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New review of the Book of Erotic Fantasy

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I don't remember people saying that the book shouldn't be allowed to be printed. I don't remember anyone saying "ban BoEF!!!"

We're just saying it's a rubbish idea. Is it so wrong for us to say that we don't want to see this material? Can we not voice our opinions anymore?

Those people you mention that tried to get DnD shut down were attempting to censor it. No one here has mentioned censorship as far as I have seen.

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Kai Lord

ArthurQ said:
I'm disgusted. Completly.
I'm ashamed to call myself a gamer.
No, not because of the BOEF.

Its Art. Its not disgusting, its not porn.
Interesting opinion. Interesting post count.


First Post
Actually from the way you state it it DOES sound like you want to censor the book. "We dont want to see this material."

If you dont want to see it then simply do not pick up the book. The tone and attitude of the posts implies that they feel the book should not have been written or released and that was what i felt them saying "not see this material" conveyed.

You yourself said the following

When it comes to this project my opinion is, in hunter1828's own words, "I wish none of this had happened."

To me that says you wished the book was never conceived or published.

I dont like Grayhawk. In fact i think its utter crap. However I dont go saying that I wish it never existed.


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i cannot think of how this would help my game in anyway. thats not to say that it can't help yours, or that its not suitable for any campaign at all, but just to say that i have no need nor desire for this product.
If it works for you, fine. But no need to lash out at those of use who don't need it. Thats like saying that i'm bad for not using AU even though it has no place in my dragonlance campaign. Bad form, ArthurQ.

edit- and yeah, part of me wishes this book had never been concieved. part of me cant figure out how the hell this is even remotely related to gaming, or adventuring. Part of me wants nothing to do with a group that wants to impregnate barmaids. Part of me also hates GH and the Realms. the rest of me accepts that there are people who may want this stuff, and understands the need to pander to such an audience.

I still don't have to like it. =)
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First Post
talinthas said:
i cannot think of how this would help my game in anyway. thats not to say that it can't help yours, or that its not suitable for any campaign at all, but just to say that i have no need nor desire for this product.
If it works for you, fine. But no need to lash out at those of use who don't need it. Thats like saying that i'm bad for not using AU even though it has no place in my dragonlance campaign. Bad form, ArthurQ.

You're mis interpreting my comment. Its fine to say you have no intrest in the book or in buying it. Its fine to say you wont use it. But the above comments are not along those lines. They directly attack the content of the book. That is what i'm ashamed of. I'm not lashing. I'm scolding.


First Post
Wishing the book didn't exist and actually attempting to keep it from existing are completely seperate things.

I'm not going to use the book. If my non-gaming friends see it, I'll probably end up having to explain "what the deal is" with said book.

In effect, the book has no useful purpose to me and is a potential cause of trouble for me.

But, once again, that hardly means I'm trying to censor it. I will express my desire that they not continue printing material like that, but I'm not doing anything to keep others from buying aside from expressing my opinion... and you're scolding me for it.

Now who's trying to censor who here?


Not to pick apart your post...or to be rude...but:

DWARF said:
I don't remember people saying that the book shouldn't be allowed to be printed. I don't remember anyone saying "ban BoEF!!!"

We're just saying it's a rubbish idea. Is it so wrong for us to say that we don't want to see this material?...

sounds like a contradiction to me..sounds like what is being said is don't support this product, don't let it be printed, we don't want it.

And whats rubbish to you...may be treasure to someone else. What you don't want to see...another may.

Let it be. Is it a subject worth getting so riled up about? Approach it with an open mind.

I will. Maybe I'll pick it up...maybe I won't...but I'm one of the weirdo's that bought the 'Slayer's Guide to Female Gamer's' just so I could put it on my coffee table so female guests or gamers might see it :)

I'll evaluate the product once I get more information on it, when I can give it a fair evaluation...if you know the product is going to be absolutely useless to you...don't buy it...don't support it...but to call someone's product that they worked so hard on (or are working on) absoloute rubbish without all the facts is...closed minded...sorry. Not trying to be rude...but it is.

There are LOTS of products out there I haven't bought...because I don't like the artwork or find them useful...but I don't go around slamming them...

*shrugs* let it be...if it works for you..support it..if it doesn't...don't...no need to get so worked up and angry about it all.

--Added Edit--

Oh and before someone/anyone comments on my measely post count and opinion..I'm not associated with anyone in the gaming community, personally or professionally or even know a single person on these boards...and I have been lurking around this site and EN's original site for a long time now...I just don't post tons here...I read alot though. I post tons on my board though :)
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First Post
DWARF said:
Wishing the book didn't exist and actually attempting to keep it from existing are completely seperate things.

I'm not going to use the book. If my non-gaming friends see it, I'll probably end up having to explain "what the deal is" with said book.

In effect, the book has no useful purpose to me and is a potential cause of trouble for me.

But, once again, that hardly means I'm trying to censor it. I will express my desire that they not continue printing material like that, but I'm not doing anything to keep others from buying aside from expressing my opinion... and you're scolding me for it.

Now who's trying to censor who here?

Why would you have to explain it? You wouldnt be explaining it at all you'd be giving your negative opinion. If they ask about it and you want no "trouble" just give them a link to the site and let them learn for themselves.

Wishing something didnt exist is just as bad as censoring it or trying to stop it from existing.


First Post
Thanatos said:
Not to pick apart your post...or to be rude...but:

sounds like a contradiction to me..sounds like what is being said is don't support this product, don't let it be printed, we don't want it.

And whats rubbish to you...may be treasure to someone else. What you don't want to see...another may.

Let it be. Is it a subject worth getting so riled up about? Approach it with an open mind.

I will. Maybe I'll pick it up...maybe I won't...but I'm one of the weirdo's that bought the 'Slayer's Guide to Female Gamer's' just so I could put it on my coffee table so female guests or gamers might see it :)

I'll evaluate the product once I get more information on it, when I can give it a fair evaluation...if you know the product is going to be absolutely useless to you...don't buy it...don't support it...but to call someone's product that they worked so hard on (or are working on) absoloute rubbish without all the facts is...closed minded...sorry. Not trying to be rude...but it is.

There are LOTS of products out there I haven't bought...because I don't like the artwork or find them useful...but I don't go around slamming them...

*shrugs* let it be...if it works for you..support it..if it doesn't...don't...no need to get so worked up and angry about it all.

Thank you...You understand.

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