Ohio Game Day Report with Pictures


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Well, I have to say it was a very successful Game Day. We had 29 people show up and five great games ran. I want to thank everyone who came and I hope you all had as much fun as I. The roads were a little slick, so I hope everyone made it back okay.

I'd like to thank Piratecat for his Paranio scenerio. That was a lot of fun and I'm glad I was able to play in it.

Next, thanks to Mark from Creative Mountain games. I ran Whispering Woodwind and it was a blast. Stay tune to hear the tale of the Fellowship of the Flute!! :D

Hal from Mystic Eye Games gave some great prizes and I wasn't able to give them all away. So, we have a start for prizes for the next one.

Lastly, but never least, I want to thank Clay for the bumper stickers that evewryone got and for the Die Roller that was given to one of the DMs.

Thanks everyone and I encourage you all to share your stories :D
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Re: Ohio Game Day Report

I am very glad that it went so well!

Crothian said:
Next, thanks to Mark from Creative Mountain games. I ran Whispering Woodwind and it was a blast. Stay tune to hear the tale of the Fellowship of the Flute!! :D

...Fellowship of the Flute...

Perfect! I look forward to the tale! :)

Don't forget to send a list of the players and their Email addresses, please. :)
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Re: Re: Ohio Game Day Report

Mark said:

I am very glad that it went so well! Don't forget to send a list of the players and their Email addresses, please. :)

...Fellowship of the Flute...

Perfect! I look forward to the tale! :)

They named themsleves and next Gameday I'm going to continue the story. Don't know how I'm going to do that just yet. Some time this week I'm going to post it as a Story Hour. Thanks again Mark


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MEG Hal said:
Glad it was a success and glad we could be a small part of it...

Everyone was really happy and impressed with what you were able to do for us Hal. Some of them were even talking about running the modules and then mailing them to each other so everyone could experience them.


I found a few minutes earlier than expected today, so here are my impressions and parting thoughts:

1) It was great meeting so many familiar names from the Boards. I can't recall hanging around with a nicer group of people for ten hours, at any previous point in my life.

2) I had the opportunity to play d20 Modern for the first time ever, and absolutely loved the experience. DanMcS did a great job DMing the session for an entertaining, vocal, and often raucous cast of characters. And his endless patience with at least three newbie players was greatly appreciated. I couldn't have asked for more out of my initial d20M game!

3) Whispering Woodwinds was a blast -- I mean, how can you not love a session that ends with the party's bard nicknaming the group The Fellowship of the Flute?!? And Crothian kept the action running beyond the adventure's written end, since our merry band of miscreants wasn't done stirring up trouble :D. Besides, it's not every day you get to roleplay an a**kicking female gnomish barbarian!!

4) Mr. Fidgit earns honorable mention as the most beloved person in attendance for providing us all with a free giant burrito lunch. Thanks again for the thoughtful gesture.

5) I've never played Paranoia, and didn't get the chance yesterday, but the noise and laughter coming from that game has deifinitely piqued my interest. Maybe at the next Ohio Gameday I'll give this game a shot...

6) Special thanks to Hal of Mystic Eye Games for generously providing so many excellent Bluffside products as roleplaying/DM door prizes. And it's true, that severeal of us have already arranged for product exchanges after we've utilized them in our own games. Also, thanks to Clay for the bumper stickers -- sorry you couldn't be there in person.

7) I'd like to compliment Mark of CMG for an enjoyable 1st level mini adventure with room for expansion. As Crothian noted, the game will continue in the future!!

Finally, I'd like to thank Crothian and everyone else from Clear Dragon to Lrd Apoc and anyone else I may be ignorantly forgetting, for making this happen. Whether it was booking the Union room, or posting maps and directions, or simply providing background support, your efforts were sincerely appreciated by my buddy Alex and I. We have every intention of making the upcoming Columbus Gamedays part of our gaming habit :)!!
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Quickbeam said:
3) Whispering Woodwinds was a blast -- I mean, how can you not love a session that ends with the party's bard nicknaming the group The Fellowship of the Flute?!? And Crothian kept the action running beyond the adventure's written end, since our merry band of miscreants wasn't done stirring up trouble :D. Besides, it's not every day you get to roleplay an a**kicking female gnomish barbarian!!

7) I'd like to compliment Mark of CMG for an enjoyable 1st level mini adventure with room for expansion. As Crothian noted, the game will continue in the future!!

Thanks for the kind words. Be sure to check your Email for a special post-gameday prize for your participation in the Ohio Gameday. :)
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Mark said:

Thanks for the kind words. Be sure to check your Email for a special post-gameday prize for your participation in the Ohio Gameday. :)

Thanks Mark, but you obviously know that's not necessary. My prize was making it home safely last night!! We must have seen nearly two dozen cars in the ditch or spun out in the median between Columbus and Findlay :eek:.


Quickbeam said:
Thanks Mark, but you obviously know that's not necessary. My prize was making it home safely last night!! We must have seen nearly two dozen cars in the ditch or spun out in the median between Columbus and Findlay :eek:.

Perhaps they will help you escape from the imagined image of shoveling your car out this winter... ;)

Also, be sure to send your friend's Email. I understand you had someone along with you who may not frequent these boards?


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