D&D 5E One Shot #3: Lady of the Mist

A half of day hard riding puts the group deep into the Forlorn Forest, as it is called by locals due to no one living in it. The huge trees shadow the sun almost an hour before it actually sets, but the track is straight enough to not need much light to navigate.

The twilight sky has pushed to black when everyone is sitting around a small fire and contemplating their new companions and what they might bring to helping in the capture of Althon.

[sblock=ooc]Set for a little RP to ask questions about each others abilities. Please note Hanin said Althon was accompanied by two guardsman also.[/sblock]

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Bilkar Gnome Druid

"Bilkar will see if Bilkar can find out if traitor has been here."

As they set up camp Bilkar searches the tree branches, he chitters and chatters until he gets the attention of a Squirrel who he bribes to his hand with some peanuts he had in his pack.

In the squirrels language. "Squirrel see humans go that way earlier, Long fur here, short fur here, this color." While he is speaking uses his hands to help communicate, holding up fingers, pointing to places to convey locations and colors.

OOC: Bilkar is also going to look for a bird that he could bribe with some berries to fly South to look for Escandor and report back. Trying to make sure we are on the right track. After that he will listen in and talk with the group

"Bilkar likes animals." Bilkar smiles, petting the squirrel he was talking with moments ago.

Forlorn Forest
Round 0

With the sun set, it was much easier on Ivar’s eyes. He could see better and didn’t need to keep in the shade of his hood as much, though he didn’t put the hood down yet, as he had no idea how these folk would react to his presence. His people weren’t often on the surface. He sat by the fire and watched the little dwarf wander off to chat up the local wildlife. Ivar munched on some jerky and beans he cooked up on the fire.

“Sae wot can ye all dae? Any o’ ye fighters? I doobt Escobar will come easy.”

Bonus Action:

AC: 14
HP: 15/15 HD: 1/1d12+3
Rage: 2/2/LR


"Wot I can dae?" Mister Bubbles says with a raised eyebrow, needing a moment to become familiar with the accent. Then, a smile crosses his face, the eyes cold and fixed on Ivar.

"I was a fighter once, and a good one," the half-orc says with the same steely gaze, not betraying any emotions. "Eventually I learned some magic, and became even better. Now I can pick my own fights, and I haven't been beaten since."

Seeming to come to a conclusion, the finely dressed man pauses before declaring, "My name is Mister Bubbles."

The elf is dressed simply in linens under a plain brown robe. As she sits down, cross-legged, she removes her sandals and places them beside her. She carries a quarterstaff. "I can hold my own in a fight. Hopefully, he will come quietly."

Bilkar Gnome Druid

"Bilkar knew Bubbles once. Ate by Roger the Bear when swim up river." Bilkar says while petting the Squirrel on his lap.

Ryder sat reclining, smile on his face.

“I’m the son of an emperor to the south. I was groomed to be the heir and given the finest teachers, fed the finest foods and had the finest...well, everything.” A dramatic look past over his face. “But I fell in love with a poor merchant’s daughter, which was forbidden. My father had her killed before my eyes. I renounced his wealth that day, setting out to become the greatest adventurer the world has ever known!”

He said the last with a flourish of his dagger, spinning it up in the air and catching it by the blade.

Obviously unused to his name being used like that in many years, the head of Mister Bubbles swings towards Bilkar instantly. His face is contorted with rage for a moment before he visibly, and with effort, relaxes somewhat.

The creature talks with animals. What did it know of the world?

”I have not been eaten by bears,” Mister Bubbles says quietly. He then looks away, listening to Ryder’s tale and nodding.

”Powerful men are often the cruelest. Pray tell, what is your father’s name?”

The half-orc seems genuinely interested.

Bilkar Gnome Druid

Bilkar looks confused for a moment before shaking his head and looking at Mister Bubbles with a looks that says 'Obviously not'. "No Not Mister Bubbles, Man. Bubbles, Salmon." His tone is kind even if his words aren't polished his posture and facial expression are friendly.

The squirrel is nervous at first around all the others, but settles down when he knows Bilkar will protect him. It chatters on and on before the druid finds out it saw no humans, but it did have to run and hide a few suns ago to loud "hard foots" (horses) pounding through the forest.

OOC: Will not bore the group with setting watches. Which I'm sure they do. This is not that kind of adventure. Will give you all till MON if you wish to RP anything else, then I'll put you in Avenia. And someone Insight check Ryder for me please, I'm not even sure if he is bull**itting or not. lol

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