D&D General on chitin, tentacles and wisdom.

The inherent problem with monster race for PC is to fit them into standardized racial bonus and features. Sidekick partially solve the problem, but still monster race don’t fit first level start.

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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
The inherent problem with monster race for PC is to fit them into standardized racial bonus and features. Sidekick partially solve the problem, but still monster race don’t fit first level start.
not monster race, player race built to be used as pc primarily.

The Gnorri of the C'thulhu Mythos 5e Campaign setting. A playable race of aquatic semi-humanoids that can grow up to 4 arms, have variable internal anatomy, and grow breathing tentacle "Beards" as gills while underwater.

Often depicted as having 3 arms which is how they typically live. Two "Weaker" arms and one Strong arm that they use in their day to day life. They sometimes only have two, or even one. The more arms they have, the weaker each arm is. The less arms the stronger.

Not exactly tentacles... but they're pretty Aquatic and Alien.

Alternatively, how about the Atsaad?

Coming from Auroboros, Chris Metzen's new setting (Former World of Warcraft lead) they'll also be fully statted for 5e D&D. Though the setting they're from is pretty gonzo in design so they -may- be underpowered to offset the power increases the setting offers. Can't be sure 'til it releases.
I will look into them.
got anymore?

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Kobold Press has the insectoid Tosculi in their Southlands setting. Interestingly, they did the whole "floating attribute" thing before Tasha's did.

what is it with making bugs hive species? naked mole rats are like that but where not so why should smart bug people be that way?
but thank you.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I am thinking I have some winners here at least from say a mood board perspective need to keep them just familiar so that a person could play them but far away from the human with a rubber forehead or pointy ears will add a touch of mind flayer in the art ideas just for the possibility of connection.
also one bit of pure creepy to show how easy it is to make something almost human seem terrifying.
I will edit these into the first post later.
will need something other than a cool look and psionics on a mechanical level, do people have anything ideas for that?

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I have read it I need more subclasses I want at least four in the basic release plus it does the hype vague spell casting which is nice when the system is designed that way but an unpleasant dm will kill it too fast and it can make the fighters just miserable.

Voidrunner's Codex

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