NY - Manhattan - New 4e Game

I'm forming up a new 4e group to play 3-4 times a month (schedule 4 and assume life happens), during the week or on the weekends. The game would have both solid roleplaying elements and tactical and involved combat. Players and DM should be involved in the story and we'll probably set up a Google group for out of game discussion, to share things like character sheets and contact info, and for organizational purposes. I'd prefer the game to be 1 DM (though this could rotate) and 5-6 players (ideal gaming party composition is 5, so assuming 1-2 people will usually be absent, that works out well).

It doesn't matter to me who runs the game. I'm happiest as a player, but willing to consider DMing if necessary. I don't care if you have zero RPG experience of any kind, or if you're a 4e expert (I'm closer to the latter than the former) - everyone is welcome. I don't know yet what level we'd start at, but I do know that I'd prefer not to play or run Shadowfell (nothing against the adventure, but I've already played it more than once).

A bit about me - I'm 29, an editor for history publications at a major company. I also work as a freelance designer on D&D books mainly, though also some other RPGs. I get into typical gamer geek fun like comics, movies, Cons, as well as a variety of other things non-geek.

So if you like a game with a good mix of RP and tactical combat; are a responsible and mature adult who can commit to playing 3-4 times a month in Manhattan; are tolerant of different backgrounds, elasticities, religions, races, sexual orientations, disabilities, genders, political persuasions, play styles, and other differences; and are enthusiastic about playing 4e, drop me an e-mail at eytan.bernstein@yahoo.com.

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