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...oh no you didn't...


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Tarangil said:
It would still happen even though the Clerk in our group was able to raise dead. :heh:

You know, I know he meant 'Cleric', but this still strikes me as funny.

The player must have used the Clerk's special ability, "Requisition Soul".

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It would have been even funnier if the cloak just made him think he was a gargolye.

Dwarf Bread said:
"Unencumbered at last by the draconian morals of dwarven life, my character flies off in search of his gargoyle kin."


First Post
One of the first guys I ever gamed with had a Minotaur PC. (GURPS, good old GURPS.) It was so stupid he couldn't see illusions. He had delusions of being a bard, so he would warble horrible songs at the top of his lungs. But what we all remembered about him, and which earned him his nickame, was the Wizard Rule. I quote: "If you come to a door that you know has trouble on the other side, grab the wizard, throw him through and close it again. When the explosions stop, it's safe to go through."

He roleplayed this. The party wizard never forgave him.

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Delemental said:
You know, I know he meant 'Cleric', but this still strikes me as funny.

The player must have used the Clerk's special ability, "Requisition Soul".

:D I've usually called them Clerks for fun after a fellow who played with us didn't know how to spell cleric, (he was 18 at the time) and I look at his sheet and it's CLERK. I seem to call them that now as default.


Tarangil said:
:D I've usually called them Clerks for fun after a fellow who played with us didn't know how to spell cleric, (he was 18 at the time) and I look at his sheet and it's CLERK. I seem to call them that now as default.
silent Bob would love you.

Rev. Jesse

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One of the longest running campaigns I have been involved in featured a ranged weapon expert ranger and a fighter. While the fighter charged up into melee, the ranger would typically hold back and launch a few arrows into the fray. Well eventually, a few arrows would hit the fighter resulting in a gruff comment from the fighter's player and laughs from the other players and DM. Then it continued. Eventually, it appeared to everyone that the ranger was taking shots that had a greater chance of hitting other party members on purpose. The ranger would actually move and adjust his firing arc to ensure that a party member gave his target cover. This behavior was never explained, either by the player or the character.

In the same campaign, a sorcerer (played by an experienced player) launched a fireball through a web entangling the party. Or, rather, attempted to. The web ignited and everyone took extra damage from it cause the fireball couldn't make it through the several layers of cover.

I still game with the same people (new campaign). The table has a legend now that "accidently" doing damage to fellow party members earns extra exp. Of course, the sorcerer's player is now the DM...

Mark Hope

Rev. Jesse said:
In the same campaign, a sorcerer (played by an experienced player) launched a fireball through a web entangling the party. Or, rather, attempted to. The web ignited and everyone took extra damage from it cause the fireball couldn't make it through the several layers of cover.

I had an entire group like this once. During one encounter, they were in a 30'x30' room which was connected to another room of the same size (containing their foes) by a 10' corridor. The fighter decided to charge the enemies... at the same time as the storm-priest decided to throw a javelin down the connecting corrider... at the same time as the wizard decided to web the corridor to contain the enemies in the other room. The poor fighter took about three steps down the hall before he was hit in the back with the javelin and then entagled in the web. The enemies in the other room looked at each other for a moment, shrugged, and torched the web, neatly frying the fighter.

Most of our games were like this. Trainwreck gaming. You just can't stop, no matter how horrendous it becomes.


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I'm playing AoW now with two players r/ping two characters each. Player A is an angler. He's always looking for an easy way out. He's an apprentice to the wizard Allustan and thinks that since he is such, he should receive help with no charge.

They found a couple of wands and wanted to get them identified. Player A pitched a fit when I told him how much it would cost. It was not until I decided to use an Identify House Rule that he quit whining. Of course, Allustan scorned him for his behavior and his unthankful attitude and made him work half the day sweeping and rearranging the library.

i love this game :]


First Post
In a previous Dragonstar campaign, our one female player created a fairy sorcerer a la FFG. Another player; one who went to the same school, took the same classes, essential known her most of her life; decides (after a put-down contest that he lost. Badly) to get under her skin.

Every time I asked players what they were doing, his response ALWAYS started with "After I finish downloading fairy porn...". You can fill in how the convo went afterwards.

To this day the joke still won't died... :\
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