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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Thanks, Ragboy...

I nearly forgot...

Nanotech Creation Engines.
With the invention of nanotechnology, more to the point, nanite (dis)assemblers, the creation of one type of matter from another led to the end of the industrial giants of previous generations. The need for vast factories and manufacturing plants became a thing of the past, and for the most part, Terran Humans could not junk them fast enough.

Unfortunately, the economic disaster that hit nearly caused a war. With the old "work for food" ethic destroyed, entertainment and luxuries easily available at any corner NCE, there was no longer a need for any type of labor, from R&D to actual building something.

MacroTek, a nearly backrupt software firm, came up with the answer.

"Synth-tags" were an easy answer. Since the nanite (dis)assemblers got thier orders from the NCE's primary computer, and schematics and building instructions were contained within the NCE's database, it became quite simple to charge for more advance services outside of basic food, clothing, luxuries and transportation. Specifically, weaponry and armor and state of the art luxuries and equipment were not only available for a fee.

Despite the fact that many homes had NCE's installed (by either the construction company, or by the residents, who simple had the street corner NCE make them a small home one) it was simple to do a software revision, and require items to be paid for prior to assembly.

This halted the growing unemployment and directionless civil unrest that was beginning to occur across many systems, spreading from Terra itself. While manual labor was still a ready thing (it proved to be more cost effective to hire biologicals or synthetics to dig ditches, collect garbage, etc) people began going back to work in orbital factories, nanite-command programming, etc.

Many socialologists claim that the widespread discontent with the lack of physically challenging labor led to the explosion of exploration and colonization of the late 21st century that continues to this day.
-From the Synthetic Systems Social Library

Just because a starship, or armor, or location has an NCE does NOT mean that the PC's can gain free items without cost. Things of a that have a purchase DC of 10 or less can be gotten free (these nanite command programs are considered "freeware), but the plans still cost money to make, even if the PC provides matter for the NCE to utilize (if they do not have matter, and the nano-gel resivoir is empty, then they are SOL. If nano-gel is used, then add the cost of the nano-gel to the items Purchase DC) they must still pay for the one-shot nancom's.

Despite NCE's, it is still more expensive to purchase one shot plans from an NCE than it is to purchase it from a store, even taking into account merchant markup, and many systems still block certian nancom's from being transmitted to unsecure or eve all, NCE's.

This prevents wealth bonuses from suddenly becoming useless.
NCE's are rated by size. An NCE tasked with creating an object larger than itself acts as if the object is as many size categories larger than it is in comparison to the NCE. If the NCE is larger than the item in question, the item is reduced in size (for creation time) in order of the amount of size difference.

For example, a fine NCE attempting to create a Medium object will treat the object as if it is collosal for creation time. A medium NCE will treat a Tiny object as if it is Fine for the purpose of creation time.

Size == Time == Modifier to Purchase DC
Colossal == 1 year == +50
Gargantuan == 6 months == +30
Huge == 1 month == +20
Large == 1 week == +10
Medium == 1 day == +5
Small == 12 hours == +4
Tiny == 1 hour == +3
Diminutive == 1 minute == +2
Fine == 1 round == +1

For each size category that would be above large, add 5 years to the amount of time.

If anyone can help me with tables, I would appreciate it...
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Campaign Setting Data

NOVA WARS: Against the G'Tak Empire
In 2035 an obelisk and a spaceship were discovered under the icepack of the Antarctic. While the spaceship may seem to be the big discovery, it was actually dwarfed by the simple appearing obelisk. A massive nanocomputer, it contained the true pre-history of the human race, artwork of a dozen species, and all of the technological advancements that the protohumans had created.

Among the most startling discoveries was the fact that the Terra-Sol system was surrounded by dozens of baseball-sized singularities that in effect wrapped the solar system in a pocket universe that allowed light and signals to travel from outside to inside, but no trace of the solar system to escape the pocket universe.

The control to drop the "bag" was on the remote 10th planet, a planet that would exist in "realspace", appearing as a lifeless planetiod that had been cast adrift from a solar system some time in the distant past for 10 years inside the bag, then appear for only 4 months inside the bag, before exiting.

The reason behind the "bag" and the control planetiod was simple. To ensure that the descendants of the protohumans who seeded Terra-Sol so many eons ago were ready to face what was surely waiting them. It would take a certian level of technological sophistication to detect the 10th planetiod, reach it, and decipher the controls, ensureing that the protohuman's descendants were advanced enough to deal with the big problem.

While 65,000,000 years (roughly) had passed since the protohumans had seeded the world and made it into a vast creche in which children bred for vengeance were born, only 6,500 years passed outside the "bag."

And 6,500 years was a long time for the G'Tak Empire to advance, after thier destruction of the proto-human race.

Humans moved out rapidly, always keeping in mind that they were hated, feared, and any representative of the G'Tak Empire would quickly attack the newly emerged human race if they were discovered.

The scientific data discovered in the obelisk was improved upon, with primate curiosity and inquisitiveness pushing the envelope of human discoveries further and further past the points of what was theorized in the obelisks libraryies.

Planet after planet was colonized. There were rebellions, wars of independance and aquisition. First clones and genetically engineered being rebelled (The First Artificial War) and then robots and AI's rebelled (The Second Artificial War) but both the rebel societies were defeated.

Despite their defeat, the artificials were granted status as full members of the Confederacy, and allowed to claim thier own territories. The arguement by both the manufactured sentients were taken to heart...

"Yes, we can create massive legions in a year, but we need factories, mines, power plants, a full industrial infrastructure. For the human race to create more humans all they need are two members of opposite sex, a closet, and ten minute."--ASH-19, diplomatic envoy from the Artificial Systems.

In the years since, the patents and discoveries by the Artificial Systems have made them into industrial and economic powerhouses, and no longer a feared vassal, but a welcome ally in the Confederacy.

As the human race spread out, they discovered planets that were recovering from massive damage, ruins of civilizations, ancient battlefields in both space and planetary bodies, and races that had regressed to savagery. In over 400 light years from Terra in any direction, no trace of the feared G'Tak Empire had been found.

Until recently.

The year is 2831, and mankind has spread out over hundreds of star systems, and encountered numerous allies and foes during it's expansion. Foes and allies that existed before mankind achieved the stars, and foes that mankind has created.

In 2829 frontier scout, deep range patrols, and frontier systems began reporting the appearance of ships. These ships did not engage, nor did they communicate, but instead fled the technologically superior TCN (Terran Confederacy Navy) or TCPGNV's (Terran Confederacy Planetary Guard Naval Vessels) by utilizing old style drives that the obelisk had spoken of, but Terran Humans had long since abandoned as obsolete.

In 2830 the frontier world of Amigroth IX was attacked by a fleet of warships. These warships were engaged by the TCPGN and a slaughter ensued. Despite massive losses, some craft made it to the planet, and dropships began pouring out of the craft and attempting to make landfall.

Out of several hundred ships, less than a handful landed, and the TCPG engaged and destroyed them. When the bodies and equipment were identified, word raced around the Terran Confederacy.

The G'Tak Empire had returned.

And laughingly, were fielding equipment so obselete that even pirates wouldn't bother to hijack it.

In 6,500 Terran years, the G'Tak Empire had not only failed to advance noticably, but had actually regressed, allowing systems to fall into barabarism or forgotten, and were still fielding equipment from that long ago war.

With the unannounced and savage attack upon the Confederacy (which was wiped out, and quite pathetic by Terran Standards) the war has been resumed. The Terran Confederacy has sworn to avenge thier ancestors, and military shipyards have shifted into high gear.

Confederate members are signing up in droves to the military, and the Terran Confederacy is getting ready to kick the rear appendages clear off of the G'Tak Empire and thier allies. Even the Artificial Systems know that this is a war of genocide. The G'Tak and thier allies started it.

And the Terran Confederacy intends on finishing it.


Registered User
I don't suppose there's ANY chance you have this written up in a word doc or pdf that you could email? :) This is simply amazingly cool stuff. I particularly love the use of DW2 backgrounds.

If you CAN, I am at but either way, keep posting this :) I think it'll inspire me to launch a game!

EDIT - just realized in re-reading this that you seem to have plans for this. Is this going to be free? RPGNow? Some other distribution? PDF? Enquiring minds want to know :)
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Emiricol said:
I don't suppose there's ANY chance you have this written up in a word doc or pdf that you could email? :) This is simply amazingly cool stuff. I particularly love the use of DW2 backgrounds.

If you CAN, I am at but either way, keep posting this :) I think it'll inspire me to launch a game!

EDIT - just realized in re-reading this that you seem to have plans for this. Is this going to be free? RPGNow? Some other distribution? PDF? Enquiring minds want to know :)

Much of the data will be free. Further data on the Terran Confederacy, the Terran Confederate Marine, The TC Navy, The Artificial Systems (Both BALF and DALF), the Shivak, the Twipek, and other races.

More equipment will be available, including some solar system data.

Some stuff will be available for a price on RPGNow, other stuff will be advertised at RPGNow but available on our website. We are hoping to present enough material, here at ENWorld and on supporting PDF's that GM's will be able to have a d20 Campaign with ease, without it bankrupting them. (Hey, if you're like me $5 is a stretch!!!)

I'll drop you an email when it gets closer to PDF copies. In the meantime keep checking this thread and others on ENWorld for more information, mechanics, and just good butt-kicking Confederate Marine goodness!!!

-----------------BEGIN GOODNESS------------------
Biological Artificial Sentient Systems​
The BASS is a loosely aligned set of 35 systems, 120 LY Spinward, 50 LY Down, consisting of: Clone Worlds, Genejack Worlds, Uplifted Species and Tweaks.

The Clone Worlds: Free clones, most of which have been created on these worlds, live and are created on these worlds. The cities are often wild, tangled areas, a mismatch of architectures and technologies. depending on what clone "strain" inhabits or planned the sector. While many citizens who have never been to any of the BAS systems expect mathmatically precise and uniform throughout the entire world.

This is not the case, however, as the Clone Worlds were settled by survivors of the First Artificial War. Genetic lines that had undergone changes due to the war, through deliberate physical modification via cybernetics or gene-tweaking, and mental differences due to vastly different experiences.

Still, the surviving clones longed for the order they had lost due to the fighting, the sense of "belonging" that they had known in the creche, and so the genetic lines began grouping together, not only by gentic lines, but in some cases by battle group, completely disregarding genetic lines.

Even though the clones had recently fought a war, another one exploded as the clones who pressed for "line purity" began fighting it out with those who had grouped together due to battle group. Between groups that wished to breed only though genetic selection and clone facilities, and those who wanted to breed freely and do genetic selection clone facilities at the same time, and those who advocated free breeding.

The Terran Marines and the Terran Navy stepped in within 2 years, threatening to "Take them down to the line" if the hostilities did not cease. The clones immediately halted the war, and began parleying upon how to handle it.

Those who advocated free breeding and those who swore to only procreate via cloning facilties agreed to go to seperate star systems, on opposing thirds of the newly established BAS Systems, with the clones that advocated a combination of systems in the middle. The genetically engineered homo-sapiens, animals or artifically created life forms settled with the middle system.

Within 200 years, the BASS (Biological Artificial Sentient Systems) had homogenized, without the strained relations that marred the first 100 years of the systems existance.

The specialization in genetics, medical technology, cloning and other life sciences allowed the BASS to quickly recover thier economy and become a major player. While genetically engineered "super-thinkers" give the BASS a slight edge, thier refusal to hire DAS's to work for them slightly slows/hampers thier advances.

Thier number one export are clones to replace the aging, critically injured or destroyed bodies of citizens of the Confederacy, biological constructs for colonization or manufacturing.

Tensions between the BASS and the DASS are still strained, as the BASS did not side with the DASS during the Second Artificial War.

Biological Artificial Sentients System Space
A recent discovery (75 years ago) showed that a debris field was entering the BASS in hyperspace, and while this has made navigation of hyperspace more hazardous, many valuable artifacts have been discovered. With the loss of the genetic material from thier 6 explorer lines, the BASS government has decided that hiring Confederate Citizens may be the best bet.
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Ftl Drives! Woot!

Faster than Light Drives

The cornerstone of the Terran Confederacy is FTL travel. Shipping, colonization, protection, everything depends on both FTL drives and communication. It binds the whole of the Confederation, not just under the thinly vieled fist of the Terran Confederate Navy, but by allowing vast corporations to exists that span solar systems.

The obelisk allowed Terran-Humans to leave the Sol system by providing six types of sub-light drives, and three types of faster than light travel. The G'Tak Empire also possesses these drives.

However, the drives invented by humans in the time since are in possession of the Confederacy only.

The letter C following a number means mutiples of light-speed. While some drives are taken from the MSRD-F, they have been slightly modified to fit within the Nova Wars universe, as well as slightly expanded upon.

Sublight Drives​

Thrusters [PL 5]
In use by some Pre-Obelisk Terran nations at the time of The Discovery (Also known as the Liberation, the Release, and comedically: Opening the Bag) some ships still use this technology, although better refined and requiring less fuel.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Medium
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +0 feet.
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: 0.1C
  • Starships Max Speed: 0.99C
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: 0 ft.
  • Maximum accelleration: Ship speed
  • Maximum decelleration: Ship speed

Fusion Torch [PL 6]
This engine consists of a fusion reactor with one wall of the magnetic bottle missing, directing the thrust in the form of super-heated plasma. The fusion torch is intended for space-only applications; its exhaust stream would melt anything it landed on and incinerate everything within a few hundred yards of ground zero; it also expels a tremendous amount of radiation. Many ships fitted with fusion torch rockets use thrusters for atmospheric travel. However, combat ships, whose pilots and dismount crew are NOT concerned with radiation, rely merely on fusion torches, both for liftoff, and to subdue anything in the landing zone that might be hostile. To structures near the fusion torch, it does 20d6 damage.

A ship using a fusion torch as its primary source of propulsion must refuel after every three battles or interplanetary trips. Fusion torch fuel has a purchase DC of 23 or can be gathered by using a ramscoop.

  • Minimum Ship Size:: Gargantuan.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +500 feet (+1 square).
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: .75C
  • Starships Max Speed: unknown
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: .01C

Ramjet Engine
The Ramjet Engine uses a matter scoop to draw particles from space, through a torus, and converting them to energy. While it may take time to get up to speed, eventually a ramjet engine will break the lightspeed barrier. A Ramjet requires the same amount of time to slow down as it does to accellerate.
  • Minimum Ship Size:: Gargantuan.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +1000 feet (+2 squares).
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: .75C
  • Starships Max Speed: unknown
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: .01C

Ion Engine: Space [PL 6]
The ion engine generates power to break down molecules of a fuel material to create ions, and then expels them by means of a magnetic impeller. It doesn’t provide as effective a mass-thrust ratio as the fusion torch, but it’s more fuel efficient, and its exhaust is not nearly as dangerous.

A ship using an ion engine as its primary source of propulsion must refuel after every five battles or interplanetary trips. Ion engine fuel has a purchase DC of 29 or the use of a ramscoop.
  • Minimum Ship Size:Huge.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +500 feet (+1 square).
  • Starship's Cruising Speed:
  • Starships Max Speed:
  • Starship's Minimum Speed:

Ion Engine: Atmospheric [PL 6]
The ion engine generates power to break down molecules of a fuel material to create ions, and then expels them by means of a magnetic impeller. It doesn’t provide as effective a mass-thrust ratio as the fusion torch, but it’s more fuel efficient, and its exhaust is not nearly as dangerous.

A ship using an ion engine as its primary source of propulsion must refuel after every five battles or interplanetary trips. Ion engine fuel has a purchase DC of 29 or use of a ramscoop.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Huge.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +500 feet (+1 square).
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: .75C
  • Starships Max Speed: .9C
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: None

Solar/Photon Sail [PL 6]
Photon sails are immense but extremely fragile foil structures only a few molecules thick. Light pressure from a nearby star (or laser drive station, when available) provides motive force. The sails’ acceleration rates drop to half if the ship is beyond the edge of a star system and drop to one-quarter if the only available light is starlight. The sails can be wrecked by minor damage, but every ship equipped with photon sails carries at least three spare sets. Unfortunately, it takes 12 hours to replace damaged sails, though deployment or stowage of the sails takes only 1 minute.

In combat, any weapon hit against a sail-driven starship destroys the deployed photon sails and prevents the ship from moving until the sails are replaced. The sail-ship continues on its last course and retains its former speed until the sails are replaced. Accordingly, most sail-ships carry a secondary propulsion system (such as thrusters or an ion engine) for emergency maneuvering and sailing against the sun. Photon sails are completely useless in atmosphere—in fact, they’re instantly destroyed by atmospheric entry—making a secondary propulsion system a virtual necessity for most sail-ships.
  • Minimum Ship Size: : Gargantuan.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: None
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: .5C
  • Starships Max Speed: .99C
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: None

FTL/Sublight Combination Drives

Induction Drive [PL 7]
Hands-down the best engine available at this or any previous Progress Level, the induction engine uses artificial gravity to provide incredible thrust and maneuverability. The induction engine requires no fuel and produces no exhaust; it’s ideal for atmospheric, orbital, or deep-space work. Recent advances by the Terrans have allowed it to break the lightspeed barrier, although it is somewhat slow for FTL travel.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Huge.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +1,000 feet (+2 squares).
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: 5C
  • Starships Max Speed: 6C
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: N/A

Particle Impulse Engine [PL 7]
The particle impulse engine is the next evolutionary step of the PL 6 ion engine. It uses magnetic fields to produce a constant stream of high-energy particles, as well as to provide vectored thrust. The major advancement of the particle impulse drive over the ion drive is that the particle impulse engine uses a negligible amount of fuel, which it also manufactures. The drive’s reaction is so efficient that the tiny amounts of matter present in interplanetary or interstellar space can be collected through weak magnetic fields and converted into a thrust medium. Better still, the particle impulse engine is capable of atmospheric entry. It causes some damage to any surface close to its exhaust ports (5d6 per round), but nowhere near as much damage as PL 6 engines do.

Several decades ago, the Digital Artifical Life Forms Systems (DALFS) had a breakthrough in FTL travel, using the PIE. Since this occurred, many ships have been retrofit with the FTL components. This is one of the primary TCN engines for warships.

  • Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +1,000 feet (+2 squares).
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: 10C
  • Starships Max Speed: 15C

Gravatic Redirector [PL 8]
A refinement of the induction engine and the sublight version of the singularity drive, the gravitic redirector creates a gravitic singularity—essentially, a sub-microscopic black hole—in the vicinity of the ship, producing a constant pull on the ship. By changing the location of the singularity relative to the ship, the pilot can change the direction of the ship’s travel. The gravitic redirector is more powerful and more efficient than the induction engine, and at the height of the technology’s heyday, virtually foolproof. A gravitic redirector can operate within a atmosphere and a gravity well.

Recent advances by the Terran Confederacy have enabled the gravatic redirector engine to be used for FTL travel, but this is a closely guarded secret, and not available to the general public. Possession of an FTL drive gravatic redirector engine is a capitol offense, punishable by no less than 10 life sentences on a hellworld.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Colossal.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +1,500 feet (+3 squares).
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: 25C
  • Starships Max Speed: 30C
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: 0 ft

Inertial Flux Engine [PL 8]
By precisely controlling the quantum energy level of every atom on the ship simultaneously, the inertial flux engine assumes the inertial states necessary to produce motion in any direction. In effect, by operating the controls, the pilot chooses from instant to instant what vector the ship’s atoms will next possess, and the inertial flux engine alters them simultaneously—along with everything else aboard, including the crew and passengers

This is the latest sublight/FTL drive, and currently is only in use by the Confederate Navy and a few select, powerful corporations.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan.
  • Tactical Speed Bonus: +1,500 feet (+3 squares).
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: 15C
  • Starships Max Speed: 30C
  • Starship's Minimum Speed:
  • Maximum accelleration: 5C per minute
  • Maximum decelleration: instaneous upon entry to realspace

FTL Drives

Singularity Drive [PL 6]
By wrapping a magentic bottle around a singularity, this drive functions both in and out of atmosphere, as well as for sublight speeds by weakening the magnetic bottle that cancels out the gravity of the the singularity.
When light speed is desired, vast arrays of computers perform the correct calculations, and the bottle is breached in one area for a limited amount of time. The ship is immediately pulled beyond the event horizon and accellerated beyond light speed. While a highly dangerous drive type, this was already in theory by Pre-Obelisk scientists, and was easily adapted to Terran spacecraft.
Any craft whose magnetic bottle fails is presumed destroyed.

A singularity drive enables a ship to instantly exit realspace at one point, and reemerge in another. The computations for the jump take 1 minute per light year moved.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Colossal
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: N/A
  • Starships Max Speed: N/A
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: N/A
  • Maximum accelleration: N/A
  • Maximum decelleration: N/A

Hyperspace Drive [PL 6]
The most advanced type of drive found in the Obelisk, human engineers quickly improved upon the engine, making it faster, more energy efficient, and usuable nearly everywhere instead of outside of a sun's gravity well. Early models could not be used within a solar system due to the suns gravity interfering with the transit point. These engines rapidly accellerate, and once .5C is reached, exit normal space and enter hyperspace.
  • Minimum Ship Size:
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: 25C
  • Starships Max Speed: 75C
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: 1C
  • Maximum accelleration: .25C/minute
  • Maximum decelleration: Instantaneous upon exiting hyperspace

Warp Field Drive [PL 5]
A warpfield drive locates temporary gravitational anomolies that create "warped" points in space. This drive creates a field that allows the craft to "squirt" into the warped point, where light year distances are often compressed to a mere 3 hour transit.

  • Minimum Ship Size: Gargantuan
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: Depends on warp zone
  • Starships Max Speed: Depends on warp zone
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: N/A
  • Maximum accelleration: Instant
  • Maximum decelleration: Instant

Jump Drive [PL 7]
Originally one of the few FTL drives theories listed in the Obelisk, human engineers mastered it within a century based on theoretical data produced by Dr. Hawking. The Jump Drive is often known as a "Hawking Drive" due to his extensive work on wormhole theory before his death. The jump drive can create a stable, though temporary, wormhole that lasts until the ship that created it emerges from the exit point. Energy from the limited worm hole can be detected by sensors for up to a week.

A jump drive takes 1 hour of transit time per light year travelled, and moves at a steady, unmeasurable speed through jumpspace.

The jump drive suffers from one major limitation. Once a ship has entered jump space, it has only two real options: continue to the exit point or deactivate the jump drive. The ship cannot change course while in jump space; it must drop out of jump space, set a new course, and re-engage the jump drive. The drawback to this is that jump drives require a lot of energy; recharging the drive takes hours, as shown in FMSRD Table: Jump Drive Recharge Time.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Huge
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: NA
  • Starships Max Speed: N/A
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: N/A
  • Maximum accelleration: N/A
  • Maximum decelleration: N/A

String Drive [PL 7]
Underlying the universe are vast constructs of prime matter known as "superstrings". While for some the shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, for a string-drive equipped vessel, it's shooting down a Superstring to it's desitination.
Pilot's may "stringjump" with a successful Pilot Check (DC: 10+Speed /5C) to reach an alternate destination. Pilots may not use computer assistance when "stringjumping" or "stringriding" and must rely solely on thier pilot skill. They must suceed at a Pilot (Starship) Check every 10 minutes (DC: 10 +1 per 10C of speed) or the ship will take the same amount of d4 damage as speed.
Most astrogation computers will only allow jumps to pre-navigated strings.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Huge
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: 25 C
  • Starships Max Speed: 500C
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: 5C
  • Maximum accelleration: 10C/minute
  • Maximum decelleration: 5C/minute

Shunt Drive [PL 7]
In space there exists gravitational "shunts" where space is weaker between two locations. The shunt drive allows a ship to enter these "weak spots" and traverse through the areas where space is "folded". A pilot must make a Piloting Check, with a DC of 10 base (+1 per 10 LY multiplier beyond Cx50) or damage the ship (This check must be made every hour, or when passing a solar system or other gravitational "knot) for damage equal to the C multiplier.
  • Minimum Ship Size: Large
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: 50C
  • Starships Max Speed: Unknown
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: 50C
  • Maximum accelleration: 5C/minute
  • Maximum decelleration: instaneous upon exiting shuntspace

Tachyon Drive [PL 8]
Developed recently, and only fielded on smaller vessels due to power and tachyon field constraints imposed by current theory and technology, only ships of the line carry these drives.
  • Maximum Ship Size: Huge
  • Starship's Cruising Speed: Lightspeed x 0.5
  • Starships Max Speed: Lightspeed x 500
  • Starship's Minimum Speed: None
  • Maximum accelleration: .25 C/rnd
  • Maximum decelleration:
.25 C/rnd

Later: Shunt Space, Viodspace, Hyperspace, Stringspace, Jumpspace and thier effects on travellers, as well as hazards, encounters, pursuits, tracking, etc.
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Let's address the skills quickly...

Skills. Every hero needs them.

The R&D team for d20 Future rolled such skills as starship piloting and astrogation into previously existing skills, which is perfectly fine for most games.

But we chose to houserule it. What is good in all games, may not work in yours.

As seen in the MSRD-F, FutureOccupationsSkillsFeats.RTF file
In a campaign that features space travel or dimensional travel, you can use the Navigate skill to plot a course between planets, star systems, or dimensions.
Check: The rules for plotting a course over a great distance work as described in the Navigate skill description. Aboard a starship, you need a functional Class II sensor array (or better) to plot a course through space. You don’t need to make a Navigate check when traveling along a pre-established space route or passing through a dimension gate with a pre-calibrated destination.
Time: Plotting a course is a full-round action.

You can use the Pilot skill to fly any kind of spacecraft.
Check: Unless you have the Starship Operation feat (page 14), you take a –4 penalty on Pilot checks made to pilot a starship. The pilot of a starship can make a Pilot check to escape after being held or immobilized by another starship’s grapplers or tractor beam; see Grappling Systems for more information on grapplers and tractor beams.
Special: For modern-day (PL 5) spacecraft such as the space shuttle, the Aircraft Operation (spacecraft) is sufficient to negate the –4 penalty on Pilot checks; however, this feat cannot negate the penalty as it applies to PL 6 or higher spacecraft.


Hmmm, it works for most games, but personally, I grew up on fiction where the astrogator was frantically trying to punch up a hyperspace course before they got blown into component atoms.

Where a pilot could fly a spaceship like there was no tommorrow, but couldn't drive a car?

Maybe the following will fit in your campaign also...
Astrogation (INT)
In a campaign that features space travel or dimensional travel, you can use the astrogation skill to plot a course between planets, star systems, or dimensions.
Check: The rules for plotting a course over a great distance work as described in the Navigate skill description. Aboard a starship, you need a functional Class II sensor array (or better) to plot a course through space. You still need to make an Astrogation check when traveling along a pre-established space route or passing through a dimension gate with a pre-calibrated destination due to intermediate and temporary fluctuations.
Time: Plotting a course takes one round per 5 light years travelled. Astrogation programs cut this time according to thier ratings.

PILOT (Starship) (DEX)
You can use fly any kind of spacecraft.
Check: Unless you have the Starship Operation feat for the ship type, you take a –4 penalty on Pilot checks made to pilot the starship.
The pilot of a starship can make a Pilot check to escape after being held or immobilized by another starship’s grapplers or tractor beam; see Grappling Systems for more information on grapplers and tractor beams.
Special: For modern-day (PL 5) spacecraft such as the space shuttle, the Aircraft Operation (spacecraft) is sufficient to negate the –4 penalty on Pilot checks; however, this feat cannot negate the penalty as it applies to PL 6 or higher spacecraft.
To pilot a spacecraft, the following ranks must be possessed, or no special manuevers may be attempted, and only basic piloting may occur. This includes FTL travel.

Ultralight == 1
Light == 2
Medium = 5
Heavy 7
Cruiser (renamed from Superheavy) == 8
Capitol == 9

As an addendum, without the Starship Operations feat, no other starship feats may be taken.
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