New Wiki Working Group


First Post

Proposal; this gets stick'ed or something. The thread isn't getting nearly the attention it should for questions as important as this.

The convenience of inputing values only once into the CS would be beautiful. Making a character, without copy paste, is a nightmare with the current set-up. Especially if that character has aftereffects, or effects below particular hit lines.

The character sheets need changing, and they should definitely be more flexible. When the Ki focus comes out, even more will likely change, adding to the problem. I like the LEB sheet, but if we could improve on that, it would be even better.

Oh, and What is this integration of which you speak?

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Integration: The wiki links directly to posts and threads via the {post} and {thread} tags. It has the same smilies, formating, and etc as the rest of the boards. It is essentially an extension of the boards (as opposed to a separate entity, which is why Morrus switched).

I don't think moving offsite is good plan. If ENW is down, then so is L4W/LEB. Doesn't matter if the character sheets are elsewhere (and less integration as mentioned). Moving it to a site controlled by a few its suicide as attrition makes loosing control of the operation a possibility.

The best thing for the sheets would be some UI/script to allow editing without driving down to the wiki level: But that has to hosted externally (and someone has to write it). A script to convert CB files to partially filled out sheets would be good too. Neither of which I have the time to do right now (though I know how to do it); have to teach and do research, you know. :)

So, in the long term, I think moving to a more LEB-like format is the way to go (especially as complexity increases). I don't relish converting the characters already here, though.


Stonegod, do you know if there is a way to reference parameters from another template entry in another template in the same article?

In other words, is it possible to enter ability scores once in the summary template and then reference those values in other templates in the same article?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
In other words, is it possible to enter ability scores once in the summary template and then reference those values in other templates in the same article?
I haven't tested it yet, but I don't think so unless redirection worked (i.e., you could include parsed template parameters as arguments to other templates within the same template page). You just can't set a variable and reuse it throughout the page (which is what I think you wish); it isn't processed the same way is in javascript in that sense.


I've been reading up on nested templates tonight. Seems like it might be possible to use the following approach...

Template:A contains "the quick brown {{B|waldo={{{3}}}}} jumped over...". As above, except the third positional parameter of Template:A is passed to the named parameter 'waldo' of Template:B.​

We could specify ability scores in a certain order in the parent template and then pass them to the child templates with something like {{L4WbasicMeleeAttack|L4WabilityStrength={{{1}}}}} which would pass the value of the parameter in the first position from the parent template to the parameter named L4WabilityStrength in the L4WbasicMeleeAttack template.
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It looks like one of the problems with the L4W:Character template is that the parameter "Name" is also used in the powers template. I haven't figured it out yet, but it seems like there must be a way to be more specific with the namespace when using the "Name" parameter so it doesn't put the power name into the character name location.

Here's a link to the Character template if anyone wants to take a look at it...

Template:L4W:Character - EN World D&D / RPG News


First Post
Is there a way to put images in the wiki? The current one I mean. Just wondering if I could stick pics of my PC in there so any DM that wanted to use it for a token could snag it easy.


This might be relevant here, too:

As part of working up to starting this adventure, I went through the previous one and took some notes for the wiki, which you can find here: [wiki]Broken Wards[/wiki]
. Check it out if you feel like it, and feel free to clarify anything I've missed or messed up.

I've started a similar page for this adventure, which I intend to (try to) keep up as we go along: [wiki]Daunton's Dead Shadow[/wiki]

For what it's worth, this is in the "new wiki".


The main page for the new wiki (if i'm looking in the right place "") seems to have naught on it yet but a poll which i assume was from when L4W was new. I think it would be a good idea to have a central contents page that sets out all our wiki info in an uncluttered way. The old main page has a short list of common categories at the top and then a lot of text about factors to do with the community and setting in brief, this is all relevant stuff, but i don't think having it on the main page helps to keep thing organised within the wiki.

I'd suggest a contents page that is set out in a more structured way that mirrors the game we all play and that it contains no extra information:

Player's Handbook
  1. Introduction
    • 'Play by Post' & 'Living Worlds'
    • Judges: roles and responsibilities
    • Communal decision making
  2. Character Creation
  3. Approved Sources & Ammendments
  4. Backgrounds & Regional Benefits
  5. List of PCs

Dungeon Master's Guide
  1. Adventure Submissions
  2. House Rules
  3. Hints & Tips for PBP DMing
  4. Adventure Index

Transitive Isles Setting
  1. Adventuring
    • Races
    • Languages
    • Religion
  2. History
  3. Magic
  4. Cosmology
  5. Pantheon
  6. Geography
    • The Shifting Seas
    • Daunton: the main isle
    • The Proximate Isles
    • The Near Lands
    • The Far Lands
    • Under the Isles
  7. Threats & Organisations
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Voidrunner's Codex

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