[One Bad Egg] Witch Doctor PC Class

It's here!

This is the class that made me drop my beloved starlock in my home game so I could, instead, play a gnome witch doctor with the mask of the elements and a slightly unhealthy fixation on fire.

This is the class that, at Gen Con, had Mearls issuing his trademark, laid-back "cool".

This is the class that lets you go bowling for monsters.

In short, I'm stoked to announce that the Witch Doctor dropped today. Rob Dononghue put a ton of work in on this thing, and it positively drips with coolness and fun. So stoked are we at the Incubator, that we've gone and eggsploded:


For the next week, we'll be kicking the Scramble into high gear, posting lots of thoughts, from technical geekery to simple, useful nuggets to stick in your home game. If you haven't had a chance to check out the Egg, now is the time.

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First Post
Looks very cool!

And, from what I've seen so far, it'd be pretty easy to reskin it as a more western folkloric witch for those who want one. Change the medicine stick to a dagger (athame), take away a little armor and make up for it by giving them a free familiar. Go heavy on the mojo powers and light on the fire and lightning and you're pretty much there.

The only odd thing would be the mask, but the Rashmei witches in the Forgotten Realms all wear masks...

The only mechanical bit about the mask is that it is a head-slot item. You could easily reskin it to some sort of Viking speaker-of-the-dead and make it a crown of bones or a cowl made out of a dire bear skin or something.


Yeah, spot on there, man. We try to provide products that have "maximum transplantation" potential -- your thoughts about how to turn a Witch Doctor into something else are pretty solid.


First Post
Woohoo! I'm glad this finally released. I almost sent you guys an email asking if it was still in the works, but then I saw a blog post from someone saying they'd just sent off a [hopefully] final version to development . . . but I didn't expect to see it this soon!

A while back I sent some feedback for the playtest, and I'm glad to see a couple things I mentioned are 'fixed'. One thing was the templating on swarm of fire, although the 'mask of the elements' aspect is still pretty confusing. Another was the weapon proficiency issue; it was terrible for small PCs before! The third thing is that all the powers are Charisma-based! No more Con necessity! I don't know if my prodding had anything to do with this change, but I think it makes the class much more attractive.

Here are some things that stood out:
· Most places imply that the witch doctor's staff is always a spear, but sometime it seems to suggest it could also be a staff. This could just be me, but I think those places should all be hunted down and corrected (unless it's supposed to be able to be a staff, in which case the opposite references should be corrected).
· The witch doctor's mask class feature section referes to the feed mask ritual as craft mask.
· The mask of the elements's elemental vigor ability is really cool. Er, I guess that's not a problem.
· Why is the unerring bolt feat so much more powerful than the soul rot feat?
· The bind medicine ritual seems to imply that a medicine stick can't be enchanted as a normal spear, even though it's supposed to be a spear. Is this the case? Why? How does this differ from the transfer enchantment ritual from the Adventurer's Vault (apart from level and cost)?
· Why is Karthana almost all harpy and almost no witch doctor?

I have several characters I use to fill up a party for playtesting stuff I'm working on, and one of the characters is a goblin witch doctor; I'll have to fix him up to represent the new final witch doctor! Also one of my players in a campaign we just started is playing a shadar-kai 'shadow witch doctor'. He's using the class, but reflavoring a lot of it to represent him being dark and shadowy (from the Magic: the Gathering multiverse, his character's a Dauthi, previous to the campaign having lived in the a shadowy demi-plane just outside of Dominaria). He should be interested in this release as well.



First Post
I don't know if my prodding had anything to do with this change, but I think it makes the class much more attractive.
You weren't the only one. Also, I started playing a rogue aound that time, and the difference between splitting the primary stat and splitting the secondary stat was like night and day, and that was the final nail in the coffin.

· Most places imply that the witch doctor's staff is always a spear, but sometime it seems to suggest it could also be a staff. This could just be me, but I think those places should all be hunted down and corrected (unless it's supposed to be able to be a staff, in which case the opposite references should be corrected).
The assumption is that it will usually be a spear, but it could be either a spear or a staff.

· The witch doctor's mask class feature section referes to the feed mask ritual as craft mask.
Well crud.
· The mask of the elements's elemental vigor ability is really cool. Er, I guess that's not a problem.
I can live with that!

· Why is the unerring bolt feat so much more powerful than the soul rot feat?
The answer to that is kind of interesting (at least to me). In short form, the answer is the same as the answer to the question of "Why would someone use the heavy flail instead of the bastard sword?" Which is to say, that whole family of feats is based off the relative advantage that different weapons provide (and it's probably clear that some include effects like "brutal" with the serial numbers filed off). Now, the reality is that the for weapons, the tradeoff for +1 accuracy is a little variable. In most cases it's +1 damage for 1 handed weapons and +1.5 damage for 2 handers, which makes a case for it being 1 for 1. However, there are outliers like the greataxe, where the tradeoff is +1 damage and High Crit, which is _way_ better.

So, given all that, soul rot was statted by the conservative model, just picking up a +1 damage, so it's worse than unerring bolt, but concistent with the existing model (which, or the record, I have a few concerns with). Theoretically I coudl have made it a greataxe instead and given it high crit, but I worried that would swing it too far in the other direction.

· The bind medicine ritual seems to imply that a medicine stick can't be enchanted as a normal spear, even though it's supposed to be a spear. Is this the case? Why? How does this differ from the transfer enchantment ritual from the Adventurer's Vault (apart from level and cost)?
Ok, so this is all about GSL follies. Really, I was just trying to deal with the fact that AV wasn't under the GSL, and so the more specialized rituals were created. In practice, they're really idenitcal to the AV ritual except that one you designate a weapon as yoru medicine stick (be it spear or staff) you may move the enchantment from a staff to a spear to the stick.

· Why is Karthana almost all harpy and almost no witch doctor?
So, that encounter really got away from me in writing. It's a great encounter, but I then started adding more detaisl to it about the cursed ancestor spirit and all sorts of other stuff. it was really cool, but it was -way- to much for this supplement, so I had to step back and look at what I had. Basically we have 3 monsters, and each serves a different purpose: One is an encounter, one is a recurring villain, and one is a potential NPC. Viewed through that lens I pared Karthana back down to the essentials of a fun encounter (since, weirdly, he may benefit from Evil Eye more than any of the monsters due to to the harpy synergy).

Thank you for the questions - it doesn't take much to get me to talk about the class. :)

I think there's a trend of people really liking to play short races as Witch Doctors, though tell your friend that the prospect of a Shadar Kai Witch Doctor absoutely makes me throw the horns.

-Rob D.

So, that encounter really got away from me in writing. It's a great encounter, but I then started adding more detaisl to it about the cursed ancestor spirit and all sorts of other stuff. it was really cool, but it was -way- to much for this supplement, so I had to step back and look at what I had. Basically we have 3 monsters, and each serves a different purpose: One is an encounter, one is a recurring villain, and one is a potential NPC. Viewed through that lens I pared Karthana back down to the essentials of a fun encounter (since, weirdly, he may benefit from Evil Eye more than any of the monsters due to to the harpy synergy).

Heh. I always assumed that was intentional. It demonstrates, in the most simple terms, how cool and effective the witch doctor template can be with just the evil eye ability and an existing monster ability with "(save ends)".

Aboleth overseer with evil eye? Gulp. :eek:

As part of our week-long Eggsplosion, we've post our first ever guest-egg post to the Scramble.

Eric Finley has reskinned the witch doctor for his rather cool campaign and also given us a cool new magic item, the staff of ancient eyes. You can check it out HERE and maybe get an idea or two for your own campaign.


I noticed a lack of a cold-based "secondary" feat. I introduced a feat called "Hoarfrost Filigree" which is mechanically identical to Radiant Resolve, except replacing radiant with cold.


The Witch Doctor At-Will spirit shout deals lightning damage but does not have the lightning keyword. Also, should that not be thunder, not lightning?

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