Not DnD | The Magus Today At 5pm ET/10pm GMT

Join Jessica as she talks to the creators of this solo RPG about “pathos, calamity, and the infinite loneliness of power”.

The Magus is a solo RPG about “pathos, calamity, and the infinite loneliness of power”. The game promises crunchy narrative mechanics that inspire players to write the journey of a magus aspiring for ultimate power, while being forced to sacrifice who they love.

The prior digital release of The Magus has already been downloaded over 25,000 times on, with a perfect 5-star rating from 85 reviewers who praised its structure and design for creating memorable, moving stories.

Written by the award-winning Philippine designer momatoes (ARC: Doom), the game is currently crowdfunding for the first-ever English physical edition. Featuring a new tool, The Oracle, which is a system-agnostic inspiration deck which can be used in many solo ttrpgs.

Not DnD is a weekly show discussing tabletop roleplaying games. Each week EN Publishing’s @tabletopjess interviews the creators behind different tabletop roleplaying games that aren’t D&D!

Watch the live recording every Monday at 5pm ET / 10pm GMT on YouTube or Twitch, or catch up with the podcast platform of your choice by searching 'Not DnD'.

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