I have been a fan of Avatar The Last Airbender for about a year now. It's a wonderful world, and I'd love to sit down with some of my friends and take them for a spin in it. The problem is that while I love d20 as a base for everything I do, I can't find a d20 system that allows for the key mechanic of the entire setting, the titular 'Bending'. I have rough ideas of what I want to do, and I'd rather keep it loose and flexible rather than having it bound up to it's neck in named moves and class abilities. I want bending to be powerful, but not unbalancing, a path that you walk to the exclusion of other skills and weapons. I want to avoid 1/2 progression classes, simply because it's a martial arts based system. I'd rather keep this skills and feats focused than have bending be specific to any one class. I'm still trying to figure out exactly where this is going, but I'm more than willing to rip up stuff I've come up with if it means getting closer to the source and flavor of the setting.
Ideas for Classes:
Soldier: Regimented men-at arms, highly trained and armored but inflexible. Specilists in one method of combat, they tend to flounder outside it.
Warrior: Self-trained or barbarian fighters who have unpolished but effective skills. Combat generalists who can have moderate skill in several areas.
Nobles: Diplomats and liars who use words to deadly effect and parry assasins with skills learned to fill time growing up.
Mystics: Study matters of the spirit and seek enlightenment and understanding.
Scholars: Seekers of knowledge of this world, scholars can be historians, geographers or healers. Their knowledge might also include some skills usefull in this world at war.
Ideas for Classes:
Soldier: Regimented men-at arms, highly trained and armored but inflexible. Specilists in one method of combat, they tend to flounder outside it.
Warrior: Self-trained or barbarian fighters who have unpolished but effective skills. Combat generalists who can have moderate skill in several areas.
Nobles: Diplomats and liars who use words to deadly effect and parry assasins with skills learned to fill time growing up.
Mystics: Study matters of the spirit and seek enlightenment and understanding.
Scholars: Seekers of knowledge of this world, scholars can be historians, geographers or healers. Their knowledge might also include some skills usefull in this world at war.