D&D 5E One May Smile, And Smile—And Be A Villain

As this year comes to a close EN5ider is getting a little bit emotional.

The last issue of EN5ider this year is all about the play! The Dramaturge doesn't just believe that all of life is a stage—for this accursed bard and everyone around them it is terrifyingly true. Troublesome irks cause explosive tirades, fanciful crushes beget dire confessions of love, and even the slightest disrespect can result in terrible violence for the sake of entertainment. All of this is due to the Taleblight Curse, a magical illness that compels those afflicted to play the part that's been chosen for them. Dramatically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 552. Villain Spotlight: Dramaturge. The Dramaturge doesn't just believe that all of life is a stage—for this accursed bard and everyone around them it is terrifyingly true. Troublesome irks cause explosive tirades, fanciful crushes beget dire confessions of love, and even the slightest disrespect can result in terrible violence for the sake of entertainment. All of this is due to the Taleblight Curse, a magical illness that compels those afflicted to play the part that's been chosen for them. Dramatically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.
  • 551. Villain Spotlight: White Winter. Icegarten's magnificent stone sculpture of a dragon is lauded as one of the finest works of art in all of Elissar—but this is a lie for there is nothing carved about it. What many are told is a sculpture once lived and breathed terror as White Winter, the undisputed lord of the south until it was petrified in a desperate gamble by the sagagætir of Laskia. With the passing of centuries this dangerous truth has become shrouded in legend and song, people blithely living their lives in the winged shadow of a tyrant silently waiting for her opportunity to reassert control the instant her imprisonment comes to its calamitous end. Draconically designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Xanditz.
  • 550. Destinies of Silk. Arachnid weavers still work the looms of ruined Mal Merikh, isolated in the depths of the wild Spinnelund forests of Elissar. They have been content for centuries in secrecy and safety, weaving the future into the great tapestries and only pulling upon the rare errant and troublesome threads. But now the looms have shown disaster—a child from the village of Brogsten coming to Mal Merikh and setting the great tapestries themselves ablaze. In panic the Loom Mother wove her Silkspawn minions to go and abduct the children of Brogsten so that their hairs can be tested and this terrible destiny averted. This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 15th–16th level was determinedly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Indi Martin, and features the cartography of Kate Moody and Russ Morrissey.
  • 549. Mini-Adventure: Sundark Vow. When the adventurers stumble into a strange bog they inadvertently insert themselves into the romance of Oethea and Wymus, lovers cursed by the feylord Ciaran to an existence of undeath kept apart by the presence of the sun. Ending their torment (and reuniting) them requires venturing into the Dreaming to take the Sundark Blade from Ciaran, though the feylord is unlikely to give it up willingly and his current guests make taking it a most difficult endeavor. Deftly designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen.
  • 548. Monstrous Menagerie: Unfamiliars. With the abundance of variety among the beasts of nature there should be an abundance of statblocks for the particularly curious, quizzical, and strange animals—and here it is! This article covers 18 different CR 0 critters: armadillo, axolotl, dragonfly, dwarf seal, giant hornet, hooded vulture, hummingbird, koala, marmoset, mole, moth, otter, platypus, quokka, skunk, stick bug, sugar glider, turtle. Don't GM in the wilderness without it! Diligently designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Júlio Rocha.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

Voidrunner's Codex

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