One Page Adventure: The Business of Emotion

I have been experimenting with the idea of one-page adventures designed for a single session, with everything on one side of one sheet of paper. The Business of Emotion was an early EN5ider adventure by Paul Oklesh, and this is that adventure converted to the one-page format. I figured I'd share it with you guys. You will need the core rules for NPC/creature stat blocks. You can see it as an image below, or grab the PDF for free over on the Patreon (you don't need to be a patron).

I have been experimenting with the idea of one-page adventures designed for a single session, with everything on one side of one sheet of paper. The Business of Emotion was an early EN5ider adventure by Paul Oklesh, and this is that adventure converted to the one-page format. I figured I'd share it with you guys. You will need the core rules for NPC/creature stat blocks. You can see it as an image below, or grab the PDF for free over on the Patreon (you don't need to be a patron).


I have a second one almost finished, too. It's called "Croaking Sirocco" by Kyle Carty and features three rival desert bullywug shamans.

If you like these, please do check out my Patreon for more, where you can also get them as PDFs.

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always appreaciated fast adventures. some of my dmsguild/rpgnow products are actually single-session adventures.


The format is really good. I could work with that. Nice and clear and has tons of material to inspire the rest.

One small quibble: "If the PCs are fighting the Owlbear, she joins in." sounds like the witch will fight the owlbear too.

I read it a few times before I realised that it wasn't a twist ending where it was all the Owlbear's fault and the witch turned out to be good.


It looks like it would be good for those time when people are like: Can you throw something together right now. It gives a great shell that I can build upon as I go. Most DMs should be able to come up with a name or two in the tavern and wing a menu if the players ask. I play with minis and can wing a setting for combats. It is enough to get the job done. As much as I gripe about wanting statblocks I can bring the MM and play with this as is. Give me an hour to prep and this can even be inserted into the regular game.


I love everything about this and would eat these up if they came on the market. I am always looking for light, quick modules to run in the spur of the moment since my group is spontaneous and people sometimes dont show so we need other options for our campaign. If I had a stack of these to pull from, I would love that.


The one-page format has been one of the building blocks of Savage Worlds for a long time now.

Most of the documents are 2 pages because they include stat blocks and art work of the big bad, but it is a single sheet if that is removed.

I have pieced together an entire season 1 from one sheets for players who can only dedicate 3-4 hours at a time at not very regular intervals.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
I love one page adventure designs. My only hesitation is that D&D players and DMs *love* having maps for their adventures.

Yeah. The issue is that maps take up a *lot* of space, and so they need to be really necessary to make the cut.


Yeah. The issue is that maps take up a *lot* of space, and so they need to be really necessary to make the cut.

I think that can be dealt with as a separate issue. One-page adventures is great. It's *also* nice to have lots of really good generic (but exciting) location maps. Taverns. Streets. Caves. Roads. Forrest clearings. All of 'em would work here.

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