New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

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Forked from: Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man Inn is notorious for attracting adventurers from all over the world, and many a tale told starts with an anxious employer entering the rowdy common room of that establishment. The best known inn in town it has not one but two "authentic Old Vic skins" decorating its walls.

The Hanged Man Inn contains a portal to the Drowned Man, a tavern on Bacarte. It functions much the same way save that the Hanged Man charges significantly more for the three drinks required to get through the portal reliably.

It is common practice for those that visit the Hanged Man to introduce themselves, even if it is not their true name. The bouncers like to know the name of who they may have to rough up later.

OOC: This is the new tavern thread. Feel free to interact here while not on adventure.

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Ah, now that is an experience, rubbing shoulders with the Gods, smiting, and so forth... Veruzak exclaims to Montroya, turning his head again to Matlal, I've done nothing as great as all that! Most of my markings come from arcane contests as a youth, who can blow up the most this, who can scorch the most that, the hood is flipped back from Veruzak's face, revealing lines of arcane writing, The markings on my face show that I'm of the Ver tribe, Veruza is my mother, and that I'm trained in war casting. It's a technique our tribe has passed down over the generations. Has to do with spreading the flow of shadow out. The Eladrin smiles, thinking of the Shadowlands, Growing up in the Shadowlands will have an effect on ones shadow, they say that if a being garners enough power, their shadow will walk of it's own volition. Mine just hides from the light, and tries to escape occasionally, it just can't leech enough power off me to detach. I'll have to be careful later in life not to lose him though.

The hood flips back up as Veruzak finishes his story. He continues to face Montroya, and thinks, *I don't trust anyone who has been around the Gods, the fickle... Mireva hiding... enlightened... * his train of thought bounces forth and back again, Do the shadows not writhe in the Valley?


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The large human, heavily armored and armed, sits on his stool at the bar, quietly drinking his mug of ale, and ignoring at the moment the chit chat of the crew.


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Ah, now that is an experience, rubbing shoulders with the Gods, smiting, and so forth... Veruzak exclaims to Montroya, turning his head again to Matlal, I've done nothing as great as all that! Most of my markings come from arcane contests as a youth, who can blow up the most this, who can scorch the most that, the hood is flipped back from Veruzak's face, revealing lines of arcane writing, The markings on my face show that I'm of the Ver tribe, Veruza is my mother, and that I'm trained in war casting. It's a technique our tribe has passed down over the generations. Has to do with spreading the flow of shadow out. The Eladrin smiles, thinking of the Shadowlands, Growing up in the Shadowlands will have an effect on ones shadow, they say that if a being garners enough power, their shadow will walk of it's own volition. Mine just hides from the light, and tries to escape occasionally, it just can't leech enough power off me to detach. I'll have to be careful later in life not to lose him though.

The hood flips back up as Veruzak finishes his story. He continues to face Montroya, and thinks, *I don't trust anyone who has been around the Gods, the fickle... Mireva hiding... enlightened... * his train of thought bounces forth and back again, Do the shadows not writhe in the Valley?

Matlal nods curtly, digesting the information. "Only da spellcastas in I's tribe take on tattoos. Dey represen' spiritual an' magical battles, martial fights are jus' remembered wit' scars." He seems rather intrigued by the idea of one's shadow running off, grinning as he thought it over in his head (even if it'd be a rather unfortunate occurance), "Wha's da consequences if ja shadow does get away? Also, ta answa ja question, only da priests a' Tezcatlipoca, da Smoking Mirror, have dat talent as far as I know. Dere shadows start ta smolder and smoke like incense during dere rituals."

[sblock=ooc]Tezcatlipoca has been listed as equivalent to Vulkar, who hasn't even got a proper description yet, but his epithets of Titlacauan ("We are his Slaves"), Ipalnemoani ("He by whom we live"), Necoc Yaotl ("Enemy of Both Sides"), Tloque Nahuaque ("Lord of the Near and the Nigh") and Yohualli Èecatl ("Night, Wind"), Ome acatl ("Two Reed"), Ilhuicahua Tlalticpaque ("Possessor of the Sky and Earth") is too perfect for an esoteric mystery cult. As the representation of "change through strife" I'm seeing him as very similar to Hindu Shaivite (Shiva-worshipping) traditions.

Associations:night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war and strife[/sblock]​


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I filled in the Aztec/Mayan gods table, pretty much by grabbing the most appropriate/interesting god I could find for each. If you want to change them, feel free.

I think Vulkar (aka Vulcan, god of smiths and artificers) is good for a mystery cult. That's the same type of thing the Freemasons came from.


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I filled in the Aztec/Mayan gods table, pretty much by grabbing the most appropriate/interesting god I could find for each. If you want to change them, feel free.

I think Vulkar (aka Vulcan, god of smiths and artificers) is good for a mystery cult. That's the same type of thing the Freemasons came from.

[sblock=ooc]Nah, I think smiths/artificers is a pretty good one. Tezcatlipoca doesn't have many fire associations directly, but the forge is a good representation of "destruction as the germ of creation". He puts things through strife (the forge) to initiate change (a hunk of steel turning into a sword).

I have a good idea regarding the "Enemy of Both Sides" epithet (my favorite one). Tezcatlipoca is the hammer and the anvil, hence putting one between "a rock and a hard place" so as to speak, but in the end it results in an evolution of form.[/sblock]


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The one thing I'm not sure about the Valley of Bone gods is that they use the Aztec names directly, instead of being slight variations like the Greek-based ones. But (a) I wanted people to be able to Google them and find out more, since the pantheon isn't nearly as well-known, and (b) I'm not very creative.


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Ah, now that is an experience, rubbing shoulders with the Gods, smiting, and so forth... Veruzak exclaims to Montroya,

"Yes," the deva says appraising the wizards tatoos, "I just wish I remember more of it. That way my past mistakes don't repeat themselves."

they say that if a being garners enough power, their shadow will walk of it's own volition. Mine just hides from the light, and tries to escape occasionally, it just can't leech enough power off me to detach. I'll have to be careful later in life not to lose him though.

"What of the Gods then? They have enough power. Do their own shadows have sway over this world? I would think not, at least not their shadow in a literal sense. If the shadow has a fraction of power of it's owner, you could call the Servants of the Gods the pieces of it's shadow. And that begs the question of if a shadow is seperated from it's owner, and the owner falls, does the shadow fall as well?"


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matlal nods curtly, digesting the information. "only da spellcastas in i's tribe take on tattoos. Dey represen' spiritual an' magical battles, martial fights are jus' remembered wit' scars." he seems rather intrigued by the idea of one's shadow running off, grinning as he thought it over in his head (even if it'd be a rather unfortunate occurance), "wha's da consequences if ja shadow does get away? Also, ta answa ja question, only da priests a' tezcatlipoca, da smoking mirror, have dat talent as far as i know. Dere shadows start ta smolder and smoke like incense during dere rituals."

Everyone in the Shadowlands takes body modification very seriously, well almost everyone... The wizard smiles at the mention of priests and smoking mirors, Smoke and mirrors is my business, no small wonder then that they cause the shadow to react.

The wizard stops politely, leaving a gap of silence for the Deva to step into the conversation again.

"yes," the deva says appraising the wizards tatoos, "i just wish i remember more of it. That way my past mistakes don't repeat themselves."

"what of the gods then? They have enough power. Do their own shadows have sway over this world? I would think not, at least not their shadow in a literal sense. If the shadow has a fraction of power of it's owner, you could call the servants of the gods the pieces of it's shadow. And that begs the question of if a shadow is seperated from it's owner, and the owner falls, does the shadow fall as well?"

Ha ha, yes, memory is an elusive bugger, maybe I'll look into a memory restoration ritual... Most of them have to do with getting rid of a memory, which people will pay handsomely for mind you, that's why alcohol is so popular...
Sipping the beer in front of him, Veruzak continues, Yes, the Gods have enough power, and I'm sure that some of their shadows have attempted an escape. Of those shadows that are successful, some get trapped, creating Dread Domains, eerie places in the Shadowlands with no exit. Others simply hide like cowards, the rest of their inky existence. Setting the beer down, and glancing back toward Matlal, Once your shadow escapes, it's imperative that it be hunt down, and reattached. Needle and thread will work, if it is given even the most minor of enchantments. Shadows, like names, or personal objects, carry power. Rituals can exploit that power. Veruzak busts out with a loud chuckle, There are some sheep on the Isle of O, oh you have to see it someday, no shadow, no name, no soul... They all used to be Warlocks, until they made a grievous mistake in trusting some upstart... The point of the story is, don't lose personal objects, don't give out the name that truly defines you, and don't lose your shadow. The laws on Magic are still catching up to what we are capable of, it's hard to charge someone with murder, when the corpse is still up walking and talking, if you know what I mean. Veruzak pauses, and resumes as if the unpleasant conversation never happened,
Sometimes it's great when your shadow gets away though! Like when they come back, and want to be your friend. I've seen shadows walk alongside their owner, free as can be. They gods may have such a luxury.

Oh, almost forgot, if you die, your shadow dies. It's much like a parasite. Without great amounts of power, most shadows couldn't get more than fifty feet away, even after detaching. Doesn't make 'em an easier to catch. Papa used to let us chase his...

Eladrin orbs glaze over in reflection,


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As the doors to the Hanged Man open a Tall, muscular shifter walks in with dark brown skin and long brown hair. Wearing hide armor that looks weathered and as if it had seen more then a little action and a pair of long swords at his hips he looks as if he would be ready at a moments notice. Taking a moment he shifts the empty quiver on his back next to his short bow as he takes in the room.

With a quick glance around the room he smiles and speaks up in a gruff voice "I'm Tor" he says in a simple and straight foreward manner. Moving deeper into the establishment he looks around trying to keep an eye out for anything interesting.


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