PJ Coffey
PJ Coffey (they/them)
I tried the H&H sheet but it’s not for me. Too cramped and crowded and texty.
This point has stayed with me. I'm going to put some links to free downloads. Feel free to peruse.
Here is the Official WoTC Fighter pre gen.

Here is the official A5e Fighter.
Zidi Wheatling

Resources — Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (A5E)
You can also download the non fancy version and form fillable version of the A5e character sheet.
Here is my Fighter that I've made using Arms work.

Arms also has that form fillable template available and also class specific sheets which I think are quite nice looking, but are unsuitable for my purposes whilst being good for people who want them.

So, I hope that having looked at these, you'll see that "texty" is perhaps a matter of opinion?