New Kind Of Fun


First Post
Hi... im trying to complete something for my friends they got booord of D&D so they sujested trying to make one useing ideas from d&d and ideas from The Final Fantasy Games so i set out to find and creat new spells and i have everything BUT. charecter classes i basically made the classes into three categorys Magic Meele and Thevory SO, so far i have come up with this for magic please dont bug me about it Fire Water Ice Nature Good Evil Air Earth Eletric basically each is explanetory they use here element to kill others letse say lv1 your Ice next level tou could have lv2 fire and next lv3 evil but there would be restrictions like you cant have good and evil or you cant have fire and water and toy coulddnt have air and earth
for thevory i have only come up with this Arcane Trixter Rogue Bandit basicaly each just being a little more defined one would have mor skil points one would have a better attack stature
Alright Last but not least Meele (my fav) meelee would have fighter berserker Amazon Knight Barbarian .... you get the picture

Thank you for reading this and if you have any ideas please be free to give me tips and stuff to help me out .
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