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First Post
The Forest Oracle is a terrible module. It is written neither in haiku nor novella format. From what you can tell, it definitely does not contain an issue of "Field & Stream" within its covers. If you attempt to play it you will (roll d10):
1-4 Give up and go play Monopoly
4-7 Get distracted by the enclosed issue of "Field & Stream"
8-10 Patiently play through the adventure, neither whistling nor whispering apple pie recipes
11-12 Tearfully beg Carl Sargent to break the enchantment on your lover in the gazebo


Count me in as loving Cult of the Reptile God. Bloody fantastic module. One of my all time favourites. And, yup, you better be second or third level before you go out to meet the naga, because that's a really nasty critter.

One fault in the module is that it does lean pretty heavily as a railroad as written. Loosening up the reins a bit is a good idea.


Moderator Emeritus
One fault in the module is that it does lean pretty heavily as a railroad as written. Loosening up the reins a bit is a good idea.

Hmm, I never thought to run it as anything other than an open sandbox kind of investigation adventure with a dungeon to cap it off.


EDIT: On a side note it must really suck to be a cleric of a deity that gets killed. I remember a quote from somewhere regarding changing deities: " there is no salvation for a thrice changed cleric". A worshipper who keeps joining cults that have thier god killed by adventurers is really out of luck.

It might be the case that a dead deities portfolio and worshippers are taken over by a rival deity; in that case it might be a seem;ess transition. I seem to recall this happening in the Forgotten Realms. Heck, Fzoul Chembryl pulled this off and ended up as the Chosen of Bane. :-S


It is pretty good.

The one flaw is that Clerics are explicitly said to only be able to cast 1-2 level spells without their deity's help. The reptile god, being the naga herself, cannot grant spells. So the apostate clerics shouldn't have 3+ level spells. IIRC they do.

Per D&DG, spells of 3rd-5th level are granted by spirits/entities serving a deity (eg lammasu, ki-rin); Demigods grant 5th level spells themselves and can't grant 6th-7th; Lesser gods (inc demon lords & dukes of hell) can grant 6th, and only Greater gods can grant 7th. Since the Naga is a powerful evil spirit type critter it makes sense that it can grant spells up to 4th level.


Hmm, I never thought to run it as anything other than an open sandbox kind of investigation adventure with a dungeon to cap it off.

Really? ((Ok, I know I'm not likely going to get a response here, but, I just saw the threadomancy. :) ))

The module expects you to take Ramne with you to the Cult's lair. Almost to the point where if you don't, you die. The cult attacks the party in the tavern, trying to take them prisoner.

There's a pretty heavy duty amount of plot hammer going on in this adventure for it to be a sandbox investigation.

I'm not saying it's a lockstep railroad, but, as written, the module tends to be a bit heavy handed.


The cult attacks the party in the tavern, trying to take them prisoner.

There's a pretty heavy duty amount of plot hammer going on in this adventure for it to be a sandbox investigation.

Naw - there are two Inns. When I ran it the PCs ignored the culty inn and stayed at the nice safe inn. No railroad. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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