Official status of deliveries?


Well, I'm my case, you can go by my name. I have also sent email with the PAYPAL order information, which you must be able to associate with an order.

In the worst case, you could try simple mail to the order address.


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They've been sent - any that get returned, I'll simply refund this time round, as clearly there's some reason they're not arriving at their destination which is beyond my ability to resolve.

I can't confirm orders via messageboard usernames, though. I've no way to connect a username with an order.

I'm Ron Lundeen, in Chicago. That should be enough to connect "WelbyBumpus" with my order, as (I imagine) those of us having these unusual delivery problems are few.

I've also sent you an email on this recently, and you can contact me via response to that, as well. In short, I'd like to know the status of the second shipment, as I still haven't received it. Is it still being printed? In transit? Already returned for some reason?




Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'm Ron Lundeen, in Chicago. That should be enough to connect "WelbyBumpus" with my order, as (I imagine) those of us having these unusual delivery problems are few.

Thanks! Yep, I can easily verify that!

In short, I'd like to know the status of the second shipment, as I still haven't received it. Is it still being printed? In transit? Already returned for some reason?

Basically, I had to actually reorder those that were returned. Lulu has your original copy in an office somewhere, and I'm working with them to try to do something with those books sitting there doing nothing. I guess I'll have to try to sell them on eBay and make at least some of the money back.

I don't get a detailed update on every stage of the process, but it was ordered a while ago. I would expect delivery any time now.

If they get returned again, I get notified (but it takes them a while to do that, too...) If they do that, I'm afraid I'll have to simply refund you immediately, as I can't afford to keep buying $200 books!

I find this immenseley frustrating, too - I wish I could just walk in there, pick up the book and deliver it personally. But once I hit "submit" I have zero control over Lulu, the postal service they use, and the postal services in the receiving location.

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised by the issues. It worked out to a 2% return rate; and I find that hard to believe in modern societies. They report weird reasons like "ZIP code does not match UPS* database for address" and stuff, even after I've verified the address. Plus a couple of other reasons.

Needless to say, the problems have put me off ever doing this again! Lulu's got their money (in some cases twice), the customers will all either get their book or a refund, but I'll end up over a thousand dollars out of pocket. Not that that's your problem, of course - I live and learn! :)

*Or whatever the local post service is.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I've had a couple of returns, and now given a couple of refunds. Any returns I get, I'll refund immediately. Interestingly, Germany features prominently. I don't know why.

I've had a couple of returns, and now given a couple of refunds. Any returns I get, I'll refund immediately. Interestingly, Germany features prominently. I don't know why.
I don't want a refund, unless its as the very last resort.

If you are physically getting the books back, I'd rather fly to Southampton and pick the thing up from you myself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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