Gate Pass Gazette New Project Launched: Level Up: A5E Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2022


So for me I will still be backing the Patreon only because this is such a small company. I would hate for them to loose enough backers so they couldn't afford to make each issue.

Knowing that there is even a possibility of them collecting the issues mean that I will not be buying the soft back versions, I hate paperback books in my library and I only started buying the pod because I was told it was the only way to get a dead tree version. .

I would love it if there was a Patreon tier for backing the Kickstarter, something that let me buy the hardback copy at a bit of a discount it should be easy to match the emails so you can verify that they are a member of the Patreon and how long they have been pledging.
True, although the fact that they’re paid for separately probably allows for everything to be a but cheaper because the physical publication doesn’t finance the articles and vice versa

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True, although the fact that they’re paid for separately probably allows for everything to be a but cheaper because the physical publication doesn’t finance the articles and vice versa
I agree especially since they are doing a standard print run for the collection and not just pod through dtrpg but even like a dollar off of the Kickstarter price for each issue you backed would be an amazing thank you to the Patreon supporters.


I wonder, if it was $120 for the hardcover, would people still be complaining about the Patreon? Then it would be the same price. I, for one, backed it when it launched because if there weren't enough patrons, it wasn't going to launch at all. The monthly fees, presumably, pay the authors, editor(s), artists, and graphic designers for each issue (after Patreon takes their cut, anyway); the hardcover doesn't have to do any of that because they have already been paid. It's just a nice collected volume of everything you have helped make happen. If enough people stop pledging, then there won't be any annuals, either, because there won't be any GPG in the first place. So you're welcome for the privilege, I guess, but do keep in mind that the money finances completely separate things.

The problem here, if there is one, is probably due to the nature of Kickstarter in general. GPG is funded through Patreon, not Kickstarter, so how would they know that you have been backing it and for how long? Can they issue promo codes that you can use? If so, then sure, maybe it would make sense to give people a cheaper rate, but I don't know if that's even how it works and it's a lot more effort to manage. It would probably be easier to do all that if they just released the book without Kickstarter, but I imagine the whole point of doing Kickstarter was because they don't have that kind of money sitting around.

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