Numerous PrC related questions; Forsaker, Dragon Disciple


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1- Can a scroll be scribed in an antimagic field? Does writing a scroll constitute a magial ability? No spell is used, just has to be prepared or known.

2- Could a 1st level Sorc/Fighter 4/Dragon Disciple 5/Forsaker 10 not rock someone's world?

The reason I ask #1, I was wondering if the character could scribe his own scrolls, then destory them to satisfy his DR requirements.


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1. I'm not sure, but I'd say it's magical - the process of scribing removes the spell from your prepared list.
2. No, such a character could easily rock someone's world.

I think creating your own magic items and destroying them is counter to the class concept.


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I believe the word you are looking for is MUNCHKIN METAGAMER.

Sorry... that TOTALLY goes against the class purpose (Forsaker), whose purpose is to DESTROY and DISOWN all magic NOT to create magic so that he can destroy it to satisfy his rule requirements.

A forsaker WOULD NEVER bring additional magic into the world.


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Perhaps the Forsaker is merely writing scrolls with the intent to destroy them is the essential act of a Forsaker. Much as an avowed religious person can hang out with infidels in an effort to persuade them to his views. The creation and destruction might be an act of contrition towards the Forsaker's worldview.

In a sense, all Forsakers act contrary to their character concept as they will generally be buying magic items (or taking them as part of a treasure split) so they can maintain their DR.

In any event, it's a hypothetical question. I just thought it'd be an interesting version of a Forsaker who went through a ritual of scribing scrolls solely for their destruction, not something I was actually going to attempt to pull off.



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Zhure said:
Perhaps the Forsaker is merely writing scrolls with the intent to destroy them is the essential act of a Forsaker. Much as an avowed religious person can hang out with infidels in an effort to persuade them to his views. The creation and destruction might be an act of contrition towards the Forsaker's worldview.

This is more akin to a priest converting people to a religion that he hates, just so he can convert them back. I would never allow this in my game. Also, this is one of the first things I thought of when reading the Forsaker class, but then I said, "Bad me, don't be a munchkin"

I think the Forsaker may become one of the new favorite classes to munchkinize. There are so many ways to try and get around the no magic restrictions. In the very first thread about this class, someone mentioned using all psionically crafted items, and a psionic warrior character.

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