OK, we're gettng a little annoyed here!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Folks, this is an ultimatum: calm down and be civil, or we're gonna boot you.

We're barraged with complaints that we're creating an anti-4E forum from those who like it. We're barraged with complaints that we're "anti-grognard" from those who don't. Somehow we're both.

What is clear is that people on both sides of the issue are being equally uncivil; and the result is the forum isn't fun for either camp, each of which is convinced it has been overrun by the other. And we get the reported posts by the truckload. We get emails accusing us of being biased towards both sides. We get people notifying us that they're leaving because the other camp (whichever it is) is too strident.

We're brainstorming some solutions (and you're welcome to suggest any bright ideas you may have), but we're not going to tolerate the astonishing lack of civility in this forum any longer.

I'll make it clear: this forum is not for 4E optimists only; it is not for 4E pessimists only. Use some basic common sense. You don't have to barge into everyone's conversation and declare that you don't like what they're talking about; you don't have to barge into anyone's conversation and declare that you like the thing they dislike. There's a massive difference between valid debate and threadcrapping. Do not threadcrap.

That's all for now, but we'll add more later.
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Morrus said:
We're brainstorming some solutions (and you're welcome to suggest any bright ideas you may have), but we're not going to tolerate the astonishing lack of civility in this forum any longer.
Have you considered temporary moderators (i.e. moderators for the time until the dust settles)?

I think one problem is the sheer volume of posts made right now - even as a non-moderator who just reads this stuff, I'm completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of debate (good and bad debates, mind you) - I guess you guys, completely swamped with reported threads, aren't enough to handle it.

More moderators is perhaps not the most elegant solution, but... perhaps useful.

Cheers, LT.

One suggestion: posters creating a thread should be allowed to tag the thread as [Pro-4e], [Anti-4e] or neither. This will be a guide to responders about where the original poster wants the discussion to go, and allow moderators to determine who is making problems.

There are people who want to say what they don't like about 4e with like-mined people without being called grognards, with the message that they're dinosaurs.

There are people who want to discuss what they like about the game without being told that it ruins 30 years of fluff, with the implicit message that they don't understand "real" D&D.

Both groups of people should be able to have some place on ENWorld where can they talk about 4e without getting into conflict, and this is simpler than splitting the boards.

Scholar & Brutalman said:
One suggestion: posters creating a thread should be allowed to tag the thread as [Pro-4e], [Anti-4e] or neither. This will be a guide to responders about where the original poster wants the discussion to go, and allow moderators to determine who is making problems.

This is a brilliant idea. I would like to second it.

To the mods, and especially to Moruss: Thank you for all your hard work. I'm not sure how much it will help, but I will try hard to be a positive influence where I can and set a good example of civil discussion. If there is anything else I can do to help, let me know.

Scholar & Brutalman said:
One suggestion: posters creating a thread should be allowed to tag the thread as [Pro-4e], [Anti-4e] or neither. This will be a guide to responders about where the original poster wants the discussion to go, and allow moderators to determine who is making problems.
These tags will, of course, also attract threadcrappers and baiters. Which will get banned in no time, but I don't like that, somehow.

And will make it more difficult for people who are (like me) cautiously optimistic or cautiously pessimistic. If you're pro-4E, but see various to severe problems with a specific aspect, do you really want to post it in a pro-4E thread?

And it'll create the phenomenon that every WotC will produce two threads at once, a pro-4E one and a contra-4E one. And that'll increase the moderating effort... which is counter-productive.

Not saying that's all-bad idea, but just some aspects to consider.

Nevertheless, thanks for the hard work here, guys.

Cheer, LT.

How about 5 tags? [very pro 4e], [somewhat pro 4e], [neutral to 4e], [somewhat anti 4e], [very anti 4e]. All members of enworld are required to register under one of the five tags before they can even see threads with any of those 5 tags, and then they can only see (and thus post to) the threads with the tag that matches their own. They can only change their personal tag with permission from a moderator.

I don't know if this is technologically feasible though.

My humor module is in the shop, sorry: Particle_Man, is your suggestion serious? While it'd cut down on arguments, it'd *really* splinter the boards and kill discussion.

Like, worse than arguments do currently :)

Particle_Man said:
I don't know if this is technologically feasible though.
It is. By creating five sub-forums, each associated with a group membership and fitting access-restrictions for the groups.

But suffice to say, that I share Lackhand's opinion about that.

Cheers, LT.

It wouldn't hurt to recall the days of the original Eric Noah 3rd Edition News & Rumors Site, where the guideline was the "Grandma Rule." Pretend your grandma is over for dinner. Would you be this rude to other people at the table while your grandma was watching?

Morrus said:
What is clear is that people on both sides of the issue are being equally uncivil; and the result is the forum isn't fun for either camp, each of which is convinced it has bene overrun by the other.
Agree. I seem to have moved my tent back to House Rules last month. :\

Scholar & Brutalman said:
One suggestion: posters creating a thread should be allowed to tag the thread as [Pro-4e], [Anti-4e] or neither. This will be a guide to responders about where the original poster wants the discussion to go, and allow moderators to determine who is making problems.
I hate this idea with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.

I want to be able to discuss stuff with people of many different mindsets, and not be limited in which opinions I publicly air.

Civility is orthogonal to "political camp".

Cheers, -- N

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