are sent to 1982 to investigate a temporal anomaly in a supposedly haunted Hollywood mansion.
Please note that Estrella Drive is recommended for mature audiences as certain themes within this adventure may be objectionable to younger players.
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The Unspeakable Oath Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games
It was always going to come to this… You're finally headed to the asylum.
The Unspeakable Oath is the second Mythos Pack in "The Path to Carcosa" cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, and it carries you deep into the belly of Arkham's asylum. You’ll find yourself behind locked doors, wracked by Doubt, and surrounded by Lunatics. And, still, you'll catch hints of deeper and darker secrets.
And while its scenario continues and deepens the game's exploration of the mystical realms between the traditional roleplaying and card game experiences, its twenty-four player cards (two copies each of twelve different cards) provide you access to a number of wealthy Patrons and allow you to "learn" from your mistakes.
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The Archmaester’s Key Chapter Pack
A Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Edition Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games
The great battles of the War of the Five Kings have temporarily ceased, but the game of thrones is far from over. The Archmaester's Key is the first expansion of the "Flight of Crows" cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, and as the name implies, this cycle follows the key events of A Feast for Crows. The bestow keyword gathers strength, while other new cards provide incentives for the Great Houses to use Banners to work together.
With iconic characters like Daario Naharis and Mag the Mighty, The Archmaester's Key is the perfect beginning to a new cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game!
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Into the Forbidden City Dynasty Pack
Legend of the Five Rings LCG Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games
Expand your Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game collection with Into the Forbidden City, the third Dynasty Pack of the "Imperial Cycle"!
Each of the seven Great Clans receives new cards that continue to embrace and define the themes that began in the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game. Along the way, you'll find a great assortment of cards focused on the Imperial City of Otosan Uchi. From neutral samurai sworn to the Imperial family, to Imperial magistrates from each of the Great Clans, to rewards for holding the Imperial Favor, this cycle draws you into the world of Otosan Uchi and the service of the Emperor.
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Hell’s Vengeance Character Deck 2
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Expansion
By Paizo
The Height of Evil!
A second helping of evil awaits you in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Hell's Vengeance Character Deck 2, featuring three new evil characters from the popular Adventure Path. This 109-card accessory for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game gives your game the cards you need to ruin the day of any paladin on the block. These scurrilous characters can be played in any Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Base Set or in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play campaign!
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2-4 players, ages 8+, 30-45+ minutes
By Plan B
Introduced by the Moors, azulejos (originally white and blue ceramic tiles) were fully embraced by the Portuguese when their king Manuel I, on a visit to the Alhambra palace in Southern Spain, was mesmerized by the stunning beauty of the Moorish decorative tiles. The king, awestruck by the interior beauty of the Alhambra, immediately ordered that his own palace in Portugal be decorated with similar wall tiles. As a tile-laying artist, you have been challenged to embellish the walls of the Royal Palace of Evora.
In the game Azul, players take turns drafting colored tiles from suppliers to their player board. Later in the round, players score points based on how they've placed their tiles to decorate the palace. Extra points are scored for specific patterns and completing sets; wasted supplies harm the player's score. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
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CN Crossover Crisis Animation Annihilation
2-4 players, ages 12+, 30-45+ minutes
By Cryptozoic
The calamity continues with the latest Cartoon Network Crossover Crisis game! Animation Annihilation is a standalone game and 100% compatible with 2016's Cartoon Network Crossover Crisis Deck-Building Game. New to the party are heroes and rivals from Cartoon Network's past and present hit shows like Powerpuff Girls, Adventure Time, Uncle Grandpa, Cow and Chicken, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, and Ed, Edd n Eddy.
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King’s Road
2-5 players, ages 10+, 30+ minutes
By Grail Games
King's Road, the players are nobles who are attempting to gain power and influence within the king's many provinces. As the king travels along the road that connects all the major landmarks within his territory, he will allow the most influential noble in each region to govern in his stead. Over time, the most favored noble will win the game.
King's Road is an area-majority game. Each player has identical decks of eleven cards. On a turn, players simultaneously select the three cards they will play, and in what order. To win, players not only have to influence the king as he traverses the land, but attempt to read the minds of their opponents.
King's Road reimplements the game Imperium, previously only available within game compendiums.
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Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodamaas
1-8 players, ages 14+, 30+ minutes
By Indie Boards & Cards
The enchanted forest of the kodama is flourishing. But with so much growth, the ancient paths to the sanctuaries within have become overgrown and lost. Now the forest guardians call upon you, their loyal kodama, to restore these paths. Help your kodama build these paths, gather offerings for the guardians, and win their favor.
Kokoro is an exciting family game that can be played with up to six players (with a stretch goal to expand to more)! Each player has a forest map to draw their paths and turns are simultaneous so the game plays quickly. Connecting your sanctuaries to offerings will gain you favor. Choose wisely because you never know exactly when the sanctuary will score. And you shouldn't be too greedy, if a sanctuary is not connected to more offerings than your previous sanctuary, you lose points!
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Rayguns and Rocketships
2-4 players, ages 12+, 90+ minutes
Welcome to a galaxy of adventure!
In the frozen heart of space lies a fantastic galaxy of planets populated by space-faring factions called Planeteers, who wage a never-ending battle of Rayguns and Rocketships. Some seek action like the brash Astro-Rangers, others desire riches like the fearsome Star Pirates. Some planeteers will to conquer like the horrible alien Blaarg or hunger for honor like the reptilian Zard. Which Planeteers will be the master of the galaxy? That's up to you!
Rayguns and Rocketships is an action strategy game inspired by the sci-fi classics of the pulp era. The game features fast-paced strategy, pulse-pounding action and over 32 original miniatures!
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Attack of the Kaiju
2-6 players, ages 14+, 60+ minutes
By WildFire LLC
It's an old-fashioned, black and white, giant monster movie throwdown!
Take control of your very own giant monster to defeat other kaiju and level the city. Evade military forces and lure your opponents into the line of fire. Carefully manage your Power to optimize the destruction, which earns you even more Power in following rounds.
Game play is fast and strategic. Luck is a factor but success is more a result of careful planning and strict resource management.
Topple buildings, defeat the military, complete each turn's objectives, and pick fights with other kaiju to earn Victory. This determines turn order in each round, and the player responsible for the most overall devastation wins the game.
Attack of the Kaiju may be played with teams or as a free-for-all match. Length of play is flexible. A basic three-round game takes about an hour. The double-sided game board allows for basic and advanced play, and unique kaiju abilities vary the action.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Showdown: Bebop & Rocksteady Madness
2-6 players, ages 10+, 45+ minutes
TMNT Showdown: Bebop & Rocksteady Madness! places the Turtles in their most precarious situation yet! This tile-laying smash ’em up has players racing to the finish as either the Turtles or two of their deadliest foes: Bebop and Rocksteady.
Game designers Adrian Adamescu (Mine All Mines) and Daryl Andrews (Back to The Future: OUTATIME) have created an epic battle for survival that takes 2–6 players through a high-powered adventure in the sewers of NYC. The Turtles will have to use their intimate knowledge of the sewers in a quest to save their friends while out maneuvering the threat that is hot on their heels. Making a wrong turn could spell doom for the Turtles and their friends, or they may team up in order to overcome Bebop and Rocksteady. Plan, Place, Move, Attack, and Rescue your way to victory in TMNT Showdown: Bebop & Rocksteady Madness!
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Planet of the Apes
1-4 players, ages 14+, 60-120+ minutes
Planet of the Apes puts 1-4 players on a crash course with feral foes, deadly environments, and unbridled psychological horror! In an innovative twist on the cooperative board game genre, each player takes control of one aspect of Colonel George Taylor's psyche, and must work together to survive the Planet of the Apes!
Starting with the classic film, Planet of the Apes follows the plot of the original movie and promises players a thrilling adventure in an unknown land!
Designed by Richard Launius, the creator of Arkham Horror, perfect for players who love games, or just want a new way to enjoy the films. Planned as the first in a series of games based on the classic series of films.
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Daemona Trilogy: Subrose
2-5 players, ages 12+, 30-45+ minutes
Daemon Trilogy: Subrosa is a card-drafting skirmish game in which players compete to fulfill contracts and gain the most influence in the Empire.
This title is the first in a series of app-enhanced, campaign-style card games. Subrosa takes you along the story of power, control, and double-dealings in a battle of supremacy between the five great houses. Recruit mercenaries from your hand to take on and fulfill contracts. These contracts collect you influence and (perhaps eventually) control of the Empire. Team up with allies for mutual protection or stealthily egg on your opponent's quarrel. How to win is up to you, but remember to keep your enemies close, and your friends even closer.
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Sword Art Online: Sword of Fellows
1-4 players, ages 10+, 30+ minutes
By Japanime
In Sword Art Online Board Game: Sword of Fellows — a game based on the Sword Art Online anime — players must cooperate and use dice to take down monsters and survive.
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2-4 players, ages 14+, 5-15+ minutes
By Keymaster Games
In Control, players are time travelers who have been caught in a rupture in spacetime and displaced outside time. You must use Fuel Cells (the cards) to refuel your time machine or stop other players from refueling theirs first.
To escape the rupture, you must reach a Fuel Cell Charge of 21 or more on your Installed Fuel Cells at the end of your turn. Whoever does so first closes the rupture, leaving the other travelers lost outside time.
During your turn, you choose to either draw a card, install a Fuel Cell in your area of play, burn a Fuel Cell to the discard pile, or defuse an opponent's Fuel Cell. The Fuel Cell Charge on cards ranges from 1–10 and different abilities on Fuel cells make for changing strategies and multiple lines of play.
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Campy Creatures
2-5 players, ages 10+, 20-30+ minutes
By Keymaster Games
Players are mad scientist in need of precious mortals for future experiments. Rather than getting your hands dirty, your army of campy creatures awaits to do your bidding. Capture the most valuable mortals over the course of three nights to win. But be warned — the mortals won't go down without a fight.
Campy Creatures is a ghoulish game of bluffing, deduction, and set collection for 2-5 players. Players begin each round with the same hand of creatures. Their goal is to capture valuable mortals by outguessing their opponents with the creatures they play. Each player has perfect information at the start, so knowing what a person might do in a particular situation is key.
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Doctor Who Fluxx
2-6 players, ages 8+, 5-30+ minutes
By Looney Labs
Fluxx is a card game in which the cards themselves determine the current rules of the game. By playing cards, you change numerous aspects of the game: how to draw cards, how to play cards, and even how to win.
At the start of the game, each player holds three cards and on a turn a player draws one card, then plays one card. By playing cards, you can put new rules into play that change numerous aspects of the game: how many cards to draw or play, how many cards you can hold in hand or keep on the table in front of you, and (most importantly) how to win the game.
Doctor Who Fluxx takes the basic gameplay of Fluxx and merges it with multiple regenerations of the Doctor, various companions, Gallifreyan technology, K-9, Cybermen, Daleks, Weeping Angels, and the Master.
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Eye of the Abyss
Dungeon Saga Expansion
By Mantic
Welcome to The Eye of the Abyss, an expansion box for Mantic Games’ hugely popular Dungeon Saga game. Within this expansion you’ll find a whole host of exciting new adventures to take your gaming and dungeon exploring to new levels, including a brand new adventure that ties in with the events and heroes of the Kings of War Edge of the Abyss Campaign. This set includes five single-piece heroes, with push-fit bases for gaming. You’ll also find all of the cards and rules to use these new heroes in your games of Dungeon Saga and a second campaign featuring the heroes of Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest!
So strike the flint and light your lantern adventurer, for fame and glory await you once more!
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Necromunda Underhive
Miniature Wargame Core Set
By Games Workshop
Get ready for a new generation of war in the underhive. Necromunda: Underhive, a reworking of the 1995 title Necromunda, is packed with content to get you started: a full board representing the sewers and confines of the underhive, a rulebook, character cards, templates, dice, and your gangs.
There are two full gangs in the box: one set of nimble warrior-women from House Escher and one set of gene-crafted brutes from House Goliath. Each of these miniatures is detailed, characterful, and true to the classic spirit of Necromunda — hairstyles and all! These gangs are multi-part kits, with an enormous level of customization. There are weapons for any situation, from classics like the stub gun to more esoteric choices like the repurposed industrial equipment of House Goliath or the chem-weapons of the Eschers.
The set's gaming tiles and simple bulkhead scenery allow you to play games quickly and easily. As well as the underhive style of play covered by the boxed set, there will also be ways to play Necromunda with the multi-level skirmishes that defined the classic version of the game.
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Gang War
Necromunda Underhive Supplement
By Games Workshop
Necromunda: Gang War is a set of rules that allow the players to use 3D terrain in their games, bringing a literal new dimension to their battles, as well as an incredibly detailed campaign system in which 2-6 (or more!) players develop their gangs, fight for territory, and dominate the other Houses.
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Goliath Gang
Necromunda Underhive Miniatures
By Games Workshop
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Escher Gang
Necromunda Underhive Miniatures
By Games Workshop
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Goliath Gang Cards
Necromunda Underhive Accessory
By Games Workshop
Necromunda: Underhive contains a number of Tactics cards, which can be used to represent the myriad tricks and schemes employed by the gangs. Expand your games of Necromunda: Underhive – whichever gang you play – with this set of 26 extra cards. Included:
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Escher Gang Cards
Necromunda Underhive Accessory
By Games Workshop
Necromunda: Underhive contains a number of Tactics cards, which can be used to represent the myriad tricks and schemes employed by the gangs. Expand your games of Necromunda: Underhive – whichever gang you play – with this set of 26 extra cards.
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Post-apocalyptic vehicle rules
By Osprey
Shoot, ram, skid and loot your way through the ruins of civilisation with Gaslands, a tabletop wargame of car-on-car destruction in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Players control small fleets of armed vehicles in battles for resources, dominance and survival. With rules for multiple vehicle types (from motorbikes to big rigs), varied special weapons and accessories (including oil slicks, caltrops and nitro boosters), and a host of options for scenarios, environmental conditions, crew and campaigns, players can tailor games to match their own visions for an anarchic future.
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The Road to Berlin
Bolt Action Supplement
By Warlord Games
As the Allies advance towards Germany, they face dogged resistance from the hard-pressed German forces. Take command of the Allies in their final push to end the war in Europe, or hold fast as the German defenders as the fight is brought to your door. This new Campaign Book for Bolt Action offers new linked scenarios, rules, troop types and Theatre Selectors, and provides plenty of options for novice and veteran players alike.
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WYR20138 The Jury
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20245 Asura Roten (3)
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20349 Kandara
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20440 Grootslang
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20538 Midnight Stalker
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20641 Wrastlers (3)
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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280187-0640 Intel Spec-Ops (Grunt version)
Infinity Miniature
By Corvus Belli
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280295-0672 Jeanne d’Arc (Multi Rifle)
Infinity Miniature
By Corvus Belli
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280397-0682 Hac Tao Special Unit (Hacker/HMG)
Infinity Miniature
By Corvus Belli
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280490-0665 Hassassin Muyibs (4)
Infinity Miniatures
By Corvus Belli
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280686-0681 Avatar TAG (2)
Infinity Miniatures
By Corvus Belli
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280725-0666 Joe “Scarface” Turner, Mercenary AG Pilot
Infinity Miniature
By Corvus Belli
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Andrea Prison Sniper Booster
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures
By Mantic
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Glenn Prison Guard Booster
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures
By Mantic
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Maggie Prison Defender Booster
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures
By Mantic
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Morgan Distraught Father Booster
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures
By Mantic
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Deluxe Prison Grounds Mat
The Walking Dead All Out War Accessory
By Mantic
This set contains a deluxe 20" by 20" neoprene gaming mat. One side has highly detailed artwork to represent the Meriwether County Correctional Facility, while the other has a slip-resistant bottom to keep your games of The Walking Dead: All Out War in place on the table. The mat is designed to tessellate with the other deluxe The Walking Dead mats for use in larger games.
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The War of Jenkins’ Ear
Strategy & Tactics #308 (Wargame & Magazine)
By Decision Games
The War of Jenkins’ Ear is a theater-wide operational two-player game that simulates that last great clash between the English and Spanish empires in the Caribbean during the mid-1700's. Before the American Revolution, control of the Caribbean was to be decisive considering the lucrative commodities that were available to be traded in the West Indies, and this game pits the superior naval might of the English against the long-established Spanish fortified settlements throughout the Caribbean. Though presented as a strategic setting, the game's combat mechanics are operational in scope and so every individual ship-of-line is included, every unit, and even the prominent admirals and leaders that fought during this little-known war.
The War of Jenkins Ear is every bit as much a land game as it is a naval game, and players must manage production, defenses of their ports, and contend with the weather and the treacherous sea.
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Magic The Gathering: Explorers of Ixalan
2-4 players, ages 13+, 30+ minutes
By Wizards of the Coast
Explorers of Ixalan is an out-of-the-box multiplayer Magic set, that challenges you to defeat your opponents along the way as you search for the lost city of Orazca. It combines board game elements with regular play. Though thematically themed to Ixalan, the set is not considered to be part of the Ixalan block.
This set contains four 60-card preconstructed theme decks (all reprints), 4 deck boxes, 10 double-sided tokens, 50 game tiles (water and jungle, forming an island), 36 counter pieces and 4 scout markers (depicting the factions). Games take about 40 to 45 minutes and can support 2 to 4 players.
Players battle over a board of hexagonal tiles they may claim by paying the amount of mana shown on the back face. Each tile then reveals either an event for an immediate effect, a quest for a reward on completion, or a site that grants a continuous effect but can be stolen by other players. The more tiles revealed, the closer the players get to revealing the Golden City of Orazca. The pool of tiles (50) is larger than the number that are actually used each game (29), so some variation occurs.
The set contains 47 reprints (numbered #1/47 to #47/47) and one token with the Explorers of Ixalan expansion symbol. The other cards are Ixalan cards with the Ixalan expansion symbol.
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From the Vault: Transform
Magic The Gathering Expansion
By Wizards of the Coast
The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.
Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.
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Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
Dungeons & Dragons Supplement
By Wizards of the Coast
Explore a wealth of new rules options for both players and Dungeon Masters in this supplement for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
The beholder Xanathar – Waterdeep’s most infamous crime lord – is known to hoard information on friend and foe alike. The beholder catalogs lore about adventurers and ponders methods to thwart them. Its twisted mind imagines that it can eventually record everything!
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything is the first major expansion for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, offering new rules and story options:
· Over twenty-five new subclasses for the character classes in the Player’s Handbook, including the Cavalier for the fighter, the Circle of Dreams for the druid, the Horizon Walker for the ranger, the Inquisitive for the rogue, and many more.
· Dozens of new spells, a collection of racial feats, and a system to give your character a randomized backstory.
· A variety of tools that provide Dungeon Masters fresh ways to use traps, magic items, downtime activities, and more – all designed to enhance a D&D campaign and push it in new directions.
Amid all this expansion material, Xanathar offers bizarre observations about whatever its eyestalks happen to glimpse. Pray they don’t come to rest on you.
Beauty and guile are in the eyes of the beholder!
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Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Limited Edition Alternate Cover
Dungeons & Dragons Supplement
By Wizards of the Coast
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything also comes in a limited edition format, exclusive to core hobby stores, featuring an alternative-art cover, beautifully illustrated by Hydro74.
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Ultimate Wilderness
Pathfinder Supplement
By Paizo
Answer the Call
Wild, untamed lands hold a wealth of mystery and danger, providing the perfect backdrop for heroic adventure. Whether adventurers are climbing mountains in search of a dragon's lair, carving their way through the jungle, or seeking a long-lost holy city covered by desert sands, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness gives them the tools to survive the wilds. A new 20-level base class, the shifter, puts animalistic powers into the hands—or claws—of player characters and villains alike, with new class features derived from animalistic attributes. Overviews of druidic sects and rituals, as well as new archetypes, character options, spells, and more, round out the latest contribution to the Pathfinder RPG rules!
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness is an invaluable hardcover companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an open playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.
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The Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection
Pathfinder Accessory
By Paizo
Key monsters and NPCs from the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path come alive on your tabletop with the Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection, featuring more than 100 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn presents a beautiful full-color image of a monster or NPC from the Ironfang Invasion campaign, including fey, hobgoblins, minions, and dozens of unique creatures. The Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection, together with the creatures and characters from the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box and NPC Codex Box collections, provides pawns for nearly every Ironfang Invasion encounter. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Bestiary Box collections, making the pawns easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With tons of distinct images, the Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection brings to life the enemies and allies from all six adventures of the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path.
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Sunken City
Pathfinder Flip-Mat
By Paizo
Find Sunken Treasure!
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Sunken City features environments perfectly suited for deadly encounters deep beneath the waves! One side shows the broken fragments of a wrecked ship resting among the crumbling remains of a flooded town, while the other displays the coral-choked towers of a long-lost drowned ruin. This portable, affordable map measures 24" × 30" unfolded and 8" × 10" folded. Designed for experienced GMs and novices alike, and usable with both dry erase and wet erase markers, Pathfinder Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal!
Get to the game faster with Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Sunken City, and be ready next time your players take the plunge!
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City in the Deep (Ruins of Azlant 4 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #124
By Paizo
Death in the Depths
On the trail of an ancient enemy, the heroes seek more information in a merfolk city teeming with intrigue just beneath the waves. They arrive to find a group of deep merfolk claiming that the city is in the path of a destructive sea monster. But this warning is nothing more than a ruse for the campaign's villain to uncover the location to a secret Azlanti military laboratory. The adventurers must carefully maneuver the social currents of the underwater city and unravel dangerous intrigue to get to the bottom of the merfolk's plot and discover where the ancient enemy is headed so they can stop it.
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path and includes:
· "City in the Deep," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 10th-level characters, by Amber E. Scott.
· A gazetteer of Talasantri, an underwater city populated by aquatic elves, merfolk, and other aquatic humanoids on the floor of the Arcadian Ocean, by Amber E. Scott.
· An ecology of the graceful and mysterious merfolk, by Amber E. Scott.
· An investigation into the reclusive elves of the Mordant Spire and a look at some of the tools they use when patrolling lost Azlant, by Mikko Kallio.
· A collection of dangerous monsters, by Alex Greenshields, Mark Moreland, Tim Nightengale, and Amber E. Scott.
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People of The Wastes
Pathfinder Player Companion
By Paizo
Dead Trees Give No Shelter
Life might be scarce in the barren corners of Golarion, but Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Wastes provides all the tools you need to become a master of wasteland domains. Whether your character is roaming the magic-singed lands of the Mana Wastes, the flooded fields of the Sodden Lands, the blighted depths of the Fangwood, or the demonic wilds of the Worldwound, this book offers advice, class options, and gear that allow her to survive and thrive where no hero ever should. Find the perfect trait for your wasteland-born character, or just the right archetype, feats, or spells to reflect her training in a harsh locale.
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Alien Archive Pawn Box
Starfinder Accessory
By Paizo
The extraterrestrial menaces of Starfinder Alien Archive come alive on your tabletop with this box-busting collection of more than 300 creature pawns for use with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop science fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn features a beautiful, full-color image of an alien from the Starfinder RPG's first collection of interplanetary threats and unique player-character races. These cardboard pawns slot into size-appropriate plastic bases, making it easy to mix them with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly encountered creatures and a handful of new foes to fight in starship combat, the Starfinder Alien Archive Pawn Box is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect characters to bring your Starfinder campaign to life!
Hundreds of aliens invade your tabletop! While creature pawns are broken out by base size, all starship pawns use medium bases.
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Denver 3: Ripping Reality
Shadowrun Adventure
By Catalyst Game Labs
The Denver sprawl has always been a battleground, but lately it seems to be at war with reality. People are disappearing from the streets, never to be seen again. Strange creatures are materializing out of nowhere, and sometimes they bring entire landscapes with them. Something has gone desperately wrong, and the stakes are so high that two enemies who had been locked in combat are setting aside their fight to find out what is happening and why.
If investigations into bizarre occurrences need to happen, then there are shadowruns to be done. The right team will have the chance to bring in an impressive payday, but they’ll have to navigate their way past old grudges, tainted magic, and creatures of pure destructive power waiting to be turned loose on the sprawl.
Building on plot strands from the previous Denver adventures, Serrated Edge and False Flag, Ripping Reality sends players on a wild ride through a sprawl that seems to be tearing itself apart, giving them a chance to try to keep it together.
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Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
Core Set
By Steve Jackson Games
Storm Dungeons, Slay Monsters, Seize Treasure
A fun hack 'n' slash campaign challenges unique heroes with clever dungeons. To get the most out of your fantasy adventures, you need a game that lets you customize and perfect characters, monsters, treasures, and traps.
That's where the ready-to-play Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game comes in. It harnesses the customizing power of the award-winning Generic Universal RolePlaying System (GURPS), and streamlines it so you have exactly what you need to take fully-realized characters on fantastic adventures.
Choose from 11 classic professions and nine races. Tailor your hero using quick-start templates and the time-tested GURPS point-build system. Gear up with a massive list of customizable armor and weapons. Pick from over 400 spells. Then battle foes chosen from more than 80 monsters.
All this power guarantees epic games in no time . . . starting with the new adventure that comes in the box!
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I’m A Guide
No Thank You Evil Supplement
By Monte Cook Games
I’m a Guide! is a hands-on, step-by-step kit for kids who are ready to take on the role of a Guide. Easy-to-follow instructions help kids run a simple adventure, learning along the way so they can go on to run more advanced stories, or even make up their own—and achieve a wild success at being a Guide! And that’s not all: You also get a bunch of great stuff for helping Guides explore Storia.
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Adventure Anthology
Atlantis, The Second Age Adventures
By Khepera Publishing
Four pulse-pounding adventures set in the time of savage swords and sorcery! A unique anthology that brings to life vivid tales of brutality, treachery, and brutal mayhem by several elite writers in the roleplaying industry.
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A9 – Beneath the Helm of Night
5th Edition Adventures
By Troll Lord Games
Hard roads bring the stout of heart to the Tower’s iron-bound gate. Whether brought here by the Vessel of Souls or by pure happenstance, the Tower, perched upon the edge of no-where, beckons, promising wealth and glory.
Flight brings your fall.
A mid-to-high-level adventure for a party of 3-6 characters. Play as stand-alone or part of a larger series.
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Shadows Under Devil’s Reef
Dungeon Crawl Classics 2017 Halloween Module
By Goodman Games
A raging storm has made the waters around Devil’s Reef impossible to navigate safely. The noble galleon, The Royal Dawn, has run aground and Princess Kaeko from faraway Fu-Lamia is now missing! Untold riches and glory await those who successfully find the princess and safely deliver her to Black Sand Port. As the greedy and ambitious adventurers set out to find the princess, their thoughts linger on the few Royal Dawn survivors that washed up on the beach with bodies that were corrupted by strange frog-like mutations. What kind of evil awaits the adventurers on that forbidden island?
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Grakk’s Rad Dice
Mutant Crawl Classics Accessory
By Goodman Games
Seasoned veteran of many a melee, Grakk knows how to bring the maximum pain to any hand-to-hand battle. This set of radioactive green dice has been blessed by the War AIs themselves to ensure maximum damage when rolled in any combat on Terra A.D.
Contained within this tube you will find these dice, ready for rolling on your table: D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D%10, D12, D14, D16, D20, D24, and D30.
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Kilra’s Glow Dice
Mutant Crawl Classics Accessory
By Goodman Games
Savage raider of the wastelands, Kilra knows when to push her luck and when to burn it. This set of glow-in-the-dark dice has already been exposed to the radiation and luck-enhancing quantum fields of Terra A.D.
Contained within this tube you will find these dice, ready for rolling on your table: D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D%10, D12, D14, D16, D20, D24, and D30.
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Conan RPG: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of
Core Rulebook
By Modiphius
Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of takes you into the world of Conan the Barbarian, where heroes raise blood-spattered swords against dire sorcery, exotic lands beckon to the daring, danger and treasure lurks in forgotten ruins, and where loathsome creatures haunt the spaces beneath the earth… as well as in the throne-rooms of mighty kingdoms!
Seek your fortune in forbidden tombs or upon blood-soaked battlefields. Cast dark and terrible spells of unimaginable power, at the price of your soul. Sail upon untamed seas to lands where no human in living memory has walked. Fight for the fate of civilization — or barbarism — on a savage frontier!
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Conan Player’s Guide
Conan RPG: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of Supplement
By Modiphius
The Player’s Guide to Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of takes you into the world of Conan the Barbarian, a place where astonishing heroes battle loathsome monsters, raise swords against dire sorcery, and travel to exotic and unknown lands!
Within these covers you’ll find all the information you need to create a wide range of characters, whether heroic barbarians, bold rogues, seasoned mercenaries, wise priests, stealthy archers, hardy nomads, or more!
The Conan Player's Guide is aimed at firmly at players of the game and contains content drawn entirely from the Conan Roleplaying game core book. If you own the core book, you don't need to purchase this book. GMs may wish to let their players and RPG groups know it is available though!
Create your own legend in the time before history!
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Player’s Dice Set
Conan RPG: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of Accessory
By Modiphius
The essential player's dice set for the Conan Adventures in an Age Undreamed of Roleplaying game. Roll the bones for your life by Crom! with this attractive set of dice which consists of:
2x Conan D20 Phoenix Dice
1x Conan Hit location dice
4x Combat Dice
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Star Trek Adventures RPG
Core Rulebook
By Modiphius
Star Trek Adventures takes you to the Final Frontier of the Galaxy, where new discoveries await keen explorers of Starfleet. Your duties may take you to the edges of known space, or to Federation colonies in need, to the borders of neighbouring galactic powers or into the eye of interstellar phenomena. Your ship and your crew epitomise the best Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets has to offer, and you are needed more than ever.
A new threat looms from across the Gamma Quadrant, as it is confirmed by Commander Sisko and his crew that the Dominion, led by the Founders, represent a significant threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Tension is already high in the region of Bajor and Deep Space 9, as the Maquis continue to act against the Cardassian-Federation peace treaty, with Captain Janeway and the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager preparing for their mission in the Badlands. It is a volatile time for the Federation and new crews have never been in higher demand.
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Star Trek Adventures RPG Collector’s Edition
Core Rulebook
By Modiphius
The Collectors Edition also comes with a folded map of the Alpha & Beta Quadrants.
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Command Red Custom Dice
Operations Gold Custom Dice
Sciences Blue Custom Dice
Star Trek Adventures Accessories
By Modiphius
These sets of Star Trek Adventures custom dice, from Q-Workshop, compliment any Star Trek roleplaying session. Each set contains:
• 3 twenty-sided dice in command division red with the Starfleet insignia on the ‘1’ face
• 4 six-sided dice for use as Combat Dice with the 2d20 system, featuring damage symbols on the 1 and 2 faces, and the Starfleet insignia on the 5 and 6 faces, representing Effects.
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Runequest Classic
Core Rulebook
By Chaosium
In July of 1978, the Origins Game Fair was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Over 3500 people attended what was the largest gaming convention in the US at that time. In the main hall gamers could pick up the latest games from all the major publishers: Cross of Iron by Avalon Hill, Atlantic Wall by SPI, and The Hall of the Fire Giant King module by TSR. In one small booth near a corner you could also purchase RuneQuest, the first Roleplaying game published by The Chaosium, a quirky 3 person company from the Bay Area. It sold out over the weekend, and every print run continued to do so for the next several years.
This is the second edition of the RuneQuest rules in its final form, with all errata incorporated into the text. Additional material has been added to the appendices at the end.
RuneQuest took the young world of roleplaying games by storm; it cast aside many of the approaches most other games took. It had no character classes, no experience points, no levels, and far fewer restrictions on how weapons, armor, and spells could be used. Instead of a D20 it uses a percentile 01-100 system. It also has the built-in fantasy world of Glorantha.
During what many consider to be the golden age of roleplaying, RuneQuest enjoyed its greatest popularity, second only to AD&D in sales. It won numerous awards, starting in 1978 with the Strategist’s Club Award for “Outstanding Miniatures Rules”, which may sound quirky, but that was because the industry had yet to create award categories specifically for roleplaying games.
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Torchbearer Setting
By Burning Wheel
There is a center to all things, and so it is with worlds. Between Hel and the Dry Lands, Aether and the Endless Ice, the Shining Realm, fair Alfheim and other worlds sits the world of mortal men and women. And the crossroads of all is the Middarmark: a harsh land of stark beauty concealing the crumbling bones of countless civilizations that have sought to tame it and failed.
The Middarmark is a setting supplement for Torchbearer inspired by Scandinavian myth and folktales. It's chock full of adventure ideas to give you a jumping off point for your campaigns, along with new settlements, legends of infamous lairs and harrowing places, details on the more popular Hero Cults of the Young Lords, and, of course, new spells, magic items, monsters and more!
Contend with the slave-taking pirates of the Skera Strait and the Kraken that preys upon those waters. Explore the Trollfjells for signs of the chaos cultists of the Jotunn Hrym and the terrifying Temple of Black Skulls dedicated to him. Follow the legends of Sigrun, Lady of Battles, to the fog-shrouded barrow downs in hope of winning her war-magic. Aid the elves who quest ceaselessly for the Tower of Seven Dreams where the Erlking holds the key to ending their long exile. Seek the fate of the fabled dwarven kingdom Nidavellir, near the gates of Hel. Adventure awaits!
The Middarmark opens new vistas of possibility for Torchbearer. Within you'll find nature descriptors and questions for six human tribes, a new class in the form of the human skald, rules for steadings (a new form of town), rules for how various weather conditions affect your adventurers and much more.
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Red Markets
Core Rulebook
By Hebanon Games
Red Markets is a tabletop RPG about economic horror.
In Red Markets, characters risk their lives trading between the massive quarantine zones containing a zombie outbreak and the remains of civilization. They are Takers: mercenary entrepreneurs unwilling to accept their abandonment. Bound together into competing crews, each seeks to profit from mankind’s near-extinction before it claims them. They must hustle, scheme, and scam as hard as they fight if they hope to survive the competing factions and undead hordes the GM throws at them.
Takers that are quick, clever, or brutal enough might live to see retirement in a safe zone, but many discover too late that the cycle of poverty proves harder to escape than the hordes of undead. Red Markets uses the traditional zombie genre to tell a story about surviving on the wrong end of the economy. It’s cut-throat capitalism with its knife on your neck.
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Orbis Mundi 2
Systemless Sourcebook
By Phalanx Games Design
Most fantasy role playing games use elements if the Middle Ages in their background ... but they provide little or nothing in the way of real background ... and what they do provide is generally anachronistic, misleading or downright wrong.
Orbis Mundi2 is a massive expansion of the information presented in the first edition and is intended to provide Game Masters and Players with a better understanding of key aspects of Medieval life – with more accurate and more up-to-date information based on deeper research than most RPG designers carry out.
The material inside includes chapters on –
* City & Country, covering the organisation and likely contents of Towns and Villages, Medieval Agriculture, the nature and contents of the Medieval countryside outside of settled areas and more.
* Kingdoms & Crowns, which deals with the Feudal System … not just the usual pastiche of the Anglo-Norman version but also including a detailed look at it and the French variant as well as some idea of how it worked in other areas of (mainly Western) Europe. Law & Justice is also covered – again, not just the Anglo-French ‘norm’, but some information about the rest of Europe, as is the complex issue of Money … and its regional variations.
* De Civitate Dei (‘The City of God’) looks at the main Medieval religions (and heresies) – Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam, how they were organised, what they believed, how they viewed each other and so forth.
* De Re Militari (‘On Military Matters’) covers military organisation, by region and ethnicity, the cost of warfare and logistical matters, Weapons and Armour, Castles and Sieges.
* Ars Mechanica (‘Mechanical Arts’) looks at the technological and business side of the medieval period (they didn’t really differentiate).
* Ars Scholastica (‘Scholastic Arts’) looks at the educational side of things – and what passed for the ‘scientific’ side as well, looking at everything from Reading & Writing through to University Education as well as Alchemy (Chemistry) and Medicine.
* Daily Life covers all those things that don’t fit elsewhere – how they thought and what they believed, Hygiene, Leisure activities, Names, Calendars and timekeeping, Weights and Measures and Heraldry
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Shaintar Anthology #4: Magic & Mysteries
Savage Worlds Supplement
By Savage Mojo
The first part of the anthology contains the 7 Black Lantern Reports. Here you'll find out all about the Black Lantern Society, how they're structured, what it takes to become a Brother and a number of secrets are revealed. Following are several reports filed by Brothers detailing places such as magical schools and guilds, mercenary companies, Red Store, the cult of the Dragon and so much more. Each report contains new informatin along with stats for gear, edges, hindrances, trappings and other interesting tidbits.
The rest of the anthology is devoted to Magic and Cosmology, Sean Patrick Fannon's definitive guide to magic in the realm of Starfall, where Shaintar is located. In it, you'll find all kinds of magical history and learn about the Starfather, what happened to his empire and the plan that was put in play to create the covenants and save Shaintar when the spire was shattered. You'll also learn about the Paths, the Ascended tied to each path along with new trappings, blessings and how certain gifts work.
This book provides a great deal of background information, items, magic, trapings and much more. For Lantern Brothers, this book is a must read, giving them some choices: which spoke to belong to, rank structures, how reports are made and the history in Magic and Cosmology hints at where the Lanterns are headed.
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Swamp of Secrets
Swords & Wizardry/OSR Mini Dungeon
By Creations’ Edge Games
For 4-6 Adventurers of Levels 5-7.
It's easy to lose your way in Evermoor Swamp. Luckily one can always stop into Boggy Pete's Outfitters for a map. Problem is, those that do have about as much chance of making it out of the swamp as those who don’t...
Swamp of Secrets is part of a series of mini-dungeons designed to drop into existing adventures or campaigns. Use them as side quests or a way of getting in a quick adventure when you’re short on time.
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Small Book of Sci-Fi Weapons
Multi-system Sourcebook
By FeralGamersInc
A Selection of 30 Sci-Fi Weapons that can be used with many of todays more popular game systems.
Each weapon has stats for:
Savage Worlds
The Zombie Squad
And many can be adapted for most D20 and D6 systems available.
So if you are lacking weapons in your game world or just want to add something fresh to your vendors stock, then the Small Book of Sci-Fi Weapons has you covered.
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The Player’s Guide
Mindjammer Supplement
By Modiphius
Citizens of the Commonality
It’s a time of adventure, a time of opportunity! A time for humankind itself to change! Join us, in the hyperadvanced worlds of the Core or the chaos and conflict of the Fringe, and reach for the stars! No one knows what the future will bring—but in the pages of this book every agent of the Commonality will find what they need to survive and thrive in the Rediscovery of Humankind.
The Mindjammer Player’s Guide is a rules book for Mindjammer—The Roleplaying Game, intended exclusively for the use of players.
It contains:
-All the rules you need to create and play characters in the Mindjammer universe. You can even play a sentient starship!
-Descriptions and histories of the New Commonality of Humankind.
-New starmaps, homeworlds, and genotypes of Commonality Space.
-Rules for the Mindscape and virtual worlds.
Charge your blaster, thoughtcast your orders to the starship sentience, and fire up the planing engines. Come and defend the light of humanity’s greatest civilisation as it spreads to the stars. The universe awaits!
Note that while it does contain some new content, the Mindjammer Player's Guide reiterates much of the material of the Mindjammer - The Roleplaying Game Core book. You don't need the Player's Guide if you already have that book - although your players may love a copy!
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Systemless Setting
By As If Productions
Imagine the World in 100 Years.
Nine authors collaborated to envision a “Smart City” of the first world 100 years in the future, exploring trends like ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, biotech, anti-aging and green technologies - alongside corporate governance and social upheaval. "UbiquiCity" is a work of interwoven fiction that might turn out to be very real.
Enter the Augmented Future.
It is the dawn of the 22nd century, and in the sprawling metropolis known as “UbiquiCity,” the most wealthy and powerful districts possess all the latest in smart technology, with every building, device and control system connected via the Internet Of Things.
The world is augmented and identity is fluid. Satellite-guided cars drive themselves. Busy drones fill the skies. Cloud-assisted bots perform once-human jobs. Appliances, vehicles, buildings, media devices, products, streetlights, roadsigns and even toilets communicate electronically, all under the watchful eye of the AI CitySystem. For the inhabitants of the UbiComp zones, life is sweet.
But not everyone in the city is so blessed.
Where is technology taking us? Who will we be when we get there? Short stories by Niko Carcosa, Antony Copeland, Tod Davies, Tod Foley, DeAnna Knippling, SL Koch, Shariann Lewitt, Adrian McCauley, and T Reynolds paint a picture of a realistic future city where ubiquitous computing is the source of world-changing innovation, renovation and social disruption.
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Arms of the Chosen
Exalted Supplement
By Onyx Path Publishing
Take up the panoply of legendary heroes and lost ages, and awaken the world-shaking might of their Evocations. Before the dawn of time, the Exalted wielded god-metal blades to cast down the makers of the universe. In an ancient epoch of forgotten glories, Creationís greatest artificers forged unimaginable wonders and miracle-machines.
Now, in the Age of Sorrows, kingdoms go to war over potent artifacts, scavenger princes risk everything to uncover relics of the past, and the Exalted forge great arms and armor on the anvil of legend. These treasures are yours to master.
Discover the mystical power of the five magical materials and the secrets of creating your own Evocations. Wield weapons of fabled might and don the armor of mythic heroes, making their puissance your own. Claim Creationís wonders: the miraculous tools of the Chosen, living automatons, flying machines, hearthstones, and more. And unleash the mighty warstriders, titanic god-engines of conquest and devastation, to once more shake Creation with their footfalls.
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Close Encounters: Onyx Station
Starfinder Supplement
By Fat Goblin Games
We’re going to die here… and no one will hear us scream.
A derelict space station that disappeared fifty years ago has reappeared. Only a few of the original inhabitants remain, with the rest being mutated into hideous aberrations, transformed into undead beasts, or forcibly evolved into sentient plants. What’s more is that a few of the monsters now roaming the halls of Onyx Station weren't here, to begin with...
Close Encounters: Onyx Station introduces brand new rules for 12 of these creatures, from the soul-draining shadowsludge to the monstrous columns of flesh! Also included are 9 traps and hazards that can be found aboard the station, as well as 2 brand new ships! These rules are meant as a campaign toolkit for GMs handling players from levels 1 to 10.
Close Encounters is a line of Starfinder Roleplaying Game compatible books from Fat Goblin Games filled with a ready-made encounter and numerous plot hooks and adventure seeds for Gamemasters to quickly adapt for their own tables. Each book includes fully statted monsters and NPCs for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, sometimes all new, sometimes adapted from other game systems, sometimes both.
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GURPS Basic Set: Characters
Core Rulebook
By Steve Jackson Games
SJG have started uploaded a host of GURPS rulebooks and supplements on to DriveThruRPG.
GURPS is the most flexible roleplaying system ever created. With just this book, you can adventure in any world you can imagine. Use all types of weapons from clubs to lasers . . . magic and martial arts . . . psionics and superpowers.
Create exactly the character you want to play . . . your favorite fictional hero, or your own invention. Choose from over 400 advantages and disadvantages, over 350 skills, spells, and techniques. Customize your character with individual perks and quirks, and you're ready to go.
No more switching game systems when you change campaigns! GURPS gives you one set of clear, comprehensive rules to cover any background. This new Fourth Edition is based on 16 years of gamer feedback from the Third Edition, and is faster and easier to play than ever before.
GURPS makes the Game Master's job easy and fun. All rules are carefully organized, indexed, and cross-referenced. Charts and tables are clear and legible. And to help you introduce new players to the system, there's a "Quick Start" section which covers the basics in a few pages.
This is Book 1 of the two-volume Basic Set. Only this book is necessary to play. Game Masters, and players wanting more detail, will find Book 2 valuable.
GURPS Characters is the companion book to GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns. The two provide everything you need to play or run a GURPS campaign.
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Khan of Khans
2-5 players, ages 9+, 15-25+ minutes
By Chaosium
Fast-paced family game by Reiner Knizia, set in Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha. Players are khans of different fantastical tribes on the Plains of Prax, each riding a unique animal that confers special abilities. Everyone attempts to amass the biggest herd, meanwhile fighting off enemy magic, stampedes and attempts by other players to steal their cows.
Each player chooses a Khan to play, and receives a set number of corral tiles (depending on the number of players in the game). Each Khan has a different special ability. For example, the Morokanth player gets one extra Corral tile, and the High Llama player can sneak one cow card into each of their corrals after the gate has been closed.
Players take turns to raid different locations, drawing cards from 10 different stacks. Each stack contains the cards, in random order: 1 x 100, 2 x 50 and 1 x 20 Cows, a Stampede card (discard highest value cow card), an Enemy Magic card (discard all cow cards), a Tribal Champion card (protects against Enemy Magic), and a Waha's Blessing card worth 20 cows, which a player can swap for another player's Cow card.
Each players' cow cards are placed face-up in front them as their herd. Instead of drawing, on their turn a player can corral their cows. Corralled cows are safe, but each corral can only be opened once in a game. Uncorraled cows count towards the final score at the end of the game, but remain at risk of Stampedes, Enemy Magic and Waha's Blessings. Because each player has a limited number of corrals, a key element of the game is deciding when to corral them. The player with the most cows—including those in corrals and in their herd—at the end of the game is the winner and acclaimed "Khan of Khans".
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The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31
4-8 players, ages 17+, 60-120+ minutes
By Mondo
It is the start of the bleak, desolate Antarctic winter when a group of NSF researchers manning the claustrophobic, isolated U.S. Outpost 31 comes into contact with a hostile extraterrestrial lifeform. Bent on assimilating Earth's native species, this being infiltrates the facility — creating a perfect imitation of one of the Outpost 31 crew. The staff frantically begin a sweep of the base, desperate to purge this alien infection before escaping to warn McMurdo Station that somewhere, out there in the frigid darkness, something horrible is waiting.
In the hidden identity game The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31, you will relive John Carpenter's sci-fi cult classic in a race to discover who among the team has been infected by this heinous lifeform. Play as one of twelve characters as you lead a series of investigations through the facility using supplies and equipment to clear the building. The tension mounts and paranoia ensues as you question who you can trust in the ultimate race to save humanity!
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Pulsar 2849
2-4 players, ages 14+, 60-90+ minutes
By Czech Games Edition
It is the year 2849, one millennium after the Gold Rush, and the mining of raw materials has reached a whole new level. Humankind has successfully tested the first Stellar Mirror and harnessed enough power from a Pulsar to open the first space gate.
A New Era has just begun...
Draft dice to explore the universe in Pulsar 2849. Each round, roll dice based on the number of players, sort them based on their values, then draft dice to take actions, such as adding another spaceship to your fleet or visiting (or flying through) an unexplored star system or tagging a pulsar with one of your identity rings or advancing on your personal tech track, which differs from those of other players. At the end of the round, the turn marker advances based on the dice rolled that turn, and when the marker reaches the end of the track, the game ends.
Players score points each round based on what they've discovered and explored, and everyone has hidden goals that they want to achieve, while also trying to claim the right to public goals that supply additional endgame scoring.
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2-4 players, ages 14+, 60+ minutes
By Libellud
Mid-22nd century, after 300 years of unconsciousness, the water rising engulfs the last emerged lands. Fighting for their lives, the survivor’s settlements must remain above the sea level. You live in the Otys colony and you must retrieve the past civilizations debris in the depths to build the future of humanity.
Your diver’s team is trained to bring up the most useful materials remaining in the depths. You need to use them wisely to fulfill the contracts offered by the Colony and thus obtain more notoriety than your contenders. Your divers lay at different depths; it is up to you to best match their special abilities with the bonuses offered by the Colony. But beware! Your diver’s oxygen is limited, and as soon as they have accomplished their mission, they must go up to the surface. Try to manage all the parameters of your team in a profitable way, so the Colony will reward you more than it will the others!
Otys is an optimization and development game co-published by Pearl Games and Libellud. Optimize your game in order to match the depth of your divers, their special abilities and the Colony bonuses. That is how you will supply the best contracts and win.
The future is built from the past...
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Estrella Drive
T.I.M.E. Stories Expansion
By Space Cowboys
In Hollywood, the ghosts of the past never sleep! Embark on your next adventure into the past with Estrella Drive, the sixth expansion for T.I.M.E Stories. Like all T.I.M.E Stories adventures, you and your fellow players are members of the T.I.M.E. Agency, sent to investigate a disruption to the Time Stream. This time, you and your fellow agents are sent to 1982 to investigate a temporal anomaly in a supposedly haunted Hollywood mansion.
Please note that Estrella Drive is recommended for mature audiences as certain themes within this adventure may be objectionable to younger players.
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The Unspeakable Oath Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games
It was always going to come to this… You're finally headed to the asylum.
The Unspeakable Oath is the second Mythos Pack in "The Path to Carcosa" cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, and it carries you deep into the belly of Arkham's asylum. You’ll find yourself behind locked doors, wracked by Doubt, and surrounded by Lunatics. And, still, you'll catch hints of deeper and darker secrets.
And while its scenario continues and deepens the game's exploration of the mystical realms between the traditional roleplaying and card game experiences, its twenty-four player cards (two copies each of twelve different cards) provide you access to a number of wealthy Patrons and allow you to "learn" from your mistakes.
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The Archmaester’s Key Chapter Pack
A Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Edition Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games
The great battles of the War of the Five Kings have temporarily ceased, but the game of thrones is far from over. The Archmaester's Key is the first expansion of the "Flight of Crows" cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, and as the name implies, this cycle follows the key events of A Feast for Crows. The bestow keyword gathers strength, while other new cards provide incentives for the Great Houses to use Banners to work together.
With iconic characters like Daario Naharis and Mag the Mighty, The Archmaester's Key is the perfect beginning to a new cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game!
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Into the Forbidden City Dynasty Pack
Legend of the Five Rings LCG Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games
Expand your Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game collection with Into the Forbidden City, the third Dynasty Pack of the "Imperial Cycle"!
Each of the seven Great Clans receives new cards that continue to embrace and define the themes that began in the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game. Along the way, you'll find a great assortment of cards focused on the Imperial City of Otosan Uchi. From neutral samurai sworn to the Imperial family, to Imperial magistrates from each of the Great Clans, to rewards for holding the Imperial Favor, this cycle draws you into the world of Otosan Uchi and the service of the Emperor.
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Hell’s Vengeance Character Deck 2
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Expansion
By Paizo
The Height of Evil!
A second helping of evil awaits you in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Hell's Vengeance Character Deck 2, featuring three new evil characters from the popular Adventure Path. This 109-card accessory for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game gives your game the cards you need to ruin the day of any paladin on the block. These scurrilous characters can be played in any Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Base Set or in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play campaign!
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2-4 players, ages 8+, 30-45+ minutes
By Plan B
Introduced by the Moors, azulejos (originally white and blue ceramic tiles) were fully embraced by the Portuguese when their king Manuel I, on a visit to the Alhambra palace in Southern Spain, was mesmerized by the stunning beauty of the Moorish decorative tiles. The king, awestruck by the interior beauty of the Alhambra, immediately ordered that his own palace in Portugal be decorated with similar wall tiles. As a tile-laying artist, you have been challenged to embellish the walls of the Royal Palace of Evora.
In the game Azul, players take turns drafting colored tiles from suppliers to their player board. Later in the round, players score points based on how they've placed their tiles to decorate the palace. Extra points are scored for specific patterns and completing sets; wasted supplies harm the player's score. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
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CN Crossover Crisis Animation Annihilation
2-4 players, ages 12+, 30-45+ minutes
By Cryptozoic
The calamity continues with the latest Cartoon Network Crossover Crisis game! Animation Annihilation is a standalone game and 100% compatible with 2016's Cartoon Network Crossover Crisis Deck-Building Game. New to the party are heroes and rivals from Cartoon Network's past and present hit shows like Powerpuff Girls, Adventure Time, Uncle Grandpa, Cow and Chicken, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, and Ed, Edd n Eddy.
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King’s Road
2-5 players, ages 10+, 30+ minutes
By Grail Games
King's Road, the players are nobles who are attempting to gain power and influence within the king's many provinces. As the king travels along the road that connects all the major landmarks within his territory, he will allow the most influential noble in each region to govern in his stead. Over time, the most favored noble will win the game.
King's Road is an area-majority game. Each player has identical decks of eleven cards. On a turn, players simultaneously select the three cards they will play, and in what order. To win, players not only have to influence the king as he traverses the land, but attempt to read the minds of their opponents.
King's Road reimplements the game Imperium, previously only available within game compendiums.
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Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodamaas
1-8 players, ages 14+, 30+ minutes
By Indie Boards & Cards
The enchanted forest of the kodama is flourishing. But with so much growth, the ancient paths to the sanctuaries within have become overgrown and lost. Now the forest guardians call upon you, their loyal kodama, to restore these paths. Help your kodama build these paths, gather offerings for the guardians, and win their favor.
Kokoro is an exciting family game that can be played with up to six players (with a stretch goal to expand to more)! Each player has a forest map to draw their paths and turns are simultaneous so the game plays quickly. Connecting your sanctuaries to offerings will gain you favor. Choose wisely because you never know exactly when the sanctuary will score. And you shouldn't be too greedy, if a sanctuary is not connected to more offerings than your previous sanctuary, you lose points!
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Rayguns and Rocketships
2-4 players, ages 12+, 90+ minutes
Welcome to a galaxy of adventure!
In the frozen heart of space lies a fantastic galaxy of planets populated by space-faring factions called Planeteers, who wage a never-ending battle of Rayguns and Rocketships. Some seek action like the brash Astro-Rangers, others desire riches like the fearsome Star Pirates. Some planeteers will to conquer like the horrible alien Blaarg or hunger for honor like the reptilian Zard. Which Planeteers will be the master of the galaxy? That's up to you!
Rayguns and Rocketships is an action strategy game inspired by the sci-fi classics of the pulp era. The game features fast-paced strategy, pulse-pounding action and over 32 original miniatures!
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Attack of the Kaiju
2-6 players, ages 14+, 60+ minutes
By WildFire LLC
It's an old-fashioned, black and white, giant monster movie throwdown!
Take control of your very own giant monster to defeat other kaiju and level the city. Evade military forces and lure your opponents into the line of fire. Carefully manage your Power to optimize the destruction, which earns you even more Power in following rounds.
Game play is fast and strategic. Luck is a factor but success is more a result of careful planning and strict resource management.
Topple buildings, defeat the military, complete each turn's objectives, and pick fights with other kaiju to earn Victory. This determines turn order in each round, and the player responsible for the most overall devastation wins the game.
Attack of the Kaiju may be played with teams or as a free-for-all match. Length of play is flexible. A basic three-round game takes about an hour. The double-sided game board allows for basic and advanced play, and unique kaiju abilities vary the action.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Showdown: Bebop & Rocksteady Madness
2-6 players, ages 10+, 45+ minutes
TMNT Showdown: Bebop & Rocksteady Madness! places the Turtles in their most precarious situation yet! This tile-laying smash ’em up has players racing to the finish as either the Turtles or two of their deadliest foes: Bebop and Rocksteady.
Game designers Adrian Adamescu (Mine All Mines) and Daryl Andrews (Back to The Future: OUTATIME) have created an epic battle for survival that takes 2–6 players through a high-powered adventure in the sewers of NYC. The Turtles will have to use their intimate knowledge of the sewers in a quest to save their friends while out maneuvering the threat that is hot on their heels. Making a wrong turn could spell doom for the Turtles and their friends, or they may team up in order to overcome Bebop and Rocksteady. Plan, Place, Move, Attack, and Rescue your way to victory in TMNT Showdown: Bebop & Rocksteady Madness!
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Planet of the Apes
1-4 players, ages 14+, 60-120+ minutes
Planet of the Apes puts 1-4 players on a crash course with feral foes, deadly environments, and unbridled psychological horror! In an innovative twist on the cooperative board game genre, each player takes control of one aspect of Colonel George Taylor's psyche, and must work together to survive the Planet of the Apes!
Starting with the classic film, Planet of the Apes follows the plot of the original movie and promises players a thrilling adventure in an unknown land!
Designed by Richard Launius, the creator of Arkham Horror, perfect for players who love games, or just want a new way to enjoy the films. Planned as the first in a series of games based on the classic series of films.
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Daemona Trilogy: Subrose
2-5 players, ages 12+, 30-45+ minutes
Daemon Trilogy: Subrosa is a card-drafting skirmish game in which players compete to fulfill contracts and gain the most influence in the Empire.
This title is the first in a series of app-enhanced, campaign-style card games. Subrosa takes you along the story of power, control, and double-dealings in a battle of supremacy between the five great houses. Recruit mercenaries from your hand to take on and fulfill contracts. These contracts collect you influence and (perhaps eventually) control of the Empire. Team up with allies for mutual protection or stealthily egg on your opponent's quarrel. How to win is up to you, but remember to keep your enemies close, and your friends even closer.
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Sword Art Online: Sword of Fellows
1-4 players, ages 10+, 30+ minutes
By Japanime
In Sword Art Online Board Game: Sword of Fellows — a game based on the Sword Art Online anime — players must cooperate and use dice to take down monsters and survive.
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2-4 players, ages 14+, 5-15+ minutes
By Keymaster Games
In Control, players are time travelers who have been caught in a rupture in spacetime and displaced outside time. You must use Fuel Cells (the cards) to refuel your time machine or stop other players from refueling theirs first.
To escape the rupture, you must reach a Fuel Cell Charge of 21 or more on your Installed Fuel Cells at the end of your turn. Whoever does so first closes the rupture, leaving the other travelers lost outside time.
During your turn, you choose to either draw a card, install a Fuel Cell in your area of play, burn a Fuel Cell to the discard pile, or defuse an opponent's Fuel Cell. The Fuel Cell Charge on cards ranges from 1–10 and different abilities on Fuel cells make for changing strategies and multiple lines of play.
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Campy Creatures
2-5 players, ages 10+, 20-30+ minutes
By Keymaster Games
Players are mad scientist in need of precious mortals for future experiments. Rather than getting your hands dirty, your army of campy creatures awaits to do your bidding. Capture the most valuable mortals over the course of three nights to win. But be warned — the mortals won't go down without a fight.
Campy Creatures is a ghoulish game of bluffing, deduction, and set collection for 2-5 players. Players begin each round with the same hand of creatures. Their goal is to capture valuable mortals by outguessing their opponents with the creatures they play. Each player has perfect information at the start, so knowing what a person might do in a particular situation is key.
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Doctor Who Fluxx
2-6 players, ages 8+, 5-30+ minutes
By Looney Labs
Fluxx is a card game in which the cards themselves determine the current rules of the game. By playing cards, you change numerous aspects of the game: how to draw cards, how to play cards, and even how to win.
At the start of the game, each player holds three cards and on a turn a player draws one card, then plays one card. By playing cards, you can put new rules into play that change numerous aspects of the game: how many cards to draw or play, how many cards you can hold in hand or keep on the table in front of you, and (most importantly) how to win the game.
Doctor Who Fluxx takes the basic gameplay of Fluxx and merges it with multiple regenerations of the Doctor, various companions, Gallifreyan technology, K-9, Cybermen, Daleks, Weeping Angels, and the Master.
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Eye of the Abyss
Dungeon Saga Expansion
By Mantic
Welcome to The Eye of the Abyss, an expansion box for Mantic Games’ hugely popular Dungeon Saga game. Within this expansion you’ll find a whole host of exciting new adventures to take your gaming and dungeon exploring to new levels, including a brand new adventure that ties in with the events and heroes of the Kings of War Edge of the Abyss Campaign. This set includes five single-piece heroes, with push-fit bases for gaming. You’ll also find all of the cards and rules to use these new heroes in your games of Dungeon Saga and a second campaign featuring the heroes of Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf King’s Quest!
So strike the flint and light your lantern adventurer, for fame and glory await you once more!
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Necromunda Underhive
Miniature Wargame Core Set
By Games Workshop
Get ready for a new generation of war in the underhive. Necromunda: Underhive, a reworking of the 1995 title Necromunda, is packed with content to get you started: a full board representing the sewers and confines of the underhive, a rulebook, character cards, templates, dice, and your gangs.
There are two full gangs in the box: one set of nimble warrior-women from House Escher and one set of gene-crafted brutes from House Goliath. Each of these miniatures is detailed, characterful, and true to the classic spirit of Necromunda — hairstyles and all! These gangs are multi-part kits, with an enormous level of customization. There are weapons for any situation, from classics like the stub gun to more esoteric choices like the repurposed industrial equipment of House Goliath or the chem-weapons of the Eschers.
The set's gaming tiles and simple bulkhead scenery allow you to play games quickly and easily. As well as the underhive style of play covered by the boxed set, there will also be ways to play Necromunda with the multi-level skirmishes that defined the classic version of the game.
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Gang War
Necromunda Underhive Supplement
By Games Workshop
Necromunda: Gang War is a set of rules that allow the players to use 3D terrain in their games, bringing a literal new dimension to their battles, as well as an incredibly detailed campaign system in which 2-6 (or more!) players develop their gangs, fight for territory, and dominate the other Houses.
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Goliath Gang
Necromunda Underhive Miniatures
By Games Workshop
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Escher Gang
Necromunda Underhive Miniatures
By Games Workshop
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Goliath Gang Cards
Necromunda Underhive Accessory
By Games Workshop
Necromunda: Underhive contains a number of Tactics cards, which can be used to represent the myriad tricks and schemes employed by the gangs. Expand your games of Necromunda: Underhive – whichever gang you play – with this set of 26 extra cards. Included:
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Escher Gang Cards
Necromunda Underhive Accessory
By Games Workshop
Necromunda: Underhive contains a number of Tactics cards, which can be used to represent the myriad tricks and schemes employed by the gangs. Expand your games of Necromunda: Underhive – whichever gang you play – with this set of 26 extra cards.
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Post-apocalyptic vehicle rules
By Osprey
Shoot, ram, skid and loot your way through the ruins of civilisation with Gaslands, a tabletop wargame of car-on-car destruction in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Players control small fleets of armed vehicles in battles for resources, dominance and survival. With rules for multiple vehicle types (from motorbikes to big rigs), varied special weapons and accessories (including oil slicks, caltrops and nitro boosters), and a host of options for scenarios, environmental conditions, crew and campaigns, players can tailor games to match their own visions for an anarchic future.
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The Road to Berlin
Bolt Action Supplement
By Warlord Games
As the Allies advance towards Germany, they face dogged resistance from the hard-pressed German forces. Take command of the Allies in their final push to end the war in Europe, or hold fast as the German defenders as the fight is brought to your door. This new Campaign Book for Bolt Action offers new linked scenarios, rules, troop types and Theatre Selectors, and provides plenty of options for novice and veteran players alike.
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WYR20138 The Jury
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20245 Asura Roten (3)
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20349 Kandara
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20440 Grootslang
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20538 Midnight Stalker
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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WYR20641 Wrastlers (3)
Malifaux Miniatures
By Wyrd
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280187-0640 Intel Spec-Ops (Grunt version)
Infinity Miniature
By Corvus Belli
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280295-0672 Jeanne d’Arc (Multi Rifle)
Infinity Miniature
By Corvus Belli
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280397-0682 Hac Tao Special Unit (Hacker/HMG)
Infinity Miniature
By Corvus Belli
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280490-0665 Hassassin Muyibs (4)
Infinity Miniatures
By Corvus Belli
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280686-0681 Avatar TAG (2)
Infinity Miniatures
By Corvus Belli
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280725-0666 Joe “Scarface” Turner, Mercenary AG Pilot
Infinity Miniature
By Corvus Belli
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Andrea Prison Sniper Booster
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures
By Mantic
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Glenn Prison Guard Booster
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures
By Mantic
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Maggie Prison Defender Booster
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures
By Mantic
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Morgan Distraught Father Booster
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures
By Mantic
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Deluxe Prison Grounds Mat
The Walking Dead All Out War Accessory
By Mantic
This set contains a deluxe 20" by 20" neoprene gaming mat. One side has highly detailed artwork to represent the Meriwether County Correctional Facility, while the other has a slip-resistant bottom to keep your games of The Walking Dead: All Out War in place on the table. The mat is designed to tessellate with the other deluxe The Walking Dead mats for use in larger games.
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The War of Jenkins’ Ear
Strategy & Tactics #308 (Wargame & Magazine)
By Decision Games
The War of Jenkins’ Ear is a theater-wide operational two-player game that simulates that last great clash between the English and Spanish empires in the Caribbean during the mid-1700's. Before the American Revolution, control of the Caribbean was to be decisive considering the lucrative commodities that were available to be traded in the West Indies, and this game pits the superior naval might of the English against the long-established Spanish fortified settlements throughout the Caribbean. Though presented as a strategic setting, the game's combat mechanics are operational in scope and so every individual ship-of-line is included, every unit, and even the prominent admirals and leaders that fought during this little-known war.
The War of Jenkins Ear is every bit as much a land game as it is a naval game, and players must manage production, defenses of their ports, and contend with the weather and the treacherous sea.
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Magic The Gathering: Explorers of Ixalan
2-4 players, ages 13+, 30+ minutes
By Wizards of the Coast
Explorers of Ixalan is an out-of-the-box multiplayer Magic set, that challenges you to defeat your opponents along the way as you search for the lost city of Orazca. It combines board game elements with regular play. Though thematically themed to Ixalan, the set is not considered to be part of the Ixalan block.
This set contains four 60-card preconstructed theme decks (all reprints), 4 deck boxes, 10 double-sided tokens, 50 game tiles (water and jungle, forming an island), 36 counter pieces and 4 scout markers (depicting the factions). Games take about 40 to 45 minutes and can support 2 to 4 players.
Players battle over a board of hexagonal tiles they may claim by paying the amount of mana shown on the back face. Each tile then reveals either an event for an immediate effect, a quest for a reward on completion, or a site that grants a continuous effect but can be stolen by other players. The more tiles revealed, the closer the players get to revealing the Golden City of Orazca. The pool of tiles (50) is larger than the number that are actually used each game (29), so some variation occurs.
The set contains 47 reprints (numbered #1/47 to #47/47) and one token with the Explorers of Ixalan expansion symbol. The other cards are Ixalan cards with the Ixalan expansion symbol.
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From the Vault: Transform
Magic The Gathering Expansion
By Wizards of the Coast
The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.
Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.