No Ordinary Family


Mod Squad
Staff member
1) I love some of the more "realistic" physics things they're doing, as well as acknowledging issues about why certain things that SHOULD be happening aren't.

Yes, but some of their other science is horrible. All the more horrible for begin so thoroughly avoidable!

When looking at a chromatograph, you aren't looking through a microscope at a slide!

"Glucosamine levels"? Um, folks, the word you want is glucose. You stuck the "amine" on there for show, and you figured nobody would wince at it? Come on!
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Staff member
I don't remember which bit of technobabble included it, and I'm not saying they didn't misuse it, but "glucosamine" is a real substance found within the systems of living beings.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I don't remember which bit of technobabble included it, and I'm not saying they didn't misuse it, but "glucosamine" is a real substance found within the systems of living beings.

Yes, it is. It helps keep your joints in good shape. But the techobabble was about burning calories, not wearing away the cartilage in her knees, so they used the term inappropriately.


First Post
Look they are going to get the science/technobabble wrong on occasion, I'm ok with that mainly because it appears they are at least trying to do it right.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Look they are going to get the science/technobabble wrong on occasion, I'm ok with that mainly because it appears they are at least trying to do it right.

Dude, we know they'll get the science wrong occasionally. It is a superhero show, for cryin' out loud. Most of what they do is wrong science. That I can swallow.

The issue is with science for which there is no good reason for it to be wrong! Chromatography is something they would do to that water, and if her running is at least partly fueled by her own metabolism, then yes, she'd have to watch her blood sugar when putting out major effort.

But then they go and use the wrong word and equipment? Completely avoidable!


First Post
The issue is with science for which there is no good reason for it to be wrong! Chromatography is something they would do to that water, and if her running is at least partly fueled by her own metabolism, then yes, she'd have to watch her blood sugar when putting out major effort.

I winced at that as well, more so because my specialty is (microbial) molecular biology techniques such as chromatography. Obviously they just thought it sounded like "color" and ran with it. That said, the microscope would be the first piece of equipment I would use; long-lasting phosphorescence in water would most likely be caused by a microbe of some kind.

I'm (kind of) okay on the hand-wave for her powers affecting her; I lump it in with magic. Realistically she'd need to stock up on calories before running/regenerating/whatever.

I think at this point it's relatively clear the company is the one who gave them powers, by accident or on purpose.

I'm enjoying the show well enough, and I hope that it gets picked up. I like the lighter tone, though I hope the rest of the family gets involved in the plot soon.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
So far, I'm enjoying the show. It's interesting to see the extent of the son's powers, so far.


Staff member
I'm an only child, so I'm not quite getting why the son seems to be preferring the pity of his parents due to their not knowing he has a power as opposed to their help & understanding about dealing with his power.

Or that his sister is keeping that secret.

John Crichton

First Post
I'm an only child, so I'm not quite getting why the son seems to be preferring the pity of his parents due to their not knowing he has a power as opposed to their help & understanding about dealing with his power.

Or that his sister is keeping that secret.
It's not pity, it's pride he wants them to feel for him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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