Online Game Seeking Players: Year of the Pretender

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Yes, this is a Homebrew setting... most likely focusing in a specific area (an eastern human empire known as Ostar) and the interactions there... More information is forthcoming, and I haven't seen you logged online; my standard time for the game is my standard posting period also, so that might be the problem :).



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Hrmm, i'm logged in right now, I forgot to turn my AIM preference for "Only users on buddy list can contact me" off. Sorry about an idiot bugging me a month or 2 back. Heh.

Calrin Alshaw


The first session happened last night and I'd say things are off to a good start. There's a slot still open if anyone wants to talk to Loonook about joining up.


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The first session was a success, and the game will have an ADDITIONAL session on Wednesdays (whether this session will be weekly, bi-weekly, or a once-a-month thing is yet to be determined.) If you want to witness the plight of the party, and their war against the spirits, you may visit #YearofthePretender on the Psionics IRC network (which also hosts the Official ENWorld chatroom :).




The second session went well too...nice to see an IRC game actually working out. I'm always skeptical of online groups because of my bad experiences with them in the past, but this is really going good.

Could still use another party member or two though.


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We had our third session Sunday night; the session was said to be a good mix of RPing and combat by most players. We are still possibly seeking a cleric or mage/sorcerer . . . we currently have an arcanist, but his schedule could change at any moment. We have established a Y! group, which those interested will be given the URL and joining instructions for... and then we'll see if you maintain interest.




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I'm sorry champ... but we need someone who can play every session or at least 3/4 of them...

Still searching... my current prospects dried up due to a complete lack of experience and general apathy... we are holding, it seems, at 4 (unless this ad gets us another that is ). :)

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