One Shot?


Greetings All;

Going back to Michigan in a few months, and am planning a one-shot with my old gaming group of 25 years. As I haven't really played D&D much in the past couple of years (switched to Harp, Gurps, and trying Burning wheel), I would be interested in any recommendations you all might have as to an adventure to use.

My old goup preferred role-playing to combat, but like a well-rounded adventure best. I mostly created my own adventures for them (with occasional help from Dungeon Magazine), so just about any published or printed module would work. I DO own all Dungeon Magazines from #10 on, so I have a good backlog to work with if someone particularly likes one of the modules printed in there.

I am looking for somehting for 5-6 people of average level 5. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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First Post
In Media Res is a stellar one-shot from Malhavoc Press. The way it's done, it really can only be run once for a given group.


Yep! That''s It!

Bought Temple of Mysteries!

Looks like Just The Thing!

Thank you very much for your responses all!


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