Of Balrogs & Ents: Warhammer “Mass Combat Fantasy Roleplaying Game”


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Of Balrogs & Ents: Warhammer “Mass Combat Fantasy Roleplaying Game”

This one has a bit of history. My first ever tabletop RPG. I lost it years ago, but a few years back my friend [MENTION=52905]darjr[/MENTION] gave me a copy of it, and it’s been a treasure since. Note the 1983 references to Balrogs - it wasn’t just D&D that had hobbits and ents and stuff early on!

I love that it’s a “mass combat fantasy roleplaying game”.






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Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Yeah though I don't have the box. Also have a scenario for it, Orc's Drift. You could tell the game was more about campaign type games than tourney gaming back then.


The red box 2nd edition is the one I played the most. Was a wargamer long before being a roleplayer! But alas, my Skaven army has not scuttled out from the dark tunnels in many a year now! :)

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