Ohio Game Day Report with Pictures


First Post
We have pictures!! So, hopefully this will workin poosting them and identifying all in there. If I get your name wrong, please correct me and I apologize. We had 29 people there, we don't have pictures of everyone though. So, here's the first one:

This is a very unflatering picture of myself. I'm posting it first so everyone realizes I'm not removing the bad pictures. I was not expecting the camera, obviously.


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First Post
Next we have number 2:

I think the guy on the left is..Umm, not sure but on the right is Bubblicious


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First Post
The third one:

The guy on the left is Nightsend, Clear Dragon's DM. The other is BButler


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First Post
Fourth one (I'm numbering them so people can go, Hey in number X that's actually...)

This is a far view of the Parania game. Far right and standing is Enkihidu who ran it. One the right and sitting is a much picture of me. In the middle in the black facing away is Fett527. Far side of table facing us is Cleardragon. And on left facing away is Bubblicious


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First Post
Fifth one is:

This is the d20 Modern Game. Far Right in the blue shirt is Alex. BButler is next to him on the far side of the table. Quartermoon is the woman with the yellow jacket facing away. Quickbeam is next to her. The guy in the blue we can't see id LrdApoc, and the guy facing us is DanMcS


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First Post
The sixth one is:

An easy one, this is the battlemap for the Hall of the Firegiants.


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"Insert Title here"
Crothian said:
Fifth one is:

This is the d20 Modern Game. Far Right in the blue shirt is Alex. I don't recall the man next to him (nive guy though we played illuminati together). Quartermoon is the woman with the yellow jacket facing away. Quickbeam is next to her. I'm not sure who's in the blue that we can't see, and the guy facing us is DanMcS

The guy you can;t see in the modern photo is me.


Crothian said:
This is the d20 Modern Game. Far Right in the blue shirt is Alex. I don't recall the man next to him (nive guy though we played illuminati together). Quartermoon is the woman with the yellow jacket facing away. Quickbeam is next to her. I'm not sure who's in the blue that we can't see, and the guy facing us is DanMcS

Yep, I'm that guy. I'd tell you everyone's name at the table, but the problem was that between their name, their login name, and the names they made up for their characters, I had 18 names to remember, and it just didn't work out. There's somebody missing from that picture, too, we had 6 players plus me.

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