O.G.R.E: Online Generic Randomizer Engine

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Update from the developer:

I have completed the functionality for calling generators to grab the input variables from the generators they call. Now when you view a generator on the view_block page, all of the input variables from all of the generators it uses, including itself, should be a available to you.

One note:
If the calling generator happens to have an input variable with the same name as one that of the generators it uses has, the options in the calling generator will take precedence over the options in the called generator. So, for instance if you had a generator called [my_car] with a variable named "car" and the following options:


and [my_car] also happened to use a generator called [special_car] that a variable named "car" that had the following options:


you would only have the following options when viewing [my_car] on the view_block page:



Well, that was fun
Staff member
New update! Tags/similar generators. These will form an important part of the process of finding generators and tables as the database gets bigger and bigger.

There is now an option to add tags when you create/edit a generator or a table. When you view that generator or table, the system will use its tags to look for matches with other generators or tables depending on which type you are viewing. If you are viewing a generator, it will look for generators with matching tags; if you are viewing a table, it will look for tables with matching tags. Tags are the crucial part of this system, so if a generator has no tags or if no other generator has matching tags, no similar generators will be found.

This is a great tool! Can someone point me to a resource where I can learn more about Scripts? I am creating a random character generator for my house rules. Step one was easy, roll randomly for Race and then I want to set up a second role that takes the race value rolled and references a second table that then rolls for the class based on the race.

I was able to make this work by having the second table referenced as the result of the first table, but I would like to put this in the generator if that possible I believe that is what scripts are for but I’m a rookie at this.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So some minor updates:

1) I'm having an INT (and roundup/roundown) function quickly added.

2) Then it will be the mobile API, so you won't see any changes here for a while.

3) Then we can look at the bugs/feature requests.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Hey [MENTION=3987]Bagpuss[/MENTION], have you guys given up on converting that book of tables?

Voidrunner's Codex

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