Office cooler tv movie talk?

Just curious for those of you online with coworkers or in the office what is the talk you have with coworkers on tv? Movies
For me
Always local sports
Some final 4 brackets
Lately 3 body problem, the excitement for GOT, sometimes good crime documentaries
Movies-how good dune 2 was (haven’t seen it)

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Mod Squad
Staff member
In my current workplace, we don't generally talk about media. The weather and pets seem to be preferred topics.


A suffusion of yellow
MCU was the main topic at my workplace, including how bad it's gotten. But thats a bit lackluster lately and so discussion has turned to economic recession and current politics (we do some government contracts)
3 Body Problem hasn't quite reached the fervor of GoT or even Westworld yet.


I have two coworkers who I talked movies with. One guy liked all the MCU movies but he quit a few years ago. Another guy is really into Star Wars, but we don't talk about it ever since he founded out how much I hated the sequel triology.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I have two coworkers who I talked movies with. One guy liked all the MCU movies but he quit a few years ago. Another guy is really into Star Wars, but we don't talk about it ever since he founded out how much I hated the sequel triology.
Ive never gotten to the point I couldnt talk about something like SW with somebody, except on the internet.

Personally at my office (I'm working IT once more, though technically doing the same-ish job), people often talk TV shows - usually British ones or Netflix ones, but there's rarely much FOMO or "OMG DID U SEE" since the main Game of Thrones ended - that feels like the last time really loads of people were watching the same thing, sequentially, for a long time. There was a lot of discussion about Mr Bates vs The Post Office, a true story (in fictionalized mini-series form) about a very British and staggeringly unjust scandal involving hundreds, perhaps thousands of people who ran local post offices being fined, being fired, even being prosecuted (and not by the state - by the post office!), because of a dodgy IT system which was covered up utterly ruthlessly for like a decade. It seems like half of Britain watched that. I dunno if it'll reach the US, but if you want to see some grade "could only happen in Britain" insanity it's worth it. Also impressive because I knew most of the story since like 2013, but still came out of watching it absolutely outraged that this happened!

Sports rarely comes up - I attribute this to IT being full of nerds.

Conversations re: media were definitely more varied and interesting in Knowledge, sadly.

EDIT - For misreading lol. Words r hard.

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