A couple of quick thoughts. Definately try spybot search and destroy. First try immunizing your system with it. Then, make sure you use the advanced mode and there are some pretty good tools in there for getting pesky bugs out of your start up files and tracking down malicious active x files. If Spybot or ad-Aware finds something it can't remove on the first pass, reboot and use task manager to shut it down before running the program again. What are you using for Anti-Virus? Avast is pretty good and free as is Antivir (free from or majorgeeks). Sometimes they can help when the spyware programs don't. You might also try Spyware Blaster, another free immunization tool (again or majorgeeks should have it). It is also possible that your pop-ups are being sent through 'Messenger'. This is a Windows Service that is intended to allow you to get messages from your network administrator, but is sometimes taken over by spammers. Just go into services and shut it down unless you actually get messages from an administrator through it. A little googling should get you information on shutting it down. Good Luck!