O.G.R.E: Online Generic Randomizer Engine

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First Post
Could I make a request also? I REALLY think it would help to be able to import CSV (or plain-text files) of some type. I'm making a name generator from PCGen's plain text file of the 1990 US Census data, and in JUST the female given names there are 4275 lines.
I second that request.
Many of my old TableSmith generators are thousands of lines long. It would take ages to copy everything row by row, when a single cut and paste would suffice.

'course, most of my old tables use a lot of functions and datasets, so I couldn't convert them into this format anyway.
O.G.R.E. dataset support would be extremely useful, since there's only so much one can do with simple subtables.

For instance, my random settlement generator uses datasets to modify how common certain buildings are, based on the settlement race(s) and alignment. Bakery, for example: low modifier (common) for halflings, normal for humans and high (rare) for orcs. Likely to be generated in just about every halfling village, but rarely seen in orc settlements.

It would be possible to replicate the dataset with subtables, but it'd take thousands of tables and tons of redundant entries.


First Post
I'm working on a customized version of a tavern creator and have an idea for how to adjust prices of menu items and rooms/services based on a quality variable. Basically, this variable becomes a modifier to all prices for that tavern (-1 being poorest quality +3 being highest quality)

I'm able to have the generate create the variable but I am unable to call the variable correctly within any other calculations for things like menu prices. I'm assuming I'm just missing something (hopefully simple) but I can't figure it out at all. I can print the variable but not call it .

Here's what I'm trying to do:
{$qual: {1d5-2}}
{Pelldom(Ales)} {2d2+$qual} sp

If I'm correct, this should result in a price between 1 sp and 7 sp but what I end up with is: "{3+$qual} sp" as an output.


First Post
Coming across a few questions that all seem to be answerable with the same answer: is there a comprehensive example list of various scripts and functions available? Specifically math functions and built-in scripts?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It's pretty much what's on the help page. Expanding that is doable, but it involves hiring the developer to entend the current system and takes time/money and needs to be planned/specified comprehensively.


First Post
Ok, in regards to my previous issue then, is there anything wrong with the syntax of my previous issue?

{$qual: {1d5-2}}
{Pelldom(Ales)} {2d2+$qual} sp.

Also, I'm having difficulty grasping the syntax for the IF statements. Don't suppose there are any examples of that I could see to figure out the options?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Ok, in regards to my previous issue then, is there anything wrong with the syntax of my previous issue?

{$qual: {1d5-2}}
{Pelldom(Ales)} {2d2+$qual} sp.

Yeah, you haven't told it to do anything with that variable. You'll need a second one, I think.

Please excuse me - I'm doing this on my phone. So spacing/formatting might get a bit funny or be a bit wrong, but hopefully it gives the right idea

{$qual: {1d5-2}}
{$drinky: {2d2+$qual}}
{Pelldom(Ales)} {print:$drinky} sp.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This is just for reference purposes, not related to functionality requests in this thread (though if someone could compile those for me I could commission them in a future update). This is v1.2, an update has been under development for a few weeks:

v1.2 adds a small assortment of functional improvements.


Setting a variable can be accomplished via scripting language (as above) but also via user input prior to executing a generator. User-input variables should be selected via a dropdown with predefined options provided by the block creator.

If a block with a user-input requirement is called from another block or table, it should be possible to pass the variable through from the previous table/block.


- "Similar Generators" and "Similar Tables" on viewblock and viewtable pages.
- Usergroup permission - "Can moderate blocks/tables" - enables usergroup to edit and delete all blocks and tables.
- Favorite blocks/tables.
- Comments on blocks.
- Rate blocks (and show Top Rated Generators).


First Post
Yeah, you haven't told it to do anything with that variable. You'll need a second one, I think.

Please excuse me - I'm doing this on my phone. So spacing/formatting might get a bit funny or be a bit wrong, but hopefully it gives the right idea

{$qual: {1d5-2}}
{$drinky: {2d2+$qual}}
{Pelldom(Ales)} {print:$drinky} sp.

That actually makes total sense! Thanks.
Years ago I started doing a huge amount of work on a program called Tavern Creator and have loads and loads of data on medieval food/drink. For years I had been holding on to this data. SOOOOO glad a friend pointed this tool to me so that I can input it. I've already added several very comprehensive tables for Ales, Lagers, Wines and Meads. Going to be adding a lot more for food and such as well.

Love Morrus's tavern menu creator but I'm running a Low Magic campaign so want to have a non-fantasy menu creating version.

Voidrunner's Codex

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