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Nithrekel, Earth Mephit Fighter NPC through 50 years of servitude.


Here are the stats and some histroy on the half-fiend sorcerer, Sheveker. Stay tuned for the final showdown between Nithrekel and his hated master Hazergal.



Sheveker, Half-Fiend Sorcerer
Medium Outsider; Sor 19, AL NE; CR 21
HD 19d4+57; hp 105;
Init +4; Spd 30 ft; AC 24 (+4 Dex, +5 natural, +5 bracers)
BAB +9/+4; Atk +12/+7 melee or +13/+8 ranged;
SV Fort +14, Ref +15, Will +17;
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 28

Skills (132 points): Alchemy +10 (14), Bluff +7 (16), Concentration +20 (23), Diplomacy +7 (16), Intimidate +7 (16), Knowledge (arcana) +20 (24), Spell Craft +20 (24), Scry +20 (24)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Craft Wand, Maximize Spell, Spell Focus (evocation), Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Thrall To Demon (Grazzt), Forge Ring
Languages: common, abyssal, infernal, orc, giant, ignan

Armor: none
Weapons: Plague Bite, +4 vile souldrinking shortspear, Atk +16/+11 melee, Dmg 1d8+8
Claws (2): Atk +12 melee, Dmg 1d4+3, crit x2
Bite: Atk +7 melee, Dmg 1d6+1, crit x2
Other Gear: cloak of charisma +6, bracers of armor +5, ring of wizardry III, ring of resistance +5, amulet of natural armor +5, wand of lightning bolt (10th), wand of maximized magic missile (9th), potion of cure serious wounds (4)

Spells: 6/9/8/16/8/8/7/7/7/5 DC = 19 + spell level (23 + spell level for evocation)
Spells Known: 9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/3/2
0 – dancing lights, flare, light, detect magic, read magic, open/close, arcane mark, daze, resistance
1st – magic missile, mage armor, shield, expeditious retreat, identify
2nd – darkbolt*, darkness, web, cat’s grace, endurance
3rd – fireball, lightning bolt, haste, fly
4th – ice storm, wall of fire, improved invisibility, stoneskin
5th – cone of cold, teleport, hold monster, dominate person
6th – chain lightning, disintegrate, circle of death
7th – forcecage, planeshift, spell turning
8th – gutwrench*, sunburst, greater planar binding
9th – gate, crushing fist of spite*

*from the Book of Vile Darkness

Spell-like Abilities: As sorcerer 19 DC = 19 + spell level
3/day – darkness, poison, unholy aura
1/day – desecrate, unholy blight, contagion, blasphemy, unhallow, horrid wilting, summon monster IX, destruction

One of the most powerful servants in the thrall of the demon lord Grazzt, the half-fiend sorcerer Sheveker has made a name for himself in Faerun through his cruelty and his longstanding rivalry with the archmage Hazergal. The sorcerer’s origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is known that his mother was a powerful succubus from the planar city of Sigil and his father a foolish mage from Waterdeep who eventually lost his soul to his demonic lover. It is assumed that Sheveker was raised by his mother in the massive labyrinthine extra planar city and there learned to harness his innate magic and to revere the demon lord Grazzt. It is unknown when and how Sheveker came to Faerun but he was already a powerful spellcaster when he established himself in Vaasa and began building a base of power in the barren expanse of that isolated country.

Sheveker ran afoul of Hazergal almost immediately for the crazed archmage also made his home in Vassa and would brook no rivals in his domain. The two spellcasters began their century long campaign of vicious feuding with a titanic spell battle high above the plains of Vassa. It was the first and only time that Sheveker and Hazergal ever met face to face, a meeting that left both spellcasters on the brink of death and filled with a deep hatred of each other. After their fateful meeting Sheveker and Hazergal battled each other only through their various minions and fought each other to a complete standstill. It was only after Hazergal’s miscast summoning spell snatched a mephit warrior from his home plane that the tides began to turn against Sheveker, and would eventually lead to his total defeat.

Sheveker was born of the union of a succubus and a human man, his mother like all of her kind held an unearthly beauty that she passed on to her son. Sheveker stands well over 7 feet in height and is powerfully muscled; his deep red skin is smooth and unblemished, lacking any imperfections. The sorcerer’s face is noble and handsome, betraying its fiendish heritage only through the two small ivory horns that jut from Sheveker’s brow and his black lusterless eyes that lack pupils or any shred of compassion. Sheveker’s hands are always gloved for they too hint at his true nature, twisted and gaunt his hands bear long iron hard talons that Sheveker takes pains to hide unless he is using them to tear an enemy’s flesh.

Sheveker prefers to rely on his powerful magic in battle but on occasion he will enter melee using his claws or more likely his powerful short spear, Plague Bite. The Mithral shortspear Plague Bite was a gift from Sheveker’s demonic patron Grazzt, and is truly a weapon of darkest evil. Forged in the unending darkness of the abyss, the vile weapon is blessed by Grazzt’s own dark magics and has been know to draw the very soul from a victim transferring the stolen life energy to its wielder.

Sheveker is far from finished on this plane; his defeat at the hands of the earth mephit Nithrekel was only a minor setback in his grand schemes of power. He now bides his time waiting to see if the bargain struck with Nithrekel will lead to the demise of his hated rival Hazergal and allow the evil sorcerer to usurp his power in Vaasa.

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Nithrekel, Earth Mephit
Small Outsider; Fighter 12/War Master2, AL N; CR 17; Year 48
HD 3d8+14d10+21; hp 159;
Init +2; Spd 30 ft, Fly 40 ft; AC 29 (+2 Dex, +1 size, +6 natural, +8 chain shirt, ring +2)
BAB +17/+12/+7/+2; Atk +25/+20/+15/+10 melee or +20/+15/+10/+5 ranged;
SV Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +10;
Str 24, Dex 12 (14), Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14

Skills (88 points): Bluff +6 (7), Craft (weapon smith) +12 (14), Craft (armorer) +12 (14), Diplomacy +9 (11), Hide +6 (12), Knowledge (military tactics) +12 (14), Intimidate +8 (10), Listen +6 (7), Move Silently +6 (8), Spot +6 (7)
Feats: Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Cleave, Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (bastard sword), Great Cleave, Power Critical, Sunder, Improved Initiative, Expertise, Leadership
Languages: terran, common, dwarven, ignan, gnoll

Armor: +3 Moderate Fortification Mithral Breastplate, +8 AC, 15 lbs
Weapons: +4 Keen Screaming Bastard Sword: Atk +30/+25/+20/+15 melee, Dmg 1d10+1d6+16, crit 15-20/x2
Javelin: Atk +20/+15/+10/+5 ranged, Dmg 1d6+7, crit x2, range 30ft
Claws (2): Atk +25 melee, Dmg 1d3+7, crit x2
Other Gear: potion of cure moderate wounds (2), 2 javelins of lightning, gloves of dexterity +2, ring of protection +2, ring of resistance +2, ring of spell deflection

Breath Weapon: 15 ft. cone of rock shards and pebbles, Dmg 1d8, reflex save for half DC 21
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – enlarge, 1/day – soften earth and stone, cast as 6th level sorcerer
Fast Healing: Nithrekel heals 2 points of damage per round when underground or buried up to his waist in earth
Summon Mephit: Once per day Nithrekel can summon another earth mephit with a 25% chance of success.

Nithrekel returned to Hazergal’s keep victorious and in high spirits, not only had he survived the grueling siege of Sheveker’s tower virtually unscathed he now had a chance to defeat his cruel master. Armed with the magic disjunction amulet given him by Hazergal and meant for use on Sheveker, Nithrekel had also gained possession of a ring of spell deflection from his master’s hated rival in exchange for letting the fiendish sorcerer flee without conflict. Nithrekel now stood a chance of slaying Hazergal, he only had to wait until his planar contract expired, for he could not raise a hand against his master while still under the influence of the powerful binding magic. So he would wait and be patient, planning his attack precisely so that when the moment came to strike at Hazergal the wizard would be taken by surprise.

Hazergal was ecstatic with Nithrekel’s success and when the mephit presented the ring bearing Grazzt’s symbol to the demented archmage he let loose a howl of pure delight. Hazergal asked for no further proof of Sheveker’s destruction obviously believing every word of Nithrekel’s tale. Hazergal left shortly afterward to take formal possession of Sheveker’s fortress and to glean whatever magic baubles Sheveker had left behind. Nithrekel retired to his chambers to begin planning his attack on Sheveker and to hide the amulet and ring he would use in his assassination attempt. Nithrekel sorely missed his old friend Brogon Vir Hemek, the loyal Hobgoblin captain that had been slain by Hazergal’s malice. Nithrekel longed to hear his old friend’s voice and wise council but he knew this battle he would face alone.

Over the course of the next seven years Nithrekel saw his legion grow to almost double in size, and begin to attract a whole new type of individual. Hazergal’s legion had largely been comprised of gnolls, hobgoblins and other savage races with an inclination to evil, but through Nithrekel’s evenhanded leadership and brilliant success in battle, mercenaries of an altogether different sort began to flock to Hazergal's banner. Humans, elves and even dwarves whose outlook was more neutrally inclined began to seek employment under the successful Mephit general and it was from these ranks that Nithrekel found friendship once again.

Vendek Shudderstone was an exiled duergar warrior from deep in the underdark. He had shown mercy to a prisoner of war and was banished from his clan and his home for cowardice and treason. The exiled dark dwarf wandered far and wide, but everywhere he went the color of his skin and the reputation of his people caused him no end of trouble. Finally his wandering brought him to Vaasa where he heard of a mad wizard who employed an altogether unique general whose skill in battle was only equaled by the respect his men held for him. Intrigued, Vendek sought the general out and quickly gained employment within Hazergal’s legion.

Nithrekel was immediately drawn to the grizzled dwarven veteran for in many ways he reminded him of his lost friend Brogon. The dwarf was a powerful warrior, even tempered and a fine leader of men. Nithrekel eventually granted Vendek his own century to command and over the course of the next five years the two became good friends. Vendek finally felt that he had found a place where he belonged and a commander he was proud to serve under. Vendek earned the respect of the entire legion quickly and after five years at the rank of captain Nithrekel promoted him to the long vacant rank of first captain of Hazergal’s legion. A strong trust has been built between the duergar and the mephit and Nithrekel has confided in Vendek and told him of his imprisonment and his plan to slay Hazergal. Vendek vowed to aid Nithrekel in his endeavor and the two have been planning furiously for the day when Nithrekel must confront Hazergal.

Nithrekel has big plans if and when he is able to free himself of Hazergal’s binding. He and Vendek have spent long hours discussing the fate of the legion and like Brogon before him Vendek would like to see the legion become autonomous and form its own base of power. Nithrekel endorses this idea whole-heartedly as he has no plans on returning to his own plane once Hazergal is gone; he now considers the legion his home and his family. All that stands in the way of Hazergal’s legion becoming Nithrekel’s legion is one final conflict that will either bring victory and freedom or cost Nithrekel everything he has worked for these past fifty years.


Here are the stats and history for Nithrekel's new duergar cohort, Vendek Shudderstone.


Vendek Shudderstone, Duergar First Captain
Medium Humanoid; Fighter 7/Dwarven Defender 6, AL LN; CR 14; age 144 (middle age)
HD 13d10+68; hp 141;
Init +2; Spd 15 ft; AC 27 (+1 Dex, +10 armor, +4 shield, +2 class)
BAB +13/+8/+3; Atk +18/+13/+8 melee or +15/+10/+5 ranged;
SV Fort +17, Ref +7, Will +12;
Str 17 (21), Dex 14, Con 18 (20), Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 13

Skills (64 points): Climb +4 (7), Craft (weaponsmith) +8 (12), Diplomacy +8 (9), Knowledge (military tactics) +8 (10), Intimidate +6 (7), Listen +4 (11), Profession (soldier) +2 (4), Spot +4 (11), Sense Motive +5 (6)
Feats: Dodge, Endurance, Toughness, Weapon Focus (heavy pick), Weapon Specialization (heavy pick), Leadership, Iron Will, Power Attack, Improved Critical (heavy pick), Cleave
Languages: undercommon, dwarven, common, terran

Armor: +2 Full Plate of Spell Resistance (13), +10 AC, 35 lbs
+2 Arrow Deflecting Large Steel Shield, +4 AC, 10 lbs
Weapons: +3 Shocking Burst Heavy Pick: Atk +22/+17/+12 melee, Dmg 1d6+1d6+10, crit 19-20/x4
+1 Returning Distance Light Hammer: Atk +16/+11/+6 ranged, Dmg 1d4+6, crit x2, range 40ft
Other Gear: belt of giant strength +4, cloak of resistance +2, bracers of health +2, potion of cure serious wounds (2), helm of the owl (+5 spot, +5 listen)

Special Abilities:

Spell-like abilities: 1/day – enlarge and invisibility cast as a 24th level sorcerer
- Immune to paralysis, phantasms, magical and alchemical poisons
- Dark Vision to 120 feet
- Defensive Stance 3/day
- Defensive Awareness (Dex bonus to AC, can’t be flanked)
- Damage Reduction: 3/-

Vendek Shudderstone was once a respected leader of men in the Duergar city of Himkal Vok; there he led a force of some two-thousand duergar warriors to many victories against the city’s drow and mindflayer enemies. Although pleased with Vendek’s victories the ruling nobility of Himkal Vok had their doubts about the stalwart dwarven warrior. Vendek worshiped the stern duergar deity Laduguer only loosely, and tended to be more open-minded and not nearly as xenophobic as the rest of his isolationist brethren. These traits bothered the elders of Himkal Vok immensely but Vendek had committed no crime and he had many allies in the military and the complete respect of his men. Vendek’s downfall came in the form of a mining party of svirfneblin that had mistakenly wandered into duergar territory. The deep gnomes were discovered by a duergar patrol, captured and taken before Vendek for judgment. The terrified svirfneblin had meant no harm and only wanted to leave the area as quickly as they came, Vendek saw no reason to not let the gnomes do exactly that. He released the svirfneblin with only a warning and sent them on their way.

Vendek’s show of mercy did not go unnoticed, for the city elders had many spies in the military and Vendek’s leniency was reported almost immediately. This was the opportunity the ruling nobility had been looking for. Vendek was charged with cowardice and treason and banished from the city of Himkal Vok never to return on pain of instant death. Alone and filled with despair Vendek wandered the underdark in misery, eventually seeking the surface and an escape from the past. He wandered for twenty years from place to place never finding acceptance due to the fearsome reputation his people had created for themselves. Vendek’s salvation came in the form of a misplaced earth mephit leading a fighting force of humanoids for a deranged wizard in Vaasa. Vendek sought out this mephit, one Nithrekel, and the two immediately recognized a kindred spirit in the other. Nithrekel and Vendek have forged a true friendship with Vendek serving as Nithrekel’s able right hand man and wise counsel. Vendek holds great respect for the mephit general for his leadership and battle tactics and the unlikely pair forms a formidable team.

Vendek is tall for a gray dwarf, standing well over four and a half feet in height. He is middle aged and bald but has retained most of his formidable strength and stamina. Vendek’s battle prowess was near legendary among his own people and he has quickly resumed his fearsome reputation in Hazergal’s legion. Vendek has trained in the obscure martial art of the Dwarven Defender and is near immovable when he decides to hold his ground. Scores of enemies have broken themselves upon the impenetrable wall of steel Vendek can become when the need arises. Vendek possesses a keen tactical mind that has become invaluable to his general and he leads his men by example with honor and integrity in all things.


Nithrekel, Earth Mephit
Small Outsider; Fighter 12/War Master3, AL N; CR 18; Year 50
HD 3d8+15d10+74; hp 169;
Init +2; Spd 30 ft, Fly 40 ft; AC 29 (+2 Dex, +1 size, +6 natural, +8 chain shirt, ring +2)
BAB +18/+13/+8/+3; Atk +26/+21/+16/+11 melee or +21/+16/+11/+6 ranged;
SV Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +11;
Str 24, Dex 12 (14), Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14

Skills (94 points): Bluff +7 (9), Craft (weapon smith) +13 (15), Craft (armorer) +13 (15), Diplomacy +10 (12), Hide +6 (12), Knowledge (military tactics) +12 (14), Intimidate +10 (12), Listen +6 (7), Move Silently +6 (8), Spot +6 (7)
Feats: Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Cleave, Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (bastard sword), Great Cleave, Power Critical, Sunder, Improved Initiative, Expertise, Leadership, Hover
Languages: terran, common, dwarven, ignan, gnoll

Armor: +3 Moderate Fortification Mithral Breastplate, +8 AC, 15 lbs
Weapons: +4 Keen Screaming Bastard Sword: Atk +31/+26/+21/+16 melee, Dmg 1d10+1d6+16, crit 15-20/x2
Javelin: Atk +21/+16/+11/+6 ranged, Dmg 1d6+7, crit x2, range 30ft
Claws (2): Atk +26 melee, Dmg 1d3+7, crit x2
Other Gear: potion of cure moderate wounds (2), 2 javelins of lightning, gloves of dexterity +2, ring of protection +2, ring of resistance +2, ring of spell deflection

Breath Weapon: 15 ft. cone of rock shards and pebbles, Dmg 1d8, reflex save for half DC 22
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – enlarge, 1/day – soften earth and stone, cast as 6th level sorcerer
Fast Healing: Nithrekel heals 2 points of damage per round when underground or buried up to his waist in earth
Summon Mephit: Once per day Nithrekel can summon another earth mephit with a 25% chance of success.

On the morning of the 12th day of Flamerule in the fiftieth year of his indenture, Nithrekel awoke with a profound feeling of ease and restfulness, the future stretched before him with limitless possibility, for this day marked the end of his planar contract and his servitude to Hazergal. It was no surprise when he was summoned to Hazergal’s audience chamber moments after he awoke and Nithrekel girded himself for the conflict that was surely to come. He donned his armor and buckled on his sword belt and finally removed the ring and amulet he had so carefully hidden years before in preparation for this day. The ring of spell deflection gained from Sheveker he slipped onto his right hand while the amulet from Hazergal went around his neck and beneath his breastplate.

When he was armored and ready Nithrekel summoned Vendek to his chambers and set the dwarf to the task of informing his captains of what lay ahead. If Nithrekel emerged victorious he would lead his men from Hazergal’s tower and on to further glory if he was slain Vendek was to take command of the legion and bring the tower down around Hazergal’s ears. With his plans in place Nithrekel left his chambers and made his way to Hazergal’s audience chamber to confront his former master.

Nithrekel found the double doors that led to Hazergal’s audience chamber open and guarded by his iron golem. The metal automaton was sculpted in the form of Hazergal himself although grossly exaggerated and huge. Nithrekel loosened his sword in it scabbard and pulled the disjunction amulet from underneath his armor, he then strode bast the lurking golem and through the double doors that led to the audience chamber.

The audience chamber was hexagonal, 60 feet wide and with vaulted ceiling soaring 40 feet over head. The floor was a mosaic of colored tiles depicting a battle between a demon and a wizard, quite skillfully done. The walls were bare and of green veined marble that gave the room a slightly organic feel and look. Hazergal had constructed a golden throne for himslef, and placed it on a raised dais in the center of the chamber. The mad wizard enjoyed meeting guests sitting in his throne and playing the part of the all-powerful monarch. Hazergal was seated there now grinning down at Nithrekel, his eyes full of malevolent glee.

Hazergal motioned towards the door and the huge golem lumbered in, closing the doors behind it. Nithrekel saw that Hazergal had dismissed his guards and kept only the golem for personal protection. Perhaps the wizard thought that Nithrekel would be no challenge or even more unlikely that there would be no conflict and Nithrekel would be allowed to leave. The mephit was not about to leave peacefully, too much blood had been spilled needlessly in the name of Hazergal Redbayle and Nithrekel would claim justice and vengeance for all those who had been wronged by the evil archmage or die trying.

“So, Nithrekel,” Hazergal began, the smile never fading from his lips, “it seems we have much to talk about, you and I.”

“I have nothing to say to you Wizard” Nithrekel replied not attempting to hide the rancor in his voice. “Our dealings are done. I have served you faithfully for fifty years as was our bargain, I am free now to do as I will.” The mephit’s eyes flashed as the rage and hatred, so long repressed began to bubble to the surface. “ When I leave, the legion follows me but not before you and I come to a reckoning.”

“Fool!” Hazergal screamed, the smile gone from his lips replaced by a rictus snarl of pure malice. “I owe you nothing! You dare challenge me, Hazergal the Red, I will see that you spend the next century in the torture room dog!” Hazergal had leapt to his feet during his tirade and was already mouthing the words of a spell.

Nithrekel stood calmly as the crazed archmage finished his incantation and a bolt of greenish light flashed from his out stretched hand to strike Nithrekel. The magic of the spell deflection ring flared to life and the green ray struck an invisible shield of magical force to rebound on the stunned Hazergal. Hazergal was unable to avoid his own spell and the deadly magic surrounded him in nimbus of green light. The wizard screamed with rage and pain but was not destroyed as the unfortunate Brogon Vir Hemek had been. Hazergal fell to his knees, not mortally wounded, for he had resisted most of the dangerous magic. But he was momentarily stunned with pain and unable to concentrate on another spell.

Nithrekel heard the iron golem lumbering up behind him to protect its creator and the mephit launched himself into the air to hover near the ceiling 40 feet up. Hazergal had regained his feet; his face a mask of rage and was preparing another spell. Nithrekel did not allow the crazed mage the chance to complete his incantation as he snatched Hazergal’s disjunction amulet from his chest and hurled it at the wizard and his golem. Before the amulet struck the ground Nithrekel shouted the command word, “Ushek!” and the amulet flared with a golden brilliance that spread throughout the room.

Suffused by the golden glow the iron golem lost its magical animation and collapsed to the ground in a leaden heap. Hazergal himslef flared briefly as his protection magics were overcome and destroyed by the powerful magic of the amulet. The wizards spell had been interrupted by the disjunction and he could only stare helplessly as Nithrekel dove towards him blade in hand. Hazergal turned and tried to flee but Nithrekel was far too fast and his blade flashed out as he flew over the wizards head drawing a line of crimson pain across Hazergal’s back and knocking him to the ground with the force of the blow.

Nithrekel landed a few feet away from Hazergal who was trying to cast a spell from the ground at his attacker. But the pain from his wounds was too much and the spell fizzled with flash of oily smoke. Hazergal struggled to his knees his eyes filled with absolute hatred and disbelief; “You cannot slay me! I am Hazergal the Red!” Nithrekel strode towards the wounded mage and raised his sword over his head to deliver the final blow.

Hazergal continued to scream curses at the mephit even as Nithrekel’s blade flashed down cleaving the wizard from collarbone to sternum. Hazergal’s last word came out in a froth of blood and spite as he reached up to grasp the blade of Nithrekel’s sword in a death grip. “We shall meet again, mephit, I promise you…” and then Hazergal Redbayle, feared archmage of Vaasa collapsed to the ground, his blood pooling around him in a spreading stain of crimson vitality.

Nithrekel wrenched his sword from Hazergal’s corpse and then without bothering to clean the blade struck off the wizard’s head. Nithrekel collected his gory trophy and then turned his back on the slain wizard and his past. Nithrekel found his legion amassed in ordered ranks beyond the front gate of Hazergal’s tower. When Nithrekel emerged from the tower he held Hazergal’s severed head aloft to the thunderous cheers of his men. Nithrekel then walked out and through the columns of his legion, the men parting like water to allow their general past and finally when he reached the last ranks of arrayed soldiers his friend Vendek was there to greet him. Nithrekel greeted his friend with a smile and gave the order to move out and with that Nithrekel’s Legion marched for the last time through the gates of Hazergal’s’ domain.


You know, I feel that I somehow left ol' Nith hanging there at the end. So I have created an epic version of the mephit warrior and an expanded history for all to enjoy. I figure the Forgotten Realms is full of uber-powerful NPCs anyway, so one more couldn't hurt.:D



Nithrekel "The Ground Shaker", Earth Mephit
Small Outsider; Fighter 20/War Master10, AL N; CR 33
HD 3d8+30d10+165; hp 380;
Init +14; Spd 60 ft, Fly 40 ft; AC 36 (+4 Dex, +1 size, +6 natural, +10 breastplate, ring +5)
BAB +27/+22/+17/+12; Atk +38/+33/+28/+23 melee or +33/+28/+23/+19 ranged;
SV Fort +29, Ref +24, Will +21;
Str 30, Dex 12 (18), Con 16 (20), Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14

Skills (164 points): Bluff +18 (24), Climb +8 (18), Craft (weapon smith) +21 (23), Craft (armorer) +21 (23), Diplomacy +20 (26), Hide +6 (12), Knowledge (military tactics) +23 (25), Intimidate +20 (26), Jump +8 (28), Listen +6 (7), Move Silently +6 (8), Spot +6 (7)
Feats: Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Cleave, Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (bastard sword), Great Cleave, Power Critical, Sunder, Improved Initiative, Expertise, Leadership, Hover, Overwhelming Critical (bastard sword), Epic Reputation, Devastating Critical (bastard sword), Epic Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Epic Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Superior Initiative, Improved Trip, Improved Disarm Improved Sunder, Epic Strength, Improved Flight,
Languages: terran, common, dwarven, ignan, gnoll

Armor: +5 Great Invulnerability (20/+4) Mithral Breastplate, +10 AC, 15 lbs
Weapons: +5 Keen Sonic Blast Bastard Sword: Atk +46/+41/+36/+31 melee, Dmg 1d10+3d6+26, crit 15-20/x2
+3 Returning Distance Throwing Axe: Atk +36/+31/+26/+21 ranged, Dmg 1d6+13, crit x3, range 20ft
Claws (2): Atk +38 melee, Dmg 1d3+10, crit x2
Other Gear: potion of cure moderate wounds (2), gloves of dexterity +6, ring of protection +5, circlet of resistance +5, ring of spell deflection, bracers of health +4, boots of striding and springing, cloak of displacement (major)

Breath Weapon: 15 ft. cone of rock shards and pebbles, Dmg 1d8, reflex save for half DC 28
Spell-like abilities: 1/hour – enlarge, 1/day – soften earth and stone, cast as 6th level sorcerer
Fast Healing: Nithrekel heals 2 points of damage per round when underground or buried up to his waist in earth
Summon Mephit: Once per day Nithrekel can summon another earth mephit with a 25% chance of success.

The world of Faerun is full of immensely powerful mortals vying for status in a never-ending battle for domination. The city of Waterdeep echoes with the machinations of Khelbun Blackstaff, the immoral empire of Thay groans beneath the legendary cruelty of Szass Tam and the wandering archmage Elminster can appear anywhere and anytime to mettle in the affairs of mere mortals. Mighty warriors and mages rise up from the ranks of their lesser bretheren only to be destroyed before they reach true power, this is true for all but the most daring and lucky of individuals who risking everything persevere to become living legends.

One such legend is the earth mephit warlord Nithrekel, dubbed the “ground shaker” for the fact that his army of fiercely loyal mercenaries is so vast that when on the move the ground literally shakes with the tread of thousands of marching boots. Long a slave of an archmage by the name of Hazergal the Red, Nithrekel gained his freedom some one hundred and fifty years ago by destroying his enslaver and taking control of the deposed wizard’s military forces. Nithrekel now leads an army of over thirty thousand humans, dwarves and humanoids of all shapes and sizes. Nithrekel’s legion, as his mercenary army is called, can be purchased for a short time by the highest bidder for any purpose including outright war with entire nations.

Nithrekel is a brilliant tactician and a warrior of unparalleled prowess and his own exploits are legendary in themselves. He was once witnessed to have slain the ancient blue dragon Shimkanavazerak with a single blow when the haughty wyrm sought to make a meal out of some of Nithrekel’s troops while the legion marched through the wastes of Aunorach. Nithrekel had been marching along with his men disguised as an ordinary soldier as he often did to confuse his enemies, when Shimkanavazerak suddenly appeared out of the crisp blue desert sky and swooped low for the attack. Nithrekel shed his disguise and met the stunned dragon in midair diving straight for the huge wyrm, blazing sword flashing in the fierce desert sun. The two combatants crashed together in a spectacular midair collision that left Nithrekel hovering unscathed and Shimkanavazerak plummeting to the ground gouting blood from the massive, almost decapitating rent in his neck. The dragon was dead before his mammoth body slammed into the heat-scorched sands to lie ignoble and broken destined to be nothing more than a feast for carrion eaters.

The ground shaker has many enemies not so easily dismissed as a rogue dragon, however. Chief among these is the half-dragon blackguard Ubok Prog, a villain of ineffable darkness and unholy power. The two warriors met for the first time over a century ago when Nithrekel, under the command of his then master Hazergal the Red, stormed and sacked the tower belonging to Ubok Prog’s employer, the fiendish sorcerer Sheveker. Nithrekel and his men defeated the half-dragon but were unable to slay him and the blackguard escaped the destruction he assumed befell his master. Since that fateful day Nithrekel and Ubok have met a handful of times and battled each other to a standstill, neither of the awesomely powerful warriors able to overcome the other. The hatred they bear for each other burns brightly even to this day and it is inevitable that one of them will eventually fall to the other.

Nithrekel’s legion is highly organized and trained by a staff of officers, hand picked by Nithrekel himself. The army takes no orders from its various employers, allowing them only to designate the target of the legions massive destructive capability. The legion consists mainly of heavy infantry but can call upon units of archers and even heavy cavalry if the need arises. Nithrekel leads his troops into battle from the front, fearing nothing and has been elevated to near deific status by his fanatically loyal men. Aided by his longtime friend and advisor Vendek Shudderstone, a venerable duergar warrior whose vast expertise in the arena of armed conflict rivals the Nithrekel’s own, the legion has never lost a battle.

Nithrekel and his legion make their home in the barren expanse of Vaasa; there a magnificent castle has been constructed surrounded by a permanent walled military camp. The legion patrols the area for twenty miles in each direction and brooks no intrusion from uninvited parties. Those seeking to employ Nithrekel’s legion must work through a vast network of contacts and submit to all manner of magical and mundane screening before they are allowed to meet Nithrekel in person. Once approved, an interested party is allowed to make a reasonable offer and detail the task in which the legion is to undertake. Nithrekel rarely rejects an offer based on moral or ethical grounds thinking only of the safety of his men and the risks they will take. The standard fee is one and a half million gold pieces or magical items of equivalent value. In addition to the fee the legion must be allowed to keep fifty percent of the spoils resulting from a military victory. Most consider this price a bargain to gain the use of the most powerful mercenary force in Faerun. The legion has been employed by all manner of persons and organizations in its century long history including the Red Wizards of Thay and the church of Helm.

Nithrekel is wealthy beyond estimation and he passes much of that wealth onto his men. The legion is equipped with the finest weapons and armor and the soldiers live in comfort and even luxury when not on campaign. Thousands of mercenaries flock to Vaasa each year in hopes of joining the legion, most are turned away, lacking the qualities Nithrekel and Vendek demand in their men. Those that are allowed to join are subjected to a grueling eight-month training regiment that shaves away all traces of lethargy and inefficiency leaving only a razor sharp instrument of war.

The legion has many enemies, more than a few of those numbering among the churches of lawful and good deities, who see Nithrekel’s army as a threat to the peace of the realm. Because he will accept a commission from anyone including infamous groups such as the Red Wizards, Nithrekel has received threats from the likes of the Harpers and the church of Torm who oppose any who would willingly conduct business with such nefarious organizations. None of the legion’s detractors has been able to muster the strength to openly challenge Nithrekel and his army, but from time to time an over zealous group of adventurers will try their luck against the mephit warlord to unanimously fruitless results. One such group, The Left Hand Of Justice, fanatical devotees of the god Tyr managed to infiltrate Nithrekel’s stronghold in Vaasa and confront the mephit in his own domain. Nithrekel tried to reason with the brash adventurers but they were full of righteous vindication and Nithrekel was forced to slay their leader, Jaken Longshadow, a paladin of some repute, earning the mephit the undying hatred of Tyrians everywhere. The rest of the Jaken Longshadow’s group were captured and sent to the closest church of Tyr in chains and bereft of all their possessions.

Although feared by many powerful rulers throughout Faerun, Nithrekel has no aspiration to rule a nation of his own. He is content to dwell among the huge extended family of his legion and ensure that future generations of his army gain the benefit of the knowledge of those that came before them. Nithrekel will continue to sell his services to the highest bidder enabling his men to attain the best fighting condition possible and continue the legacy of their undefeated legion.
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First Post
Question to Blackdirge

also what did you use for the Racial traits of an Earth Mephit? What would the ECL be, and would a "Savage Progression' be possible?


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