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New Publisher-First Product! "More Mighty Than Steel"


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Skortched Urf' Studios has released its first product through the EN World Game Store.

More Mighty Than Steel

At some point in his career, every wizard finds himself needing to write magical spells. Whether creating scrolls, transcribing an ancient spellbook, or simply adding spells to his own spellbook; the use of inks and quills is time consuming and expensive. It is not surprising, then, that many wizards have sought to use magic to reduce the tediousness of the task. This collection includes nine magical items for use in your game; from Sinned’s Tattoo ink to Ink of Summoning and the Quill of the Cipher. Truly the Quill is more mighty than Steel!

Written by Dennis Mohr.


Skortched Urf' Studios is about gaming. We began our gaming careers at A Keep on the Borderlands and have continued through the Day of Mourning. I know there are a zillion other PDF publisher’s out there, so rather than talk about how much experience we have in the gaming industry (more than a little, less than WoTC), or how our products will turn the gaming world upside down (not much of a selling point), we will let our products speak for themselves. We give players and GM's the tools they want to add more enjoyment to the games they already love.


Visit us on the web at:

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Hope this doesn't come off as snide (since that's not how it's intended): Why "More Mighty than Steel" as opposed to "Mightier than Steel"?

In any case, good luck with your endeavor, and I love your company logo.


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Everyone's a critic! ;-) Can't say why I decided on that specific wording for the title; just wanted to give the whole "pen is mightier/more mighty than the sword" vibe. Thanks for the input!


I got it, mcathro. Your company name is Skortched Urf, More Mighty instead of Mightier Than. That's how we talked as kids (much to our parents' and teachers' chagrin) when our imaginations seemed bigger and more colorful. Those were happy times.

I like it! :)

Interesting first book. If you're interested in more material of a similar subject, check out Libem Liborum, Silven's d20 guide to books. Now that my cheesy plug is over, congratulations on the new company. I look forward to seeing what you produce in the future.
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Thanks for the well wishes! As for why I released this book first; I did it cuz it was a small PDF (four pages total, nine magic items) so I could learn the ropes about posting items to the store. When I first put it up it didn't show on the "new release" section; turned out I was messing around with adding items in July when I signed up for the account on ENWorld, so it had defaulted to that date as the release date! Plus I had the first version with a thirty meg cover; needed to do a bit or re-sizing! ;-)

I already have about ten products just about completed. (Thanks to some very talented freelance writers and artists!) I just need to do the final layout and turn them into PDF's.

I have a preview of one of our upcoming releases for D20 Modern: "Synthetic Lycanthropy" over at our website:

Look for that one to come out shortly; I'm having the artwork colored before we put it out.

Once again, thanks for the well wishes (and shameless commercial plugs ;-)!


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