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Night's Plutonian Shore - Chapter 1: Rats in a Cage [Midnight]

Deuce Traveler

Sangrin frowns as the orc approaches. Putting down a loud-mouthed idiot was one thing, but getting involved in a orc wielding a large sword was quite another. He moves to flee into the woods and leave the people in the wagons to the fates.

"Don't eve think it, Sangrin!" A female voice says to him.

"I helped them already, I'm not going to risk my neck any further for those that can hardly help themselves."

"Not that you got far without them. You're going to need them, little brother. You won't get far without them. Now are you going to be brave Sangrin or crying, cowardly Sangrin?"

"...shut up..."

"Crying, crying coward!"

"Shut up!" Sangrin grits his teeth and casts a light spell on the bush next to his head, then starts diving into the brush to hide.

1st round: Yelling to himself and casting light as a distraction.
2nd round: Rushing into brush and trying to hide again while his comrades make an escape.

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Walking Dad

First Post

Craig screams: "A big fireball. Out there! Run! Hide!" to distract the keepers. Meanwhile he still searches for his weapon.

[sblock=ooc]Round 1: Bluff or Diplomacy +5 ; search +2
Round 2: Repeat. If he finds his weapon he will look for thieves tools next[/sblock]
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Guest 11456

Kryt Skullbash : Orc Fighter

Kryt begins spewing insults in orcish at the orc.

Round 1 - "You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottom, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur King, you and all your silly English k-nnnnniggets. Thpppppt! Thppt! Thppt!" (or something like that)
Round 2 - "I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" (or something along those lines)


Sangrin casts light on one of the wheels of the wagon he was just recently locked in.

Craig screams, "A big fireball. Out there! Run! Hide!"

The goblin, Razm, turns his attention from the halfling to the sky. Seeing the incoming ball of fire, he screams inarticulately and dashes toward the forest, diving in for cover.

Scaalix sees Razm look into the sky then turn tail and run. He follows his comrade's gaze, also notes the flaming thing nearly upon them and joins Razm in retreating into the woods.

Kryt snarls at the orc standing in front of his tent and shouts something about the orcish mother-wives being raped by elves.

Gunter dives under the wagon to take cover from the incoming object and to avoid the notice of the big orc.

Taellis also yells at the orc trying to take his attention away from Craig.

"Rise up! The slaves are escaping," the orc howls as he charges toward Craig.

  • Craig's Bluff check - 11+5 = 16

Sangrin sprints toward the trees and takes cover in some of the thick undergrowth.

The halfling manages to find his gear buried beneath a mess of rank smelling blankets. He retrieves his cutlass and thieves' tools. Standing up, Craig sees an angry orc standing next to the wagon about to swing at him with his serrated blade.

Kryt continues hurling insults at the orc about to attack Craig.

Gunter keeps his head down under the wagon.

Taellis also continues shouting at the orc and notices some movement in the tents. More orcs are waking!

The orc aims a vicious blow from his vardatch at Craig. The halfling is unable to get out of the way and feels the blade bite into the flesh of his leg.

"Oh, Sibelin, keep me safe," the woman in the cage whispers. She is staring up in the sky.

The crazed Sarcosan just giggles and stares at his feet.

Goblins and orcs come pouring out of their tents, clutching weapons and looking around frantically. And then, the fireball slams into the earth and chaos ensues.

  • Craig's Search check - 15+2 = 17
  • Craig takes 8 points of damage.

The fireball lands between the woods and the wagons toward the front end of the caravan. The shockwave from the impact knocks everyone off their feet and even most of the wagons are knocked over including the one you had all been in. Kryt and Taellis take some bruising from being bounced around the interior of the wagon.

As you all start to regain your senses, you see a huge creature, perhaps twenty feet tall rising up from the crater where the fireball hit. It is humanoid in shape, but it's hands are claws and two large horns rise up from its head. It is also wreathed in flame, the fire seeming to be a part of the creature. The creature unleashes a roar that speaks of pain and ancient rage. Lashing out, it rends an orc in two with one swift blow.

A few of the wagons seem to have been broken open and people are staggering out of them, dazed and unsure what to do. Some start to run. Others try to help the injured escape. The orcs and goblins are also confused.

Kryt and Taellis are still stuck in their wagon, though it now lies on its side. As for the other two occupants, the woman is unconcious and the Sarcosan appears dead.

Haris had been traveling though the woods, a fugitive, attempting to find some place he could hide, perhaps amongst the elves. When he woke up from his crude camp that morning, he observed the slavers making their camp. He intended to observe the servants of Izrador only briefly in order to learn what he could about them before fleeing when he saw the escape attempt by the captives. Watching, he saw that it was becoming a confusing mess. Before he knew it, the fireball slammed into the earth and he was knocked back and to the ground. Coming too a moment later, he found that an elfling, one of the escaping slaves was next to him. About twenty feet past the halfling were two goblins lying motionless.

Craig was knocked out of the supply wagon as it was overturned in the impact. The orc that attacked him is standing up and shaking his head, obviously feeling dazed.

Gunter somehow managed to not get crushed under any part of the wagon and did not get knocked over as he was already flat on the ground.

  • Kryt takes 2 points of damage.
  • Taellis takes 3 points of damage.

I think this event changes conditions enough that we will reroll initiative. Again, post two rounds of actions.
  • Craig 17+5 = 22
  • Fire creature 15+1 = 16
  • Orcs 15+0 = 15
  • Taellis 11+3 = 14
  • Gunter 11+2 = 13
  • Sangrin 8+4 = 12
  • Goblins 5+1 = 6
  • Haris 3+2 = 5
  • Kryt 1+3 = 4
  • Orcs 4+0 = 4
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Walking Dad

First Post

Craig stands up, too. He bites away the pain his leg causes him and looks around. Seeing the overturned wagon and the gnome lying next to it, he tosses the thieve's tools at him and points at the cage: "Free them!".

If the orc still attacks him, he will try to buy Gunter enough time to open the cage. If the orcs runs away from the fire creature, he darts back into the supply wagon to retrieve his chain shirt heirloom.


First Post
Taellis strains against the wagon hoping to force a weakness caused by the wagon to find his freedom.

This round Taellis will try to break the wagon to gain freedom, if this happens before his action he will grab anything that could be used as a club and attack the Orc that is attacking Craig. And he would attack again on the next turn unless the orc dies then he will go looking for his gear.


First Post
I wasn't sure if you wanted us to wait till our initiative or not but figured early was better then to late.

Haris will smile up at the hafling.

Time to get to work I guess, any clue on how to set our compatriots free?

He doesn't wait for a response instead he tries to stay as hidden in cover as he can while getting close enough to cast entangle on the largest group of orcs approaching the prisoners.
Reaching within himself Haris tries to touch that awakened part. And for just a moment he feels the world flowing through his finger tips. With a thrust he forces the ground its self upwards, grasping his foes with his will.
On his next turn (assuming the first action only took 1 turn) he will attempt to use entangle on any orcs attacking the prisoners, if thats going to get the prisoners too he will try with color spray, if that will also get the prisoners he will instead try to help open the cages.
Focusing his will further Haris reaches out and attempts to force his growing rage into a weapon

Edited to fix a typo, and then to fix misspelling edit

Deuce Traveler

Sangrin will look to Haris and say, "The unconscious woman is important. Help her if you can."

He will then run towards the supply wagon and try to find his lore book and components, followed by any other pieces of his gear. He'll try to cast a sleep spell at anyone who interrupts his frantic search.


Guest 11456

Kryt Skullbash : Orc Fighter

After regaining his balance, Kryt looks about at the situation. Since the cage is now on its side, the top of it is now accessable. He moves to the former top of the cage and starts heaving at the bars. He will continue this activity until there is a large enough gap for him to exit or something else causes his situation to change.


Craig lobs the tools at Gunter. They land about an arm's length away. Seeing the contents of the supply wagon scattered over the ground, the halfling's armor isn't hard to spot and he quickly uncovers it and grabs it.

The fiery giant roars. "IZRADOR!" It moves closer to the wagons and a goblin and a human slave fall beneath the flailing of its mighty claws.

The orc who attacked Craig fumbles around looking for his weapon. He finally sees it and picks it up, looking around trying to gain a sense of what is going on.

Taellis strains against severl parts of the wagon, but is unable to find a weak part.

Gunter picks up the thieves tools and attempts to pick the lock on the cage, but is unsuccessful.

The elfling easily finds his gear. One vial of ink is broken and one flask of oil has spilled however.

The goblins scatter chaotically in several directions, crying out in fear of the "fiery death from above."

Haris connects to the ancient energies of Aryth to call forth vines from the ground. Three goblins closest to the slaves and the wagons become caught up in the plants, and despite his attempts to avoid it, two prisoners become caught in the growth, as well.

Kryt strains against the bars again, now somewhat weakened by the violent upheaval of the entire cage. With a roar, he bends them enough that a larger creature could now squeeze through, though it will be a tight squeeze for his large girth.

The other remaining orc takes a look at the towering inferno killing all in its path and runs down the road in the direction the caravan came from.

  • Taellis Strength check - 4+1 = 5
  • Gunter Open Lock check - 3+6 = 9
  • Sangrin Search check - 11+10 = 21
  • Kryt Strength check - 15+6 = 21

Craig, trying to keep the orc away from the prisoners, charges the beast who attacked him and slashes at it with his cutlass. The orc easily avoids the sword, however, and just becomes angrier.

The fire creature stomps toward the wagons and the slaves. It kills two slave and one wagon ignites from the thing's touch. You all feel an intense heat radiating from the creature.

Taellis squeezes through the opening made by the orc. He picks up a wheel spoke and attacks the orc fighting Craig. His swing is clumsy and the orc warrior dodges the blow handily.

Gunter runs back to the scattered contents of the supply wagon and begins searching for his things.

Sangrin, now in possession of most of his goods, runs over to the cage he was in to see if he can assist Kryt or the woman.

The goblins that can continue to flee.

Haris, not wanting to trap any more slaves with his magic, runs to the wagon in front of Kryt's to see what he can do to open it. He finds a rock and smashes at the lock but it doesn't budge.

It takes Kryt nearly as much effort to get out of the wagon as it did to bend the bars, but he finally manages to squeeze out and roll onto the ground.

  • Craig attack roll - 5+4 = 9
  • Taellis attack roll - 6+2 = 8

Voidrunner's Codex

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