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onimusha d20


i've posted the following on wizards forum.this is my rough draft of an onimusha d20 conversion.if you have new ideas for this conversion PLEASE post them.

Well here's a rough draft of soki's stats(at the end of the game) :
SOKI (human form)

He is the second son of Tokugawa Ieyasu and is a swordsman who is able to wield two blades. In the beginning of the game, he is seen using the blue sword, Lamentation, in normal combat. The red blade that is strapped to his back for most of the game, Requiem, is only unleashed for special attacks later in the adventure. The dual sword-wielding protagonist of the game, Soki is also known as Hideyasu Yuki, Black Oni, and "Blue" by Akane 'Jubei' Yagyu. His mixed family background and ambition is revealed throughout the game, as well as his reason for taking up the alias of Soki. The introduction movie has a young girl claiming he's the "Black Oni" after rescuing her from a Genma invasion. He travels with Minokichi, an adolescent of the Mino Clan & relative to Minogoro of Onimusha Warlords. Personality wise, Soki is quite intent on justice and amending the evil brought upon the land by the Genma Army, the Triumvirate (Claudius, Rosencrantz, & Ophelia), and most importantly - his surrogate father, Hideyoshi Toyotomi. As referred in the game which Soki tells about his name, he said that his name means "Oni of the Ash". In the introduction, his name appeared as a head title: "Soki, Oni of the Ash". He is referred as the word 'Oni' by Luis Frois/Rosencrantz in the game, because he could not call him Soki as he is the Black Oni who would save the world.
“Taken from wikipedia”

Hp: 25 HD 10 + 275 (525) samurai 25
Oni power: 300(max)
Magic power:100(max)

Speed: 30 ft.

Classes: samurai 25

Abilities: str:34 dex:26 con:32 int:23 wis:21 cha:28

AC: between 40-55(samurai armor + dex bonus +etc……)

Weapons: “Lamentation” (max)+5 greatsword. Special abilities: lvl 3 lightning magic attack. Wpn abilities: shock,keen, bane(genma) defending, mighty cleaving
Damage:2d10 +30/+25/+20/+15
“Requiem”(max)+7 greatsword. Special abilities: purification attacks
Wpn abilities:bane(genma) dancing, holy
Damage:3d8 +35/+30/+25/+20
“Gokumonji” (max) +10 greatsword
Wpn abilities:bane(genma),keen, might cleaving
Damage:3d10 +45/+40/+35/+30


Saves: fort+28 ref+33 will+30

SR: 30

Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)

Special abilities:
Thrust, lift, finisher, kick, critical, chain critical, deflect critical, vacuum, whirlwind, blade jab, slam, head splitter, phoenix blade, coil(purification), stab(purification), flight(purification), oni cutter.


Jubei Yagyu. An ambitions young warrior and the hero of this story. The first leader of the Yagyu clan and originator of Shinin style sword combat. Also known as Sougen Yagyu or Sekisyusai. All leaders of the Yagyu clan are given a childhood name of Jubei.

Hp: 30 HD 10 + 240 (540) samurai 30
oni power : 300
magic power: 100

speed: 30ft

classes: samurai 30

abilities:str 30 dex 32 con 27 int 24 wis21 cha 30

ac: between 35 -50(willow coat + dex bonus + etc....)

weapons: "Buraitou"(max)+5 katana. special abilities: lvl3 lightning attack, buraitou techniques 1&2, buraitou secret technique.
wpn abilities:shock, keen, bane(genma),speed, shocking burst
damage:2d8 +35/+30/+25/+20/+15 +1d6 electric damage
"Hyoujin yari"(max) +5 yari.special abilities:lvl3 ice attack, hyoujin yari techniques 1&2,hyoujin yari secret technique.
wpn abilities:frost, keen, bane(genma), icy burst
damage:2d10 +40/+35/+30/+25 + 1d6 ice damage
"Senpumaru"(max)+5 double naginata. special abilties: lvl3 wind attack,senpumaru techniques 1&2, senpumaru secret techique.
damage:2d6 +30/+25/+20/+15/+10/+5 +1d6 wind damage
wpn abilities:razorwind,keen,extreme speed,bane(genma)
"Dokoutsui"(max)+5 warhammer. special abilities: lvl3 earth attack,dokoutsui techniques1&2, dokoutsui secret technique.
wpn abilities:bane(genma),keen
damage 3d8 +45/+40/+35/+30
"Rekka ken"(max)+10 greatsword.special abilities: lvl3 fire attack, rekka ken techniques1&2, rekka ken secret technique.
wpn abilities:flaming, keen, bane(genma),flaming burst
damage:3d10+50/+45/+40/+35 +1d6 fire damage


saves: fort+27 ref+37 will+30


Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)

special abilties:Thrust, lift, finisher, kick, critical, chain critical, deflect critical,lvl3 lightning attack,buraitou techniques 1&2, buraitou secret technique,lvl3 ice attack,hyoujin yari techniques 1&2,hyoujin yari secret technique, lvl3 wind attack,senpumaru techniques 1&2, senpumaru secret technique,lvl3 earth attack,dokoutsui techniques1&2, dokoutsui secret technique,lvl3 fire attack, rekka ken techniques1&2, rekka ken secret technique,archery.


Samanosuke, nephew of Mitsuhide Akechi was first presented with the power of the Oni Clan when he was witness to an attack by the Genma Army. He set of with his new found power and put a stop to the demon king, Fortinbras.However Nobunaga Oda rose to the throne as the new Demon King.
Although Samanosuke is 47 years old the Oni Gauntlet allows him to lookyounger then he appears and allows him to have athletic ability no other person of his age could wish for.
On this fated day Samanosuke arrives in Honnoji Temple along with his uncle, Mitsuhide a renowned warlord and his army to meet Nobuaga in battle one last time.
Samanosuke " The greatest of the three Onimusha"

Hp:25HD10 (samurai25) + 250 + 7HD8 (ranger7)+ 70 (626)
oni power: 300(max)
magic power:100(max)


classes:samurai25 ranger7

abilities:str33 dex34 con30 int25 wis26 cha30

ac: between 40-60(samurai armor+dex bonus+etc....)

weapons:"Tenso"(max)+5 katanas. special abilities: lvl 3 holy attack,oni charge
wpn abilities:holy, keen,extreme speed,bane(genma)
damage:2d6+30/+25/+20/+15/+10/+5+2d6 holy damage
"Kuga"(max)+5 katana. special abilities: lvl3 wind attack,oni charge
wpn special abilities: razor wind, keen, bane(genma),wind burst?
damage:2d10+35/+30/+25/+20+1d6 wind damage
"Chigo"(max)+5 greataxe. special abilities: lvl3 fire attack,oni charge
wpn abilities:flaming, flaming burst, keen, bane(genma)
damage:3d8+40/+35/+30/+25+1d6 fire damage
"Raizan"(max)+5 katana. special abilities: lvl3 lightning attack,oni charge
wpn abilities: shock, shocking burst, keen, bane(genma), speed
damage:2d8+35/+30/+25/+20/+15+1d6 electric damage
"Enryuu"(max)+5 greataxe. special abilities: lvl3 fire attack,oni charge
wpn abilities:flaming, flaming burst, keen, bane(genma)
damage:3d8+40/+35/+30/+25+1d6 fire damage
"Shipuu"(max)+5 double naginata. special abilities: lvl 3 wind attack,oni charge
wpn abilities: razorwind,keen,extreme speed,bane(genma)
damage:2d6+30/+25/+20/+15/+10/+5+1d6 wind damage
"Bishamon"(max)+10 longsword. special abilities:genma destroyer slash,oni charge
wpn abilities:keen,speed, bane(genma)
"Genma Samonji"(max)+ 12 great sword. special abilities: Genma splitter,oni charge
wpn abilities: keen,unholy
damage:3d10+45/+40/+35/+30/+25+2d6 unholy damage
"Onimusha Sword"(max) +15 greatsword. special abilities: Genma splitter, oni charge
wpn abilities: keen,prismatic energy(NEW),bane(genma),speed
damage:3d12+55/+50/+45/+40/+35+3d6 fire, wind, electric, cold energy damage


saves: fort+27 ref+36 will+31


Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)

special abilties:Thrust, lift, finisher, kick, critical, chain critical, deflect critical,lvl3 lightning attack,lvl3 ice attack,lvl3 wind attack,lvl3 fire attack,oni charge,archery,kick,ten slash


Onimusha form bonuses: you need at least 100 OP to activate this form.OP drains by 10 each round. When it reaches zero you revert back into your normal form.

Oni spirit armor -invulnerability to physical harm(if AC exceeds damage of enemies attack he takes no damage).

str+8 dex+2 con+8 cha+4

speed + 15ft

oni vacuum- the onimusha sucks in souls automatically

AC + 7

fast healing 20


Oni attacks-
oni cutter(used by soki)-dash foward and slash upwards.
damage:highest atk dmg + str bonus + 1/3 max OP

oni fireballs(used by jubei)- shoot out 5 purple balls of oni fire
damage:highest atk dmg + cha bonus
range:15ft + 5 per 10 HD(cone) (30ft max)
-an extra 10 OP

oni shockwave(used by samanoskue)- stab the earth and create a devestating shockwave
damage:highest atk dmg + HD+ cha bonus
range: 10ft + 5 per 10HD(radius) (30ft max)
- an extra 15 OP


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Ok as i was working on characters for onimusha when i decided to make an onimusha d20 conversion. On this thread i will be posting stats for the genma(rough draft). Feel free to help out if you want,that would be awesome. Also not only am i posting genma from the games but i'm also gonna make up new genma of my own. if anyone has ideas for new genma PLEASE post them on here.

now to get things started...........
if anyone has any extra ideas please post them.

A four legged massive enemy. He uses brute force as his main weapon but he's not very agile.
HP:44HD8 + 480 (832)
AC: between 25-40
abilities: str40 dex18 con33 int22 wis20 cha20
weapon: +5 giant pick
wpn abilities:mighty cleaving
damage:2d10 +35/+30/+25/+20
saves: fort+29 ref+15 will+20
Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)

The legendary demon swordman who destroyed the Oni clan. He's very skillful with swords and is respected amongst demons.
HP:35HD8 + 245 (525)
AC:between 30-45
abilities: str26 dex37 con25 int23 wis21 cha25
weapon:+5 longsword
wpn abilities:keen, speed
damage:2d6 +30/+25/+20/+15/+10
SR:40 w/magic armor
saves: fort+23 ref+40 will+30
Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)

A fat, ugly, warty,female demon.She has an umbrella which has an eye on it.
HP:39HD8 + 273 (585)
AC:between 30-45
abilities: str22 dex24 con25 int28 wis27 cha23
weapon:+5 spiked umbrella?
wpn abilities:keen
damage:2d6 +30/+25/+20/+15/+10
saves: fort+28 ref+20 will+30
Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)

A silent genma warrior.
HP:42HD8 + 378 (714)
AC:between 35-50
abilities: str36 dex23 con28 int18 wis19 cha17
weapon:+5 greatsword
wpn abilities:keen, mighty cleaving
damage:3d10 +35/+30/+25/+20/+15
SR:37 w/magic shield
saves: fort+32 ref+20 will+18
Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)

Legendary genma swordsman. Even more skilled the Gogandantess.
HP:40HD8 + 280 (600)
AC:between 35-45
abilities: str28 dex34 con25 int23 wis21 cha27
weapon:+5 shortsword
wpn abilities:keen, speed
damage:2d10 +30/+25/+20/+15/+10
saves: fort+27 ref+40 will+27
Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)

Nobunaga(human form)
King of the Genma.
HP:50HD8 + 600 (1,000)!!!
AC:between 40-65
abilities: str34 dex30 con35 int30 wis29 cha35
weapon:+5 longsword
wpn abilities:keen, speed,unholy
damage:3d10 +45/+40/+35/+30/+25
saves: fort+33 ref+30 will+35
Feats: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?)
Skills: working on it (WHAT DO U THINK THEY SHOULD BE?) :)

genma monsters (flavor only)

genma subtype:the genma are another race of demons rivaling the power of the great tanar'ri.
traits:all genma possess the following traits(unless otherwise noted)

-immunity to poisons and diseases w/DC25 or less
-resistance to acid 15, cold10

from Onimusha 3................

The most plentiful of the genma.The weakest of the genma. These skeletal
genma appears as .....well skeletons of course! The only difference is that they have a little tissue on their bone. even though they appear as skeletons they are not undead.

appears as the swordsman except they wield axes. they are slightly stronger but still among the weakest of the genma.

same as the above except they wield bows and arrows. they stand up upon cliffs out of reach and fire away.

the ninja genma.these stealthy genma appear as a regular human ninja except they have three glowing eyes. on their right hands they wield massive blades which they use to slice and dice their foes.

dark crow
simply the enhanced version of the 3-eyes w/ tri-bladed claws for hands.

dark spider
enhaned version of a dark crow except they have long flowing scarfs and can produce a double image to evade attacks.

heavily armored genma brutes. they are slow but have incredible attack power and long reach. they also have enough durability to withstand attacks that would obliterate weaker genma.

dark puppet
appears as living samurai armor composed of green fire. they are skilled swordsman who can project fireballs at their enemies.

same as above except the wear western armor and are composed of pink fire.they are stronger than the dark puppets.

appear as fobora except they are composed of blue fire. they are the strongest of the "genma puppets"

a big fierce creature. appears as a mixture of an ape and a reptile.they have long talons and red evil eyes.

appear as above, but are larger, stronger and fiercer.

they are basically four legged swordsman w/ glowing yellow eyes.
they are slighty stronger than a swordsman but still very weak.

enhanced version of a zorm w/ glowing green eyes.

4-armed ninja genma.similar to 3-eyes but faster.

enhanced version of the zagat

among the strongest of the genma. these cyclopean genma wield massive drill blades and utilize wind magic w/ their regular attacks.

enhance versions of the dordo. they are stronger and faster.

a slow gelatinous genma slug. they are green and slimy and can't be knocked down.

brutal and sadistic genma.they are large and have no eyes, in place of their eyes they have a thick shell that they used to ram their foes with.
they wield chain balls into battle.

enhanced versions of the gacha.

pesky bat genma.

soul sucking genma.

the reptilian genma.they have spikes going down their spine.also they can curl up into little balls and roll into their foes.

enhanced version of the bazu

spell casting genma.they float in the air and cast spells that bind, paralyze, and drain life.

plant genma. they appear as a large thorny plant w/ teeth.they have many thorny vines which they use to attack.

mermen genma. can shoot water balls out at high speeds damaging their foes.

The most plentiful of the genma.The weakest of the genma. These skeletal genma appears as .....well skeletons of course! The only difference is that they have a little tissue on their bone. even though they appear as skeletons they are not undead.

medium outsider(evil,native,outsider)
Hit Dice: 1d8 + 1(9)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft
AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7
Attack: katana +12
Full Attack: katana+12/+7
Space/Reach: 5 ft. /5 ft.
Special Qualities: immunity to poisons and diseases w/DC25 or less, resistance to acid 15, cold10
Saves: Fort +9 , Ref +8, Will +9
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9
Skills: climb+2,jump+3,spot+2
Feats: none
Climate/Terrain: anywhere
Organization: group(30 swordsman)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: None

Voidrunner's Codex

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