D&D 5E One shot for new dm

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I'm a bit late to the party, but: the Filbar setting has a bunch of free scenarios, including some that are explicitly designed for two PCs.

Pay special attention to the adventures whose titles start with "OP"--they are one-page adventures that can last a full session. The description for each adventure will tell you how many PCs and what level it is designed for.

I ran Rats of Waterdeep for a group of experienced and new players. While I wasn't a new DM, it was a pretty good adventure to start with. Wasn't overly long, although at 29 pages longer than I remembered, but I think that there's a bit of appendix type stuff at the end, so the actual adventure was maybe 20 pages. We got through it rather quickly in about 2-3 sessions, but we get sidetracked easy and had a larger group, myself and 5 or 6 players iirc. It wasn't a great adventure by any means, but it served it's purpose and was relatively cheap. Speaking of cost the Lost Mines of Phandelver is free on D&D Beyond.


IMO much more appropriate for a first time one shot. Its fun, simple and a bit whimsical. You can also find top down maps for it online if you prefer that style.

I love LMoP, but it's not a one-shot. Run Dib. It will give you a feel for how things run and how to play. Then look at LMoP.

I love LMoP, but it's not a one-shot.
I think it'd be hard for any new DM to run any adventure that's more than 2-3 pgs in one session. There was a good series in AD&D (1E & 2E) called Book of Lairs. They had very short 1-2 pg scenarios that I feel could very easily be converted to 5E easily as they all mostly center around a single monsters or group of a single monster. This provided they are in the MM, some monsters were setting specific.

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