OSR Old school wizards, how do you play level 1?

the Jester

You’ve cast your single spell for the day and combat breaks out again. How do you spend your turns?
Usually hanging back and throwing daggers. Depending on the edition and how many weapons I am proficient in, maybe darts instead. Sometimes, if a combat has elements that are not combat related, such as the goal being to rescue a prisoner or retrieve an item or solve a puzzle, work on that element.

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I will say that really knowing your options helps. I'm in a b/x osr and upon reading the rules for that particular one, I realized I could wear leather armor and carry a short bow. Yeah, I couldn't cast spells while holding the short bow but since I only had one spell at first level, I would use that spell first, which was enlarge/reduce and then switch to the bow. Three out of the four of us did get knocked out at level 1 but we still made it through.

I saw that somebody mentioned taking an elf in B/X but my DM does not allow them a humans because he says they're more powerful and really he's against bills that differ in power. He's not wrong that the added hit points, weapon use with one hand while being able to cast spells, and a few Marshall actions would help, and that only starting with read magic wouldn't make much of a difference, but the worst saving throws and experience progression probably would have messed me up if I was an elf.

I'm talking to a DM now about joining a 2nd game, 2E, and I saw that same person mentioned taking a specialist in to me, and although I like evokers in 5e, I can't imagine having such a low percentage of knowing spells us at my school and just not being able to take useful spells. Like what if I roll poorly on all the defensive spells? Plus the fact that I wouldn't have access to two schools of magic, but I'm not as worried about that.


2e specialists do have some good benefits to help outweigh the loss of a couple schools of magic.
  • 1 extra spell slot is nice
  • Automatic spell each time you reach a new spell level.
  • The bonus to learn spells of your school really helps if your intelligence isn't maxed out.
  • Inflicting a save penalty is also nice.
If spells and magic is in use, you also get some additional benefits as you level. These can be quite good depending on the specialist.

I also like the elementalist, they aren't quite as penalised from memory, only not being able to take their opposing element spells. Can't remember the penalty/bonus to learn spells though.


Oh, I know. I'm ok losing 2 schools of magic for invoker. I'm not ok 15% lower chance of knowing spells especially for defensive spells. My PC has a high INT, but still. I'm still building the PC.

Elementalist is worse:
  • "-25% Spell Learning Chance when trying to learn spells that do not relate to the elements."


Fair enough if it's off-putting. In all honesty we never bothered with the chance to learn spells so neither bonus nor penalty impacted us when we played. We also ignored the max spells/spell level optional rule.


With a 19 Int, I think I'd be fine with the penalty, 80% chance to know a spell is still very good. Is your gnome allowed to be a mage instead of an illusionist?

Is it just the core books you're able to use? One of the things I loved about spells and magic was spell specialisation.


He allows anyone to be any class. I could have been a dwarf even. And he doesn't do racial level maximums. He is using dmg, PHB, psionics, wizards and other handbooks, etc. The tome of magic too. 80% is good but there are a few spells I would not be happy about not having if I rolled poorly. I rolled for a bunch as is and got a bunch or 90-95% so just passed but would have failed. Not crazy about him using the rules that count how many spells ft in a spellbook BY LEVEL (3rd level spell takes 3 pages, etc). Starting at level 6. Actually meeting the DM tomorrow before 100% joining the campaign.

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