Hi everyone,
Over the course of adventure 12, I made up some ridiculous icons and had a lot of fun doing so. Feel free to use them in your campaigns if you like!
The lizard icon (Life and earth) : creatures regrow lost limbs - but not vital organs! - after a day's rest.
The Narnia icon (Air and Space) - two wardrobes on the same plane can function as wormholes that teleport to each other when you enter the wardrobe.
@Nnesk's displacement icon (Space and life) : once a creature falls to zero hit points, they are displaced twenty feet in a random direction
The Lavie Tidhar icon (Fire and Earth) - constructs are now deeply religious; all Automata receive the powers of clerics, including turn undead. They have a new deity that appears in the stars of Lanjyr.
The I, Robot icon (fire and life) - All constructs have souls. They can now be charmed and frightened, healed using healing spells, and resurrected with divine spells. They are also more prone to demand human rights and civil liberties.
The Jingle Icon (Earth and space) - persuasion, intimidation, and deception checks receive advantage if speech is spoken in rhymes.
The Douglas Adams icon (Air & water) - the air (air) or all fish (water) become universal translators. If slotted in air, all spoken and written languages can be comprehended by everyone on land. If slotted in water, all spoken and written languages can be comprehended on land and underwater by those who insert fish into their ear.
The amphibian icon (air & water) - all air breathers can now breathe in water, all aquatic creatures can now breathe in air.
The Timey-Wimey icon (Time & Death) - reactions are now taken before the action that triggered them.
The Woosh icon (Time & air) - once per long rest, an action can be converted into a bonus action. Two bonus actions can be taken per turn with this power.
The Looper icon (time & death) - once per day, people can take their turn again immediately after finishing it, in which case they perform exactly the same action, bonus action, and movement, but all in reverse order.
Total recall icon (Time & life) - memory is much clearer, to the point that Int 13 check (regular object), 18 Int check (rare) allows you to assert that you brought an object with you perfect for the situation.
The foresight icon (Time & earth) - people ponder the future with greater care. Initiative rolls can be based on Wisdom rather than Dexterity. In addition, Spellcasters with divination spells receive an advantage on Initiative rolls. It is also more difficult to surprise people, mechanically and otherwise.
The izombie icon (Death & life) - all undead are now sentient and intelligent, and speak, and they are in full control of their mental faculties, even zombies. Much harder to turn them, but they can be charmed.
The Miazaki icon (Life & earth) - animals and plant life are now sentient and telepathic.
The Ber Icon (Air and Water) - either everyone gets the effect of the freedom of movement spell perpetually (air) or everyone has perpetual advantage against mind influencing spells and effects (water). If slotted in water, persuasion, deception, and intimidation checks are rolled with a disadvantage.
The Daemon Icon (Water and fire) - everyone has a familiar, a Fey creature, that levels up together with them. It takes on some qualities of a water elemental (water) or fire elemental (fire). You have a telepathic connection with that familiar and warding bond with it. If killed, it returns to your side in 1d4 days. Only permanently killed if you are dead and not resurrected.
The Titan icon (Space and Earth) - once per long rest, everyone can cast self-enlarge and self-reduce. Fey Titans are no longer restricted to Risur albeit they are still more powerful there. Risurans and Fey can challenge them to battle for the right to replace them as Fey Titan. If the challenger wins, they become the new Fey Titan while the incumbent is banished to the Dreaming. Furthermore, the Father of Thunder can cast Control Weather, Granny All's Well can cast Charm Person, the Voice of Rot can cast Plane Shift, She Who Writhes can summon handsome men in a parameter of one mile onto the surface, and the Ashen Wolf's long lost love returns to it from the burning wood.
The truth or dare icon (life and fire) - if slotted in life, then honesty is the best policy. Everyone gains True Sight. Deception checks are made with a Disadvantage, Insight checks with advantage, and Persuasion and Intimidate checks gain Advantage when they are especially heartfelt. If slotted in fire, then fortune favours the bold. Attacks on a challenge rating significantly above your level, or attacks when you are outnumbered four to one, are rolled with advantage.
The ‘do you feel lucky, punk?’ icon (life and death) - every time you cast a summon spell during battle or any turn-based situation, roll 1d10. On a roll of 10, a Planetar appears instead of the summoned creature for the duration of the scene and obeys your commands. On a roll of 1, an archfiend of the Golden Legion appears instead of the summoned creature and immediately attacks you and your allies. On a 2-5, your summoned creature appears but will only obey your commands on a successful animal handling (if it's an animal) or persuasion (if it's a humanoid) DC 15 check upon its first appearance. If you failed the check, you may reroll at the start of each of its turns. On a 6-9, your summoned creature obeys your commands unquestionably and enjoys the effects of a bless spell.
The socialist icon (space and time) - private property is the root cause of all social ills. People no longer own objects, they only borrow them for as long as they need them. If an item is in your possession for a week and you do not use it and it is not attuned to you, it mysteriously disappears from your bag and appears where it is more needed. Armour is considered used if you fought a battle sometime in the past week. If an item is attuned to you and you do not use it for a week, you lose the attunement. On the other hand, roll on a chart every morning - you gain a common, rare, or very rare item for the day, depending on your level. Furthermore, once per day you may make a Wisdom check (DC 13 common, 18 rare, 22 very rare) to gain a particular item of your choice for a day. If you have successfully rolled for the same item four times over four consecutive days, the item is yours as long as you use it at least once a week.
Over the course of adventure 12, I made up some ridiculous icons and had a lot of fun doing so. Feel free to use them in your campaigns if you like!
The lizard icon (Life and earth) : creatures regrow lost limbs - but not vital organs! - after a day's rest.
The Narnia icon (Air and Space) - two wardrobes on the same plane can function as wormholes that teleport to each other when you enter the wardrobe.
@Nnesk's displacement icon (Space and life) : once a creature falls to zero hit points, they are displaced twenty feet in a random direction
The Lavie Tidhar icon (Fire and Earth) - constructs are now deeply religious; all Automata receive the powers of clerics, including turn undead. They have a new deity that appears in the stars of Lanjyr.
The I, Robot icon (fire and life) - All constructs have souls. They can now be charmed and frightened, healed using healing spells, and resurrected with divine spells. They are also more prone to demand human rights and civil liberties.
The Jingle Icon (Earth and space) - persuasion, intimidation, and deception checks receive advantage if speech is spoken in rhymes.
The Douglas Adams icon (Air & water) - the air (air) or all fish (water) become universal translators. If slotted in air, all spoken and written languages can be comprehended by everyone on land. If slotted in water, all spoken and written languages can be comprehended on land and underwater by those who insert fish into their ear.
The amphibian icon (air & water) - all air breathers can now breathe in water, all aquatic creatures can now breathe in air.
The Timey-Wimey icon (Time & Death) - reactions are now taken before the action that triggered them.
The Woosh icon (Time & air) - once per long rest, an action can be converted into a bonus action. Two bonus actions can be taken per turn with this power.
The Looper icon (time & death) - once per day, people can take their turn again immediately after finishing it, in which case they perform exactly the same action, bonus action, and movement, but all in reverse order.
Total recall icon (Time & life) - memory is much clearer, to the point that Int 13 check (regular object), 18 Int check (rare) allows you to assert that you brought an object with you perfect for the situation.
The foresight icon (Time & earth) - people ponder the future with greater care. Initiative rolls can be based on Wisdom rather than Dexterity. In addition, Spellcasters with divination spells receive an advantage on Initiative rolls. It is also more difficult to surprise people, mechanically and otherwise.
The izombie icon (Death & life) - all undead are now sentient and intelligent, and speak, and they are in full control of their mental faculties, even zombies. Much harder to turn them, but they can be charmed.
The Miazaki icon (Life & earth) - animals and plant life are now sentient and telepathic.
The Ber Icon (Air and Water) - either everyone gets the effect of the freedom of movement spell perpetually (air) or everyone has perpetual advantage against mind influencing spells and effects (water). If slotted in water, persuasion, deception, and intimidation checks are rolled with a disadvantage.
The Daemon Icon (Water and fire) - everyone has a familiar, a Fey creature, that levels up together with them. It takes on some qualities of a water elemental (water) or fire elemental (fire). You have a telepathic connection with that familiar and warding bond with it. If killed, it returns to your side in 1d4 days. Only permanently killed if you are dead and not resurrected.
The Titan icon (Space and Earth) - once per long rest, everyone can cast self-enlarge and self-reduce. Fey Titans are no longer restricted to Risur albeit they are still more powerful there. Risurans and Fey can challenge them to battle for the right to replace them as Fey Titan. If the challenger wins, they become the new Fey Titan while the incumbent is banished to the Dreaming. Furthermore, the Father of Thunder can cast Control Weather, Granny All's Well can cast Charm Person, the Voice of Rot can cast Plane Shift, She Who Writhes can summon handsome men in a parameter of one mile onto the surface, and the Ashen Wolf's long lost love returns to it from the burning wood.
The truth or dare icon (life and fire) - if slotted in life, then honesty is the best policy. Everyone gains True Sight. Deception checks are made with a Disadvantage, Insight checks with advantage, and Persuasion and Intimidate checks gain Advantage when they are especially heartfelt. If slotted in fire, then fortune favours the bold. Attacks on a challenge rating significantly above your level, or attacks when you are outnumbered four to one, are rolled with advantage.
The ‘do you feel lucky, punk?’ icon (life and death) - every time you cast a summon spell during battle or any turn-based situation, roll 1d10. On a roll of 10, a Planetar appears instead of the summoned creature for the duration of the scene and obeys your commands. On a roll of 1, an archfiend of the Golden Legion appears instead of the summoned creature and immediately attacks you and your allies. On a 2-5, your summoned creature appears but will only obey your commands on a successful animal handling (if it's an animal) or persuasion (if it's a humanoid) DC 15 check upon its first appearance. If you failed the check, you may reroll at the start of each of its turns. On a 6-9, your summoned creature obeys your commands unquestionably and enjoys the effects of a bless spell.
The socialist icon (space and time) - private property is the root cause of all social ills. People no longer own objects, they only borrow them for as long as they need them. If an item is in your possession for a week and you do not use it and it is not attuned to you, it mysteriously disappears from your bag and appears where it is more needed. Armour is considered used if you fought a battle sometime in the past week. If an item is attuned to you and you do not use it for a week, you lose the attunement. On the other hand, roll on a chart every morning - you gain a common, rare, or very rare item for the day, depending on your level. Furthermore, once per day you may make a Wisdom check (DC 13 common, 18 rare, 22 very rare) to gain a particular item of your choice for a day. If you have successfully rolled for the same item four times over four consecutive days, the item is yours as long as you use it at least once a week.