Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss


I just got done sorting through old VHS tapes and I found this. I have fond memories of watching it with my family on cold rainy days when I used to live in Minneapolis.

I just did an Amazon search to see if it was released on DVD, yet it has not. I popped in the VHS to check the quality of the tape and it has seriously deteriorated into unwatchability.

If anyone knows where I might be able to purchase the movie on dvd (I have no care if it is of a different region), preferrably through an online retailer, I'd be forever grateful

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John Cooper

I'm afraid I have no information to aid you in your quest, but if you don't mind me asking a question of my own: is this movie a sequel to "A Christmas Story?" I know there is a sequel to "A Christmas Story" with "Summer" in the title (and it involved a spinning top battle, among other things), but when I went to a video store looking for said sequel, the store worker said the movie I was looking for was "Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss." I assume these are two different movies (I'm almost positive the movie I saw had "Summer" in the title), but does "Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss" have anything to do with "A Christmas Story," or was the video store clerk off his own noodle? (He didn't have either one in stock, in any case.)


John, to answer your question, yes [Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss] is the unofficial sequel to A Christmas Story, due in part to its made for TV release.

Jerry O'Connell played 14 year old Ralphie.

EDIT: Checking on the chronology of the Ralphie story line there is a movie called My Summer Story (aka It Runs in the Family) that was released in 1994, 6 years after the release of Haven of Bliss.
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