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New Idea for Overaching Plot

Trit One-Ear

So I've had a plot I've been working for way too long now, getting it ready for my group to run (once we all get back together). The only thing it was lacking, however, was an overarching villain or plotline that could carry the heroes through more than just Heroic tier.

Then I read the article on Glasya, Asmodeus's daughter a few weeks ago. Let me know what you think of the big picture plot I have now!

According to the article, Glasya is a power-hungry and untrustworthy foe, making her the perfect catalyst for conflict in the Nine Hells. Her realm of Molbolge is rumored to have, beneath the surface, the remnants of a citadel that belonged to the God who ruled the Hells before Asmodeus. The angels who used to live there are supposedly trapped, and have changed over the millenia into something not quite angel, not quite devil. When Glasya learns of a ritual intended to awaken these Angel-Devils, she begins to undertake preparations. A large number of human souls are required to perform this ritual, so Glasya instructs her duke Tartach to begin collecting as many souls as possible.

Tartach decides rather than gathering souls through tricks and trades as devils usually do, it will be faster to gather the souls of an entire kingdom, through sacrifices. In order to do this, he seeks to infiltrate and control the ruling forces of the heroes' native kingdom. He reawakens an old cult, The Cult of the Twisted Horn, and promises them power and riches for their aid. Using their limited influence, Tartach begins gathering souls, while helping the cult grow. Little does the cult know, as with all deals with Devils, there is always more to the Devil's plan than they are aware of. By the time the heroes become involved, The Cult of the Twisted Horn are fairly well established, and still mostly secret. They have agents in many powerful positions, and have infiltrated a local Lord's council with a Succubus agent. Their first goal is clear; free the Lord from her devilish charms and control.

And from there... who knows? I feel I've set up a couple good villains for the story (Glasya and Tartach), and have potential for more in the form of big cult figures. This plot could end up in an Epic level trip to Hell, and maybe even crossing blades (or killing?) Glaysa, maybe even Asmodeus as well.

Any comments or thoughts would be amazingly appreciated!


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First Post
So, these angel-devils.
They strike me as the perfect basis for a three way war in hell during epic tier. Even if the plan isn't successful, they could be brought fourth, possibly using souls stolen from other devils.

Of course, they're unlikely to very obedient, even to Glasya's manipulations- especially if the PCs foil her ritual. They could literally be the angels who were so incorruptable and powerful that they were still fighting when He That Was died, and the hells became the hells- trapping them, inert, in the process.

They wake up and yeah, maybe Glasya plays them for a short while (enough to get them into a fight with the PCs), but after that, they'll probably go their own way- and in the process awakan ancient remnants of the place the hells used to be, walking paths and unleashing weapons the devils don't even know are there.

Of course, they don't have to be good guys. In fact they're probably extremly pissed off, real old testament stuff, planning to destroy the hells no matter what the consequences, possibly even blaming humanity for the death of their (supposed) creator and patron.

Trit One-Ear

I like that idea a lot. It makes perfect sense that the ancient beings would be too powerful for Glasya to truly control, and if the heroes ruin the ritual, it gives them a sense of responsibility or influence on events on a grand scale. And this may even throw the heroes in with "unlikely bedfellows," helping Asmodeus restore order and control in the Nine Hells.


Don't have much time to respond, but I think this is a great idea. It would be interesting for example, if Glasya and her Devil-Angels attacked Asmodeus for control of the Nine Hells. This might put him in a position asking for the PC's help (you know, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know).

But of course, one can't completely trust Asmodeus. Perhaps the PCs will unwittingly recover an ancient secret weapon for Asmodeus?


The "Divine Compact" limits the actions of angels. What if, rather than being corrupted into half angels/half devils, over time, they were actually trapped in a somehow more 'pure' form, that permits them to act beyond what The Compact permits? They will do whatever they are commanded to, without limit. Destroy gates, shatter dominions, kill gods..... That would make them incredibly powerful, but a very dangerous tool to use. It could invoke what I like to call "The Law of Unintended Consequences." If someone makes exactly the change that you want, that doesn't imply that it will give you exactly the result that you wanted. Ripples in a pool.

Well, and then there are the OTHER bad guys in the world... Asmodeus supposedly has some sort of deal with the demon lord Pazuzu. It would be a shame if he had to play the 'nuclear option' and bring in an army of demons to save his skin (never mind the consequences, think about that tomorrow).

There are lots of potential plot hooks buried here and there you can use like that. It seems like a pretty solid premise that will work quite well.


First Post
One thing to keep in mind is yeah, alliances are cool, but the pcs should have the option to do things their own way. If they want to roll into hell with every ally they ever made and pacify all these supernal jerks, then that's what should happen, even if it happens after a fair bit of 'enemy of my enemy'-esque manuevering and alliances.

My point is, the pcs should not have to act as kingmaker if they'd rather take the place over- especially with old remnants awakening, the result could be pretty much anything the players, GM, and goal outcomes lead to.

Trit One-Ear

Thanks everyone for the good responses and great ideas. I think I have a good feel for where the story will end up (as much as I feel comfortable planning ahead while still allowing the PC's to have free will). Now I just need to brain storm how to get my lvl 5 PC's involved at a local level. The cult gives me plenty of opportunities for that, so I'm not too worried.

Again, many thanks to all who took the time to read and respond.


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