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[November] What are you reading?

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I finished The Book Thief. It got better. The characters read as real, and not cardboard cutouts. Since then, have not been able to settle on a book. Was alternating between Wolf Hall and Nemesis, but caved yesterday and bought Red Country (Joe Abercrombie). A nice fast read. It mostly ties into Best Served Cold, which I read awhile ago and so couldn't call to mind all the connections (the Mayor was...someone, but I'll be darned if I remember who.) but references The Heroes and etc. Back to Wolf Hall now.


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Finished Hugh Howey's Shift the other day. Currently reading Fiend by Peter Stenson. Next on the Kindle "to read pile" is Howey's Dust.

- Dan
- GeekPunk


Finally finished Wolf Hall. Not sure why it took so long. Very good book, deserved awards. Does have a weird 3rd-person limited perspective presentation that takes some getting used to (Cromwell is often referred to as "he" in the line of a paragraph that also references other male characters, so it can seem confusing. It seems easiest to assume that any reference to "he" is in fact a reference to Cromwell).
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Finished up the Fallen Blade series by Kelly McCullough - very much recommended for anyone who'd want to look at playing rogue/cleric. It's also a good contrast to Shadow's Son by Jon Sprunk, which has a similar theme of an assassin companioned by a spirit-like creature of darkness. The McCullough series goes much deeper into the magic system of that world, and how it works with the various types of magic-users.

Started in on Throne of the Crescent Moon (Crescent Moon Kingdoms #1) by Saladin Ahmed. It's been nominated for a Hugo, and so far it's really living up to the promise. Quickly paced, interesting characters, and a dynamic changing situation.


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Finished Ham on Rye. It was ok. Once you read Post Office you're sort of ruined on Bukowski. A shame.

Next up will be You Get So Alone Sometimes That It Just Makes sense - a collection of his poems.


Just picked up the new Cassandra Kresnov novel, 23 Years On Fire, by Joel Shepherd. I like these books; they're on the spectrum of combat sci-fi porn with Hammers Slammers and a few other series. For those not familiar, Cassandra, aka Sandy, is a series 50 General Issue combat android who defects to a different planet (and government). I can't speak to the accuracy of the science and her specs, but it all sounds good and Shepherd doesn't nerf her with weaknesses, which is nice. It all feels logical to me; with no weird gaps in her abilities.

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