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Kaeysari smiles wistfully. "Mostly I am, but some of my ancestors back a few hundred years ago were skin-changers. Lycanthropes. I'm what they call a Shifter. A bit of the old wolf-blood in me. Some people don't deal with it well."
Papolstaanas seems oddly delighted by this information, as though Kaeysari has just let him in on a personal secret rather than merely stated a fact obvious to everyone else. "I don't see why anyone should have a problem with it," he says a little dreamily, his face splitting into a broad grin as his thoughts start to drift. If he couldn't tell that Kaeysari isn't human, then his mother shouldn't be able to, either. He chuckles throatily, imagining his mother fawning over Kaeysari as she did with the eladrin before, oblivious to the fact that Kaeysari is really some sort of beast! But, with a twinge of regret, he realizes that he is once again getting ahead of himself; Kaeysari is unlikely to become an adventuring companion to someone she believes to be a horrid little monster. His mirth starts to fade without his having explained its source.