[Offline] Framingham, MA looking for 1-2 players for PF1e Strange Aeons AP


First Post
Hello, I just moved to Framingham, MA and I'm putting together a Saturday group to play the Strange Aeons AP.
I already found a couple of locals and we just need 1-2 more. It'll be hosted in my basement where I have a game room set up.
We'd be playing sometime in the afternoon or evenings for roughly 4 hours sessions, weekly if possible.
Start time can be flexible, though ideally we would need to start before 7pm as some of the group needs to disband by 11pm.

If you want to reach me on Discord I'm Ataraxias#5536

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Hello, I just moved to Framingham, MA and I'm putting together a Saturday group to play the Strange Aeons AP.
I already found a couple of locals and we just need 1-2 more. It'll be hosted in my basement where I have a game room set up.
We'd be playing sometime in the afternoon or evenings for roughly 4 hours sessions, weekly if possible.
Start time can be flexible, though ideally we would need to start before 7pm as some of the group needs to disband by 11pm.

If you want to reach me on Discord I'm Ataraxias#5536
I am also in Framingham and would like to talk about this. I tried to message you on discord but it kept failing but I sent you a friend request

Voidrunner's Codex

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