The standard model of physics: it is in Flux, with major unanswered questions. I'm not going to presume to tell you what they are, bit my understanding is that reconciling quantum physics with general relativity is...fraught?
So, I think I see where you are with this, but it contains some misunderstandings.
The Standard Model was originally crafted to model three out of the four fundamental forces. It is excellent at doing that. It delivers highly accurate predictions of the interactions of those forces.
But, every model has limits.
Similar to how flaws in older paradigms eventually led to new leaps as people banged their heads against proud nails, like why gold did not come from lead as theoretical physics predicted, no matter how hard they tried.
So, you keep using the word "paradigm", and I'm not sure that applies here. The path of science so far hasn't been one one of complete paradigm shifts, but a path of additive understanding. Failure to cover everything doesn't indicate a need for a paradigm shift - it indicates a need for an extension.
You see, the Standard Model is accurate. Crazily so. Any model that comes along to work gravity into the mix will effectively have to reduce to the Standard Model within the energy ranges in which the Standard Model works. The one will have to just sort of meld into the other seamlessly. Just as Einsteinian relativity reduces down to Newtonian mechanics at low speeds.
If there is anything like a new paradigm that come up, it might be that there is no way to unify quantum mechanics and relativity.