OK, we're gettng a little annoyed here!

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First Post
Dear EN World-

Please stop quoting in full from people who are just trolling the forum. I have placed these people on ignore. When you quote them in full, you are undoing my work. Please simply excerpt the relevant material. I know that smacking down willfully obtuse ninnies is half the fun of the internet. For you. I love it too, really. But I can't always do it within the Marquess of Queensbury rules this forum imposes. So I block these people. And then you UNblock them. Please stop.


For those of you who have Cadfan on ignore:

Cadfan said:
Dear EN World-

Please stop quoting in full from people who are just trolling the forum. I have placed these people on ignore. When you quote them in full, you are undoing my work. Please simply excerpt the relevant material. I know that smacking down willfully obtuse ninnies is half the fun of the internet. For you. I love it too, really. But I can't always do it within the Marquess of Queensbury rules this forum imposes. So I block these people. And then you UNblock them. Please stop.


Wormwood said:
For those of you who have Cadfan on ignore:
Okay, that was funny. :)

@Cadfan - your request is unreasonable and unrealistic. Proven trolls are banned, so I'm assuming you mean people that you feel are trolls. Since you can't very well tell us who you have on ignore, we are going to have to guess who to quote/how much to quote. I wouldn't go to that trouble for my wife, so I'll let you take a wild stab in the dark at how far I'll go for you.

FickleGM said:
Okay, that was funny. :)

@Cadfan - your request is unreasonable and unrealistic. Proven trolls are banned, so I'm assuming you mean people that you feel are trolls. Since you can't very well tell us who you have on ignore, we are going to have to guess who to quote/how much to quote. I wouldn't go to that trouble for my wife, so I'll let you take a wild stab in the dark at how far I'll go for you.
My guess would be something around 60-80 cm, since this seems to be the distance between the left side of the keyboard and the mouse?


First Post
All I'm asking is that if you're responding to someone in order to engage in the sort of low-heat flame war so common on this forum, don't quote them in full. It clutters up the forum. Just look at the person to whom you're responding- are they being a nicey-nice jerk? Are they the sort of person that others probably have placed on ignore, possibly for having the same argument you're having with them now, over and over again, in multiple threads across the entire forum, littered with obnoxious little digs like "IMHO, 4e is designed to appeal to 12 year olds?"

If so, consider not inflicting them on the rest of us. Its an extension of the "don't feed the trolls" general rule of the internet. Feed them if you must, just do it on your own.


Cadfan said:
All I'm asking is that if you're responding to someone in order to engage in the sort of low-heat flame war so common on this forum, don't quote them in full. It clutters up the forum. Just look at the person to whom you're responding- are they being a nicey-nice jerk? Are they the sort of person that others probably have placed on ignore, possibly for having the same argument you're having with them now, over and over again, in multiple threads across the entire forum, littered with obnoxious little digs like "IMHO, 4e is designed to appeal to 12 year olds?"

If so, consider not inflicting them on the rest of us. Its an extension of the "don't feed the trolls" general rule of the internet. Feed them if you must, just do it on your own.
Now I understand. Your request is no longer as ludicrous as your prior post...and yes, I was being an ass before.

Voidrunner's Codex

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