[new race] Norden


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Large, beast-like nomads of the North, Norden are powerful yet reclusive. Norden resemble huge men covered in long brown fur, with animal-like features. They often stand 7 feet tall, if not larger. Females are slightly smaller, with patterned fur. Some have tusks, although such features are mostly seen in the more primitive, savage tribes. A Norden with horns is held with much respect.

Norden travel in tribes, following walruses and other game. When tribes meet, trading usually follows, walrus furs being exchanged for bone spears, and talk of the world exchanged for tall tales.

Norden feel most at home in the cold, and are at one with nature. Although they are hardy folk, Norden are slow and a bit clumsy.

Norden Racial Traits

- +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity: Norden are able to live in cold weather, but are slower than most.

- Medium-size: As Medium-sized creatures, norden have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

- Norden base speed is 30 feet.

- Low-light Vision: Norden can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retian the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

- +1 natural bonus to armor class: The thick fur of a Norden gives it a natural armor.

- +2 racial bonus on saving throws agaist cold: Norden are born and raised in the cold, and often prefer it.

- +2 racial bonus on Wilderness Lore checks when in cold conditions: Norden know how to survive the cold.

- +2 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks: Norden have keen eyes.

- +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks: Norden almost have an empathy when with animals.

- Automatic Languages: Aliman, Common.

- Favored Class: Druid. Norden are one with nature, and often form sects worshipping it.

So, what do you folks think? Overpowered? Underpowered?

What if I gave them a natural speed of 40, but it didn't stack with Barbarian or Monk speed?
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I think that giving them faster speed would make them a bit too powerful for a ECL +0 race. +1 Natural Armor and +2 to saving throws vs cold are both pretty good beenfits, and the 4 +2s to skills make it a balanced race. Adding in faster speed would just make it too powerful, IMO.


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Considering their height, they should be Large rather than medium creatures. Also, with their thick fur, they should recieve some penalty when in warmer climates, perhaps they are more easily fatigued or take extra damage from fire-based attacks.


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Witness said:
Considering their height, they should be Large rather than medium creatures.
Um, no. Without even considering the balance problems that would result from this, please refer to page 5 of the MM. Medium is 4 feet to 8 feet. Maybe there are one or two extremely large Norden that are Large, but the normal Norden is not Large.
Now then, considering the balance problems, making these guys a large race would have to immediately bump them up to at least ECL +1 or +2. Being a Large PC is a very big benefit, especially to fighters. And I think Tsunami wants these guys to be ECL +0.
Also, with their thick fur, they should recieve some penalty when in warmer climates, perhaps they are more easily fatigued or take extra damage from fire-based attacks.
I agree with this. I don't know about the extra damage from fire-based attacks, but they should definitely become fatigued and exhausted faster then normal in warm climates.


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Witness said:
Also, with their thick fur, they should recieve some penalty when in warmer climates, perhaps they are more easily fatigued

Hm... I agree, but how do you think, ruleswise, I would do this?


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Doesn't the DMG give specific temperatures at which certain effects due to heat and cold exposure occur (I don't have my DMG handy)? Why not just modify the temperatures at which these things take effect, reducing them all by 20 degrees or so. This would make them more resistant to cold and vulnerable to heat. Even if that isn't supported directly by the rules, that sort of approach makes the most sense.

Edit: I took the time to look it up and these are listed on pages 86 and 87 of the DMG. Reducing the definition of very hot (90F) and Extremely Hot (110F) conditions by 20 degrees (or even 10 degrees) would make a huge difference. Abysmal heat should be considered the normal 140F when taking damage for breathing and being exposed to a heat metal effect, but the reduced temperature for the other effects.

On the other hand, cold weather (40F) and extreme cold (OF) would also have their definition reduced.

Another possibility is simply assuming that the character is always wearing heavy clothing due to their fur, giving them a -4 penalty to resist heat effects but considering them to be protected in cold conditions (reducing the frequency of resitance checks greatly).
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What are they some kinda sastasquashis? sasaswashies? Sassa... Big Foots?
Looks good as long as you don't give them the 40ft movement.
I hope they don't look like the picture though, their arms look to big and weird.
An yes they are mid, not large, if they are 7 feet tall.
Shaq is that tall.
They kinda remind me of a defensive half-orc.

edited for spelling
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First Post
I loosely based them on the picture of the superhero Sasquatch, from the comics Alpha Flight. Actually, that picture is from Deadpool... but, anyway, what's great about roleplaying games is that you can imagine them any way you like...


Tsunami said:


- +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity: Norden are able to live in cold weather, but are slower than most.

- Medium-size: As Medium-sized creatures, norden have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

- Norden base speed is 30 feet.

So, what do you folks think? Overpowered? Underpowered?

What if I gave them a natural speed of 40, but it didn't stack with Barbarian or Monk speed?

Using the picture as a guide I would say how about giving them a +2 to str and dropping their speed to 20.

EDIT: (Do those things have opposable thumbs on their feet? Look at the picture.)
If they are slower than most; maybe their speed should be reduced not improved.
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