O.G.R.E: Online Generic Randomizer Engine


First Post
Good news, bad news:
Bad News first: that didn't work. I still got an output that looks like the script.
Good News second: you gave me an inspiration and was able to find out how to fix it!

This is the final formula:
{$qual: {1d5}}{print: $qual}
{loop: {1d3-1}} {Pelldom(Ales)} {1d4+1+{print: $qual}} sp ({Pelldom(Drink Qualities)}){/loop}

First thing that was wrong was that if the quality was -1, then it couldn't do the math function. Second thing wrong was that I had to call the PRINT as part of the price calculation.
Now I've got a script that will generate a "Quality Modifier" that will adjust the prices of all other prices I see fit to apply it to for that instance of a Tavern! With this, the average price of an Ale is 6 sp. Bit on the pricy side but at least now I can work with it :)

Thanks for the help and thanks for this AMAZING tool!

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Is there anyway to set up a table that doesn't get accessed by a traditional dice role?

For example I have a table I've been using that has over 1000 Japanese first names, if I want to give them equal weighting can I roll a d1092?

Also is the only way to enter then by using that form and adding 1090 extra rows?


First Post
Yes you can. You can have a 1d- anything. In fact both numbers on either side of the 'd' can be whatever you want. As for the second question, unfortunately, its one line added at a time :(although that does bring up a feature request: move the "add line" button to the top of the list please. That way,if you need to add a lot of lines, you can just click-fest away! Also, if tabbing would take you to the next line below instead of the next field across (the remove button) that would dramatically speed up data entry.I love this tool. I have sooooo many plans for what I can do with this and if just a few changes are,made to speed up the,whole process, even better ��


The search for tables feature doesn't seem to work for example if I do a search for the word "french" in for Tables in Title or Description, category "Naming Tables" I just get returned all the Naming Tables, if I do No Category I get all the tables.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The search for tables feature doesn't seem to work for example if I do a search for the word "french" in for Tables in Title or Description, category "Naming Tables" I just get returned all the Naming Tables, if I do No Category I get all the tables.

Yup, I see what you mean. I'll tell the developers!


I'm not seeing how the scripts are meant to work at all.

I was hoping you could for example do something like....

His name was {name: {Bagpuss(Spanish Male First Names)}}, I said his name was {print: name}.

And you would get a result like..

His name was Tito, I said his name was Tito.

So you could randomly get a name and assign it to the variable "name", and then use it again and again without it being randomly set.

But at the moment that code gets.

His name was {name: Tito} I said his name was name.

So I've tried altering it...

His name was {$name: {Bagpuss(Spanish Male First Names)}}, I said his name was {print: $name}.

His name was I said his name was Pepe.

Ah got it now... it wasn't clear from the Help file but when you create a variable it has to start with a "$" character.

So the code should be...

{$name: {Bagpuss(Spanish Male First Names)}}
His name was  {print: $name},  I said his name was {print: $name}.

I have updated the wiki to reflect this requirement.


Why are tables and generators separate? Or more to the point why can't you just execute a Table one or multiple times, and why aren't tables given the publicity of generators?

For example does this table really need a generator? {Bagpuss(Cards - Tarot Deck)}

As all a Tarot generator would do is point at the table. But without the generator it doesn't appear in the Portal so people are less likely to know it exists and use it themselves, and might duplicate the work.

The fact generators hide how they work and what tables they call (except from the creator), and that tables are generally hidden actually makes it harder for you to build on the work of others, which I thought was one of the selling points of this shared resource.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Generators can be formatted and prettified; tables can store data. They're separate because they can do different things.

I agree that some very simple generators can be replicated by a single table. My Tavern Generator can't, though, and most complex generators can't.

Voidrunner's Codex

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