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Notes on the Aether (Rae judging)


Keldar touches the scorched skin on the back of his neck, but nothing seems to happen. "Not working for me," he says.

"That's my friend Sloshy. Thyrin had him... her... it trapped in the silver circle over there. When I thought we were about to be overwhelmed, I gave it its freedom, as it asked. It seems to like quenching fires. Tommy, I'll ask permission for you, if you like." He does so, and adds a few more questions.

"Do you have a name? Does it hurt you to touch the fires? How long were you in the circle, do you know? Is Thyrin your enemy? How will you return home? When you are home, will you mention me, Keldar Warbray, remember, to others of your kind?"

"I speak Aquan well enough, with no doubt a merfolk accent, but talking to this creature, I feel as though I were whistling a tune to a nightingale."

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OOC: Thoroughly confused. I'm gonna assume Galwynn's around 8 HP.

When his eyes flutter open oncemore, Galwynn rubs his aching head. He sees charred hair on his hands. "I don't have eyebrows, do I?"

Seeing that the room is quiet, save the water elemental, he mutters "I've GOT to stop waking up like this."

He slowly gets to hi feet, never taking his eyes off the elemental.

Rae ArdGaoth

Sloshy continues to walk around, extinguishing Tarag's tiny fires. As it moves, it speaks to Keldar, "
My name is... well, I would prefer it if you called me Sloshy. Giving my true name to Material dwellers grants them undue power over me. Touching the fire might hurt me, if these were larger and were attempting to harm me. As it is, I can simply extinguish them. Thyrin called me before those foolish humans tried to break in and steal from Thyrin. They met a smoky end at the hands of our fiery friend. Thyrin was not my friend, but neither was he my enemy. We were discussing his summoning devices, and the implications it has on the peoples of my plane. The laws governing summoning and calling are sometimes unpredictable. It was a perfectly reasonable conversation until he ran into that cursed safe room and never came out! I've been stuck in the circle ever since So while he is not my enemy, I am rather annoyed.

Putting out these fires has calmed my nerves some, though. Thank you, Keldar Warbray. If you don't mind, I think I'll be going home now

OOC: Sorry, not much time right now, more later. Combat is over, though. Congrats, you win!


"Oh..." says Keldar. "Galwynn, you're standing perilously close to a pile of dead thief. There's another charred smear over there. I suppose that's what happens to people who are not as resourceful as us, or who lack the influence with elemental beings that Keldar and Tarag have. Alas, Tommy, you have missed your chance. Sloshy wishes to depart. It would be polite if we all showed our appreciation."

Keldar adds a few words in Aquan, translating for the others. "We are very grateful. Without your help, we might have suffered the same fate as those unfortunate thieves. Go now, with our thanks, and, if I might speak for my friends, the blessings of Valessa and Halina and..."

"Tarag, who is it you worship? The name is right on the tip of my tongue. Oh well, no matter."

OOC: I make it:
Keldar 7/13, Rapture 7/21, Tommy 9/9, Galwynn 4/19 3/19 (but with 5, I think, lay on hands remaining), Tarag 9/18.
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Rae ArdGaoth

Sloshy froths over with... some kind of emotion, it's difficult to tell what. "
You're quite welcome, Keldar Warbray. When you free him, tell Thyrin not to come calling for quite some time, or I will be very aggravated
With that, a tiny hole in space opens in Sloshy's center. Sloshy gets sucked right through it, and with a tiny pop, Sloshy is gone.

OOC: The room is yours for the exploring. The saferoom doors, up here and downstairs, are both welded shut.


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Tarag frowns.

"I think I liked you better when you were wearing a sloshy oversuit."

With that he examines the room in closer detail. When he gets to the two basins filled with glowing red liquid he turns to the wizard and says, "Tommy, do you think these might be summoning devices?"


Tommy watches the water elemental depart with a mix of disappointment and relief. "Goodbye, Sloshy," he says softly. "Keldar, when we have some time, would you teach me some phrases in Aquan?"

Looking around the room, he responds to Tarag. "I think it seems likely that they are part of the summoning process, but that open book on the floor there looks like it was involved, too, which seems to suggest that the summoning process was interactive, not automated. Still, maybe we should take a closer look, with magical as well as mundane senses."

With that, Tommy will cast Detect Magic and examine the room for magical auras.

[sblock=spells prepared]
Spells 4/3
Save DC: 14 + spell lvl
0: Mage Hand, Ray of Frost x2, Detect Magic
1: Color Spray, Grease, Mage Armor


Boddynock said:
Tarag frowns.

"I think I liked you better when you were wearing a sloshy oversuit."
"Right, I have some apologies to make," he says. "Tarag, I meant no disrespect. I just suddenly thought it prudent not to mention your rather fiery deity. Galwynn, on the stairs... I had no idea Beaversgorge had been destroyed."

Keldar, as a first course of action, gathers up the weapons that he seems to leave scattered around whenever he fights.

"Careful - if Thyrin has trapped any summoning devices, then it's these. And I'm scorched and sore. Tommy, Sloshy said it was called, not summoned. Does that make a difference what you're looking for?"


First Post
Trouvere said:
"Right, I have some apologies to make," he says. "Tarag, I meant no disrespect. I just suddenly thought it prudent not to mention your rather fiery deity."
"Ah, hmm, well ... good thinking, lad."

Voidrunner's Codex

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