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Night (A d20 Modern/Future Campaign Setting)


HK MG725


The MG725 is HK's premier heavy assault rifle, featuring dual ammo drums. With the dual feed system, the 725 can switch between two different ammunition types, even in the same burst, firing from one drum then the other, or firing from one drum exclusively until it is empty then drawing from the other. One of the interesting features of the 725 is it can use standard 8mm rounds which is standard of the NPS, but can also use 8mm rounds using the caseless XY propellant for enhanced range and damage. The favoured loads of most users is one drum of standard or armour piercing rounds, the other drum of silver set on an alternating drum use, allowing burst fire to be particularly effective. As an added bonus, the stock contains the bayonet for easy storage, plus it also contains a hand axe, which can be made available in silver upon request.

Damage: 2d10
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 100 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 14.7 lbs
Ammo: 2 40 round drums
Purchase: 21 Mil (+3)
Has mounting for underbarrel bayonet, and light or rangefinder lasers on the sides of the barrel. Amxidexterous design with casing or dud round ejection out the bottom. Concealed bayonet and hand axe in stock.
If using the XY Propellant rounds, increase range by 20 ft, increase damage by +2, increase cost of rounds by PDC+2.

If used on automatic mode, or even burst, while drawing from both drums, and each drum has a different type of ammo, example explosive and silver bullets, those in the autofire area are affected as if by both types. Thus, damage reduction is ignored by the silver plus take explosive damage, but take ballistic damage from the weaker bullet in the group. So if one bullet does 2d8+1d4 fire and the other is 2d10 silver, the target would take 2d8 +1d4 fire with silver by passing their damage reduction.
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This seems like a cool idea (I especially enjoy the variant zombie idea).

While the guns and weapons are really cool, I wonder if you could also share a bunch more about the rest of the setting?

Very good stuff!


First Post
Out of curiousity, how much magic is available? Like spell level caps and the like?

Standard rules. Both Mages and Acolytes can store as many spells as they have slots for.

H&K Anti Dominance Goggles

I love this idea. The Vigiles would probably keep a ton of these on-hand, both for combat useage as well as to hand out to civilians in emergencies.

Another fine Heckler & Koch product!

While the guns and weapons are really cool, I wonder if you could also share a bunch more about the rest of the setting?

Most certainly! Expect such an update by tomorrow, at the latest!


First Post
A Military Overview of the 26th Century

In 2512, there's two sides to the Thirteenth Crusade: the New Papal States, and the various vampiric nation-states. The NPS is a massive theocracy that dominates the Western Hemisphere. On the other hand, the vampiric states have the numeric advantage, but are fractured and uncooperative with one another.

It is this final fact that contributes to the slow progression of the Thirteenth Crusade: once the military of the New Papal States sufficiently weakens one of the vampiric lords, their neighbors rush to strike while they have the opportunity to obtain more territory for themselves. This leaves the Knights, Vigiles, and other soldiers of the NPS caught in the midst of an undead battle royale, which usually results in casualties and a hasty withdrawl.

The militaries of the vampiric nation-states are similar to those of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. The vast majority of the miltary, and by extention the civilian population, is comprised of average humans. In the past, especially during the Twelth Crusade, the vampires made use of enthralled humans. In the 26th century, however, most of mankind has lived in subjugation to undead masters that they consider the undead to be superior without having their wills broken. That being said, thralls still have a place in many vampiric militaries, and find uses as everything from cannon fodder to suicide bombers to fanatical shock troopers.

The structure of the militaries of the vampiric nation-states are virtually-identical to those throughout history, but are most similar to those of the British Empire during the Victorian period. Officers are most-typically vampires, much like how British officers where usually nobility. Humans comprise the enlisted men and the non-commissioned officers. On occasion, humans who distinguish themselves in some way may be promoted to officer ranks. Usually, this promotion is accompanied by conversion into one of the undead, but occasionally, this is not the case.

The New Papal States, on the other hand, is slightly different from 21st-century militaries. This is most evident in squad composition: the squad is built around the support gunner. The squad's gunner uses their SAW to engage and eliminate most targets, and keep those they cannot eliminate pinned. The role of the other soldiers in the squad is to neutralize hostiles that the gunner cannot. In addition, squads will usually have a flamethrower operator, who's main purpose is to provide incendiary cover and eliminate hostiles who are dug-in. The squad's flamethower-operator also serves to mop-up any undead opposition that exists, and to incinerate corpes if need be.

If the squad in question is comprised of Knights of the Silver Cross, a Magus or Chaplain may also be present within the squad. The Vigiles, who usually lack such roles, tend to compensate for their lack of arcane and divine magic by increasing the amount of firepower and/or explosives in their load-out. Inquisitors, when engaged in combat operations, tend to favor small, highly-trained squads that usually engages in Special Operations and wetwork.
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Standard rules. Both Mages and Acolytes can store as many spells as they have slots for.

I love this idea. The Vigiles would probably keep a ton of these on-hand, both for combat useage as well as to hand out to civilians in emergencies.

Another fine Heckler & Koch product!

Most certainly! Expect such an update by tomorrow, at the latest!

Thanks, and I thought you'd like the Anti Domination goggles. I mean, after centuries of fighting vampires, the Knights have had to have found some ways over the years to fight against the stare, and now.. they finally shared such ways with major manufacturers to come up with other better means that allows them to produce more.

Hell, I'm sure there's probably even ways to hold off vampiric transformation the Knights might know of, if they get to a victim fast enough. Or prevent were-creature's transformations to keep more dangerous ones to make them a bit more managable... *Strokes chin* gene therapies that help hold back the degenerating effects of lycanthropcy... weakening the were creature, but allows them to retain their higher functions far better... hmm.. yes... *Pulls out a pen and paper and jots down more ideas*

Can't wait for more write ups on were creatures, info about other countries and the like.

Two ideas.

One is that the Knights have a 'better to die than be Turned' mentality, and so several (if not all) of them have on their armor or implanted on themselves a self-destruct charge (something like a Fireflush grenade) that goes off if they die and are not revived in a short period of time (the charge has several sensors on it that detect when another person of the Orders is nearby (possibly trying to revive the Knight) and when the Knight has been Turned).

Like I said, several (if not all) Knights have this. The higher the rank you have within the Order, and the more secret information that CANNOT be placed in enemy hands passes through yours, it becomes mandatory.

Also, I was thinking that the Knights, or the Corporations, or one of the really crazy remaining governments, are experimenting with something that will give any vampires that try to consume the population or soldiers a rather *lethal* case of indigestion (seen 'Stargate: Atlantis'? Think the Hessian (sp?) Drug-which got turned into a disease on the late part of the series). This could be biological, or chemical.

Might or might not have the side-effect that the Hessian Drug had (which was high chances of it killing you), but well... 'victory or death'.
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This is .... fantastic. I find myself virtually drooling.

One question though, regarding were-creatures within the NPS. I think it's cool they're allowed, and it fits, since everyone knows therianthropes are natural enemies of bloodsuckers.

However, what safeguards are in place to prevent them changing and going buckwild and chewing people up for din-din? Perhaps the armband has a shift inhibitor built in? In my mind, I'm picturing a divice that gives an electric shock like those doggie collars when trying to leave the yeard. Alternatively, the same armband could inject a deep deep sedative to knock out the weres during full-moon, etc.

If a sedative is used, perhaps a similar substance exists that allows were-knights to trigger a partial change. (Think Bane from DC Universe, perhaps)

Thanks for this awesome writeup, btw.


First Post
Two ideas.

One is that the Knights have a 'better to die than be Turned' mentality, and so several (if not all) of them have on their armor or implanted on themselves a self-destruct charge (something like a Fireflush grenade) that goes off if they die and are not revived in a short period of time (the charge has several sensors on it that detect when another person of the Orders is nearby (possibly trying to revive the Knight) and when the Knight has been Turned).

Like I said, several (if not all) Knights have this. The higher the rank you have within the Order, and the more secret information that CANNOT be placed in enemy hands passes through yours, it becomes mandatory.

Also, I was thinking that the Knights, or the Corporations, or one of the really crazy remaining governments, are experimenting with something that will give any vampires that try to consume the population or soldiers a rather *lethal* case of indigestion (seen 'Stargate: Atlantis'? Think the Hessian (sp?) Drug-which got turned into a disease on the late part of the series). This could be biological, or chemical.

Might or might not have the side-effect that the Hessian Drug had (which was high chances of it killing you), but well... 'victory or death'.

I'm definitely going to incorporate this somehow. Great idea!

This is .... fantastic. I find myself virtually drooling.

One question though, regarding were-creatures within the NPS. I think it's cool they're allowed, and it fits, since everyone knows therianthropes are natural enemies of bloodsuckers.

However, what safeguards are in place to prevent them changing and going buckwild and chewing people up for din-din? Perhaps the armband has a shift inhibitor built in? In my mind, I'm picturing a divice that gives an electric shock like those doggie collars when trying to leave the yeard. Alternatively, the same armband could inject a deep deep sedative to knock out the weres during full-moon, etc.

If a sedative is used, perhaps a similar substance exists that allows were-knights to trigger a partial change. (Think Bane from DC Universe, perhaps)

Thanks for this awesome writeup, btw.

Your admiration is greatly appreciated. Feel free to contribute anything you feel like would fit!

I'll do a write-up of vampiric Knights, expand on some equipment tailored for the above two ideas. I'll start as soon as I'm done with my shower.


First Post
"Solis" Self-Destruct Package (Universal Armor Gadget)
Sometimes, the vampires get lucky. Sometimes, they end up converting a Knight of the Silver Cross to a state of eternal undeath. Due to the close kinship that "related" vampires have, a Knight who is privy to vital secrets will sometimes be forced to divulge those secrets to the undead abomination that corrupted them.

Some Knights know information that is far too vital for undead ears to hear. Once a Knight of the Silver Cross reaches the rank of Knight-Captain, they're considered to have enough access to military intelligence of sufficient importance to warrant additional protection. Knight-Captains will, after promotion, have a "Solis" (Latin for "Sunrise") SDP installed within their armor. The Solis uses specialized sensors to detect the presence of vampiric blood within the Knight. When such an event occurs, the Solis will activate, injecting an alchemical variant of white phosphorous into the Knight's corpse, burning it from within to prevent vampirization. Should the Knight die under any other circumstances, the Solis will be removed after their armor and corpse is recovered.

PDC Modifier: +6

NPS Indentifcation Armband

Under the law of the New Papal States, citizens afflicted with lycanthropy or any of the variant disorders is required to register with a national database as soon as symptoms begin to manifest. Werecreatures are also required to wear yellow armbands when in public. But these armbands serve a secondary purpose to simply identify therianthropes.

Each armband has a pair of integrated devices that help to prevent murderous rampages by lycanthropic citizens. The first device senses the phase of the moon, and delivers a high-voltage, low-amperage electrical shock (equivalent to 3d6 nonlethal Electrical damage) if the therianthrope attempts to leave a designated area during the full moon. This effectively places the werecreature under house-arrest during the full moon.

The second device is an auto-injector unit (identical to the Injector Unit on page 196 of the d20 Future Rulebook). This injector unit monitors the therianthrope's emotional state via their heartrate and other factors. Should the wearer of the armband become angry and attempt to voluntarily change, a suppressor is administered to prevent a change. The injector can be fooled, however, with a DC 20 Bluff check.

Knights, Vigiles, and Inquisitors often replace this suppressant with an accelerant, making a voluntary change easier. This is a definite advantage in combat, as there's nothing worse to square off against than a werecreature with military training who happens to be pissed-off.

Size: Tiny
Weight: -
PDC: First is free, a replacement armband has a PDC of 3.

Metamorphosis Suppressant

Administered by the armbands worn by therianthropic citizens of the New Papal States, this chemical is an alchemical brew that makes it harder for a werecreature to voluntarily shift form. Usually administered automatically, the suppressant causes Control Shape Skill checks to suffer a -3 penalty to all rolls made to change shape, voluntary or not. Conversly, it offers a +3 bonus to resist an involuntary change or to return to humanoid form.

Size: Diminutive
Weight: -
PDC: 7

Metamorphosis Accelerator

Some werecreatures have professions in which being able to shift to a hybrid or animal form, and quickly, is a boon. The opposite of the suppressant, this chemical is often used by therianthropic Knights, Vigiles, and Inquisitors. The accelerator causes Control Shape Skill checks to suffer a +3 penalty to all rolls made to change shape, voluntary or not. Conversly, it offers a -3 bonus to resist an involuntary change or to return to humanoid form.

Size: Diminutive
Weight: -
PDC: 16
Restriction: Military (+3)

Next update: a write-up of the Crux Cruenta, a secret organization of vampiric Knights.
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