O.G.R.E: Online Generic Randomizer Engine

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nice write up on how the syntax is working out.

Looks like it covers the bases of what we talked about, and I'm looking forward to seeing the working product.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
nice write up on how the syntax is working out.

Looks like it covers the bases of what we talked about, and I'm looking forward to seeing the working product.

If you're interested in taking a look, Janx, feel free to play around here:


Note that of the scripting functions, only the dice roll is coded at present. The other scripts will be added in v1.1.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Just a kind of idea of where it's at right now - this was quickly whipped up and could obviously be less formulaic with a bit more effort:

The planet Mindartis, a gargantuan icy interplanetary age world, known for its deposits of copper in the east, warring factions, and its many active volanoes orbits a tiny yellow star. This planet is fourth in its system, has a dense atmosphere, 2 moons and a population of hundreds of millions. Its flag is a red oval on a violet triangle. Vaccination against harbek dyloma is recommended before visiting; symptoms include joint aches and coma.

The planet Paelias, a gargantuan jungle medieval world, known for its deposits of iron in the northwest, remarkably fast horses, and its lawlessness orbits a huge violet star. This planet is tenth in its system, has a standard atmosphere, 2 moons and a population of tens of millions. Its flag is a indigo star on a violet triangle. Vaccination against fargrim opia is recommended before visiting; symptoms include itchiness and blurred vision.

The planet Arannis, a small mountainous stone-age world, known for its deposits of adamantium in the west, unusual alien race - the Rhogar - , and its exotic plantlife orbits a small yellow star. This planet is eighth in its system, has a thin atmosphere, 3 moons and a population of trillions. Its flag is a orange square on a red triangle. Vaccination against orsik sclerosis is recommended before visiting; symptoms include convulsions and pustules.

The planet Hadarai, a huge mountainous late industrial world, known for its deposits of tin in the east, exotic plantlife, and its hospitality to visitors orbits a gargantuan red star. This planet is third in its system, has a very thin atmosphere, 2 moons and a population of a few hundred. Its flag is a red circle on a blue hexagon. Vaccination against rangrim mycosis is recommended before visiting; symptoms include paranoia and convulsions.

The planet Aramil, a large desert late industrial world, known for its deposits of lead in the northwest, hospitality to visitors, and its unfriendly natives orbits a small yellow star. This planet is third in its system, has a standard atmosphere, 1 moons and a population of tens of millions. Its flag is a red star on a indigo circle. Vaccination against harbek dystrophy is recommended before visiting; symptoms include joint aches and headache.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
So I think we've got most of the bugs; seems to be running fairly smoothly now. Time to start work on those scripting upgrades!


First Post
Random Grandma Generator

It's giving me a database error when I try to post my Random Grandma Generator. It previews fine though. Here's what I typed.

As a human (or other temporary person), you should have two grandmothers, one on your mother's side, and one on your father's side. Both are (or were) remarkable people.

Your maternal grandmother is {5d10+25} years older than you and is {Kilmore(Grandma Mortality)}. {Kilmore(Grandma Description)} She is remarkable in the following ways. {Kilmore(General Grandma)}

Also, if she is deceased, the following applies to her. {Kilmore(Dead Grandma)}

If she's still alive, this applies to her. {Kilmore(Living Grandma)}

Your paternal grandmother is {5d10+25} years older than you and is {Kilmore(Grandma Mortality)}. {Kilmore(Grandma Description)} She is remarkable in the following ways. {Kilmore(General Grandma)}

Also, if she is deceased, the following applies to her. {Kilmore(Dead Grandma)}

If she's still alive, this applies to her. {Kilmore(Living Grandma)}


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Voidrunner's Codex

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